Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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You really need 5 good guards/different skills to do well in our conference...we were a little short for some games earlier between covid and injuries...Cohawk, DW, and Plummer are not point guards...we have Frazier and Curbelo this year....
get ur done. Next year will be fantastic...guardelicious!
Yup. We've been short on true guards this year and I agree you really need five. So getting another one for next year makes sense. The only possible problem I have is if Boswell chooses us and reclassifies, the classes would be somewhat bunched up with Epps, Boswell, and Harris FR and Podz a SO. But that's nitpicking.
Expect him to make that trip to AZ… Family want to make sure he’s 100% with his decision. He’s a very mature kid, has a great family. They’re going about everything the right way.

But everyone I talk to says it’s nothing more than a courtesy.

FWIW, he told multiple players/recruits that he’s coming.
Ah yes... the infamous "silent verbal." Gotta love it.

Be Quiet Cut It Out GIF
Shooting won't exactly be a problem next year with Podz, Goode, RJ, and Epps all being incredible shooters.
Hate to have a hot take but if Bos reclasses I don't know how Podz sees the court unless he makes a very big Soph jump. He will be in a battle with Epps and Harris. Definitely won't have to worry about who initiates the offense if they have Curbelo, Boswell, and Epps.
Yup. We've been short on true guards this year and I agree you really need five. So getting another one for next year makes sense. The only possible problem I have is if Boswell chooses us and reclassifies, the classes would be somewhat bunched up with Epps, Boswell, and Harris FR and Podz a SO. But that's nitpicking.
I think in the day and age of early NBA entry, NIL, and the transfer portal, you take as many talented guys as you can regardless of roster fit and projectability. The offseason is just too volatile every year to realistically anticipate the make up of your roster 3 years from now.
Grab what you can get, hope they stick around, and plug in holes via portal as needed.
Hate to have a hot take but if Bos reclasses I don't know how Podz sees the court unless he makes a very big Soph jump. He will be in a battle with Epps and Harris. Definitely won't have to worry about who initiates the offense if they have Curbelo, Boswell, and Epps.
I agree, I've thought about that. But, it would pretty much be the same case if a transfer guard were to come in instead too right (and Boswell stayed as '23)?
I feel for Podz, he's gotten no PT whatsoever this season and he still is my favorite of the 3 freshmen.
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I agree, I've thought about that. But, it would pretty much be the same case if a transfer guard were to come in instead too right (and Boswell stayed as '23)?
I feel for Podz, he's gotten no PT whatsoever this season.
I do too, but is anyone really surprised? He is a freshman on a top-15 level team that is EXTREMELY veteran-heavy. It's a different time now in the program that even top-100 kids shouldn't expect to come in and play right away. That was the case early on in Brad's tenure when we sucked. It would have been much different if Trent/Monte hadn't used their extra years, however. Work hard, develop, and become a crucial part of the rotation as you age. It's a formula that has worked wonders for programs like Michigan State, Nova, Baylor, etc.

FWIW I absolutely love how engaged he is on the bench, social media, and how he is often right back in the gym/weight room shortly after our games are over. It seems like the whole team has bought into the culture of development and being an every day guy. Rooting for him heavily. We don't win @NW without him either.
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I agree, I've thought about that. But, it would pretty much be the same case if a transfer guard were to come in instead too right (and Boswell stayed as '23)?
I feel for Podz, he's gotten no PT whatsoever this season and he still is my favorite of the 3 freshmen.
He has gotten PT this guys expect the rotation to be 12+ guys? It normally doesn't go past 8....he is gonna go with Grandy cause he has experience andhas helped us win a lot of games. He went with Coleman and RJ last game and they performed so no need to try something different. Brad isn't in the business about thinking about who to play in hopes of keeping them for next year.
Hate to have a hot take but if Bos reclasses I don't know how Podz sees the court unless he makes a very big Soph jump. He will be in a battle with Epps and Harris. Definitely won't have to worry about who initiates the offense if they have Curbelo, Boswell, and Epps.
It's entirely possible Podz ends up higher in the pecking order than Harris and/or Epps. They're talented players. But they'll also be freshmen. Podz is also talented, and he'll have a full year of working in this program and with this staff under his belt. I think sometimes there's this mentality that if someone doesn't contribute right away they won't contribute at all, but that's not how it does or should work.
It's entirely possible Podz ends up higher in the pecking order than Harris and/or Epps. They're talented players. But they'll also be freshmen. Podz is also talented, and he'll have a full year of working in this program and with this staff under his belt. I think sometimes there's this mentality that if someone doesn't contribute right away they won't contribute at all, but that's not how it does or should work.
He also seems to do well on defense, which is a BU priority.
Hate to have a hot take but if Bos reclasses I don't know how Podz sees the court unless he makes a very big Soph jump. He will be in a battle with Epps and Harris. Definitely won't have to worry about who initiates the offense if they have Curbelo, Boswell, and Epps.
First, a general comment: all high major kids know there's going to be a dogfight for playing time.

WRT to Podz: don't underestimate what a year of being in the program and practicing against the starters will do.
He has gotten PT this guys expect the rotation to be 12+ guys? It normally doesn't go past 8....he is gonna go with Grandy cause he has experience andhas helped us win a lot of games. He went with Coleman and RJ last game and they performed so no need to try something different. Brad isn't in the business about thinking about who to play in hopes of keeping them for next year.
I would say that with Adam Miller BU definitely was in the business of thinking about who plays. Not saying AM didn't play a role, he did, but throughout that season it felt like his spot was protected on the starting line-up because it was promised to him and a way to keep him happy....which obviously didn't work.

Not saying this is right, but these days, a coach has to think about this and filter into some of their decision making. If they don't, they could set themselves up for a bit of a churn at the end of the year. I think he's doing the right thing in recruiting developmental mindset players. But with the transfer rule change, it's a lower bar for players to overcome. And PT is the most objective and limited resource that players have to consider if they feel like they need to do more. Only so many minutes to give and only so many positions to give them to.
Expect him to make that trip to AZ… Family want to make sure he’s 100% with his decision. He’s a very mature kid, has a great family. They’re going about everything the right way.

But everyone I talk to says it’s nothing more than a courtesy.

FWIW, he told multiple players/recruits that he’s coming.
Good to hear, but recruits frequently tell people what they want to hear. Not saying that's the case here.
I would say that with Adam Miller BU definitely was in the business of thinking about who plays. Not saying AM didn't play a role, he did, but throughout that season it felt like his spot was protected on the starting line-up because it was promised to him and a way to keep him happy....which obviously didn't work.

Not saying this is right, but these days, a coach has to think about this and filter into some of their decision making. If they don't, they could set themselves up for a bit of a churn at the end of the year. I think he's doing the right thing in recruiting developmental mindset players. But with the transfer rule change, it's a lower bar for players to overcome. And PT is the most objective and limited resource that players have to consider if they feel like they need to do more. Only so many minutes to give and only so many positions to give them to.
Who was Miller getting minutes over that should have had them? Miller was playing because he was the best guy we had at his position defensively. He only got 25 mpg.

As for guys transferring, the best players play. If you don't get minutes it's because you are not one of the best players. Thus if you transfer due to lack of minutes we shouldn't really be concerned because you are not one of the best players. There's always the risk that you go on and improve and we regret it, but not much you can do about that.

The transfers that are more alarming are the guys that are getting good minutes.
Hate to have a hot take but if Bos reclasses I don't know how Podz sees the court unless he makes a very big Soph jump. He will be in a battle with Epps and Harris. Definitely won't have to worry about who initiates the offense if they have Curbelo, Boswell, and Epps.
I see big things for both Epps and Harris in their time here, but if we had to take bets I'd go with Podz over Harris in PT next year, and probably the same for Epps. Talented players that have been in the program for a year+ tend to have an advantage over freshmen, and all reports indicate Podz works his tail off (and we know he doesn't lack for confidence).

Edit: see several posted essentially the same thing while I slowly wrote this.
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I agree, I've thought about that. But, it would pretty much be the same case if a transfer guard were to come in instead too right (and Boswell stayed as '23)?
I feel for Podz, he's gotten no PT whatsoever this season and he still is my favorite of the 3 freshmen.
I feel for him too. He knew coming in what our guard situation was, but there's a difference between playing sparingly and just sitting out entire games with the walk-ons. I'd really like to see him get some minutes; we know he can fill it up from distance, so in my opinion, big high school or small doesn't really matter. We've had a lot of really good players over the years from small high schools.
I know Epps and Boswell are considered above average outside shooters, but so is Podz and he has a year of Div 1 under his belt. I don't think it's a sure bet that any freshman is going to take him out. Besides, he plays good defense. I guess I'm just saying I wouldn't underestimate him. RJ sat and watched the whole year until the last few games. We have no idea how Podz is going to be utilized the rest of the season.
I see big things for both Epps and Harris in their time here, but if we had to take bets I'd go with Podz over Harris in PT next year, and probably the same for Epps. Talented players that have been in the program for a year+ tend to have an advantage over freshmen, and all reports indicate Podz works his tail off (and we know he doesn't lack for confidence).

Edit: see several posted essentially the same thing while I slowly wrote this.
Me too.
He has gotten PT this guys expect the rotation to be 12+ guys? It normally doesn't go past 8....he is gonna go with Grandy cause he has experience andhas helped us win a lot of games. He went with Coleman and RJ last game and they performed so no need to try something different. Brad isn't in the business about thinking about who to play in hopes of keeping them for next year.
I literally just typed a long post talking about your last sentence, but somehow deleted it before I could post. Playing people just so you hope they will stay on the next year is a bad way to build a team and a program — especially when you aspire to win the BIG and make noise in the NCAA tourney. As long as you communicating with players throughout the year and helping them develop in practices, if a player can’t buy in to the program and process then probably better they move on. Certainly hope that’s not the case with the freshmen or any other players on the team.

FYI, if anyone hasn’t read the recent article on 24/7 about RJ, I suggest you do. Talks a bit about how important buying into the process is.
Might surprise some of you but don't be shocked if Ty starts next year....
Wouldn't be surprised by this at all... dude is routinely putting up double and triple dubs in HS playing point forward (Brad will LOVE his rebounding and defensive intensity right away...) and perhaps most intriguing is the fact that he already has a B1G-ready body. Give him some time with Fletch... SHEEESH! I anticipate he will become our very own Draymond Green. He reminds me of typical wings at places like Texas Tech that are simply WINNERS.
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