Coaching Carousel

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I'd like to see at least two alums on staff. Chester and maybe Roger Powell or Brian Randle. James Augustine, who just concluded his pro career, wants to get into coaching. Maybe start him the Basketball Ops position assuming he can teach big-man footwork and post moves.

Oregon just hired a new assistant coach. Does that mean Mennenga is coming here:) (Mennenga is still listed as an assistant.) If Oregon wants keep Mennenga he will be expensive as Phil Knight will likely spend the money to keep him.
If you're talking about Moser, he was just hired to help coach the women's team. Prior to that, Crutchfield was hired to replace Stubblefield for the men's team. Unfortunately, neither hire likely tells us much about what's going on with Mennenga.
Are we certain Frazier wants to come to work at UI? He is from Baltmore, just up the road from VT, and has only been at VT for two seasons. Why did he leave K State?
Would love to take Young from UCONN. Their fans were absolutely awful when we got Kofi and I’ve disliked them ever since.
2020FF and JFG thanks for clarifying. Gentry is exhibit number 1 regarding the Siren song: it's calling him home to his Alma Mater. I'm good with that so long as we get Powell in return. If we do do have to replace three assistants, dream scenario: Chester, Powell (or Randle), and Mennenga. As for Auggie, if he can teach big-man footwork, etc., then maybe bring him in as Assistant Strength and Conditioning coach and not DOBO as that will give him more player contact and not administrative responsibilities.
Are we certain Frazier wants to come to work at UI? He is from Baltmore, just up the road from VT, and has only been at VT for two seasons. Why did he leave K State?
I can only speak for myself, but if your Alma Mater comes calling, it's hard to say no. Chester is certainly in the sweet spot: close to home and I believe Va Tech is pre-season top 10 for 2021-2022. I think he'd come here in a heart beat if offered. Also, may give us an in to Baltimore prep hoops recruiting. They've produced a few good players over the years.
Are we certain Frazier wants to come to work at UI? He is from Baltmore, just up the road from VT, and has only been at VT for two seasons. Why did he leave K State?
It's about a 5 hour haul from Bawlmer to Blacksburg, so not what I'd call "close".
2020FF and JFG thanks for clarifying. Gentry is exhibit number 1 regarding the Siren song: it's calling him home to his Alma Mater. I'm good with that so long as we get Powell in return. If we do do have to replace three assistants, dream scenario: Chester, Powell (or Randle), and Mennenga. As for Auggie, if he can teach big-man footwork, etc., then maybe bring him in as Assistant Strength and Conditioning coach and not DOBO as that will give him more player contact and not administrative responsibilities.
Slow on the upchuck, evidently: bringing on Augie, in that role, is a slam dunk. Really hope it happens.
I don't think Gentry is the main reason BU changed his system(s). In an interview around the time he made the change he said (I'm paraphrasing) that he would never let stubbornness get in the way of winning. People forget that in his year at OSU that his team struggled defensively and lost the first 6 games of Big 12 play. He made a defensive change that led them to making the NCAA tournament and during that stretch they were one of the hottest teams in college basketball (winning 10 of their next 11). I don't think BU let's himself get in his own way or in the way of his team winning. He's coached practically at every level and at every coaching position so I think if anyone would value the input of his staff, it would be him.

Gentry was on staff at OSU, but it was as player development, not coaching, although maybe he had Brad's ear then too.

Here's a good article about the defensive change at OSU and another offensive turnaround he was a part of as an assistant under Frank Martin.
Having Kofi around to protect the rim is the main reason he changed his defensive philosophy.
Why not Chest?

Would remind me of a name that sounds like it was from Boogie Nights.
Can we seriously please stop calling him Chet? It just sounds so wrong, and I have never heard him referred to as that. Perhaps those of you that are personal friends with him, call him that...IDK
My name is James...only my Dr. calls me that. The rest...Jim. Chester reminds me of that guy on Gunsmoke that limps! Why would he get to be called Chester and not 99.9% of the world...he's a NOBODY! Is it Chester Kopic or Chet Kopic. him as you will!
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To he

to get away from bubbles. Knew when to get off a sinking ship.

It was the proximity to home. Chester's name has come up for some head coaching positions out east.
Chester is a known to be a good coach and up and coming guy. But I am not sure that it would turn out to be a good fit for him or UI.
It was the proximity to home. Chester's name has come up for some head coaching positions out east.
Chester is a known to be a good coach and up and coming guy. But I am not sure that it would turn out to be a good fit for him or UI.
What makes you doubt the fit?
As one who often defended CF as a player, and I admit I know little about his coaching or recruiting ability, I am fairly surprised at the love he is getting from the same board that lambasted him regularly as a player. I’ve no idea if he is ready for this level, but if Underwood thinks he is I have no problem with it. I know he is tough and a competitor.
His first couple of years, maybe Chet got some flack about the lack of an outside shot but he took care of that. I don't remember any other flack except that Izzo apparently likes him, which some would regard as a negative. LOL
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