Michigan coach Juwan Howard takes swing at Wisconsin assistant coach

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Because Howard had his starters in against the walkons and was pressing down 15 with 15 seconds to go and had just high fived his kid for dunking on a scrub. I wish Gard would have put his starters back in
I kinda thought that what was gonna happen after the timeout.


BU:1 Trash cans:0
“Not shaking hands, that's typical of our country right now. Instead of solving the problem, let's make an excuse and let's see if we can just instead of, confronting and demanding that it changes, let's eliminate it so that we don't have those problems. Let's try to do that,” he scoffed. “That's perfect us right now, that's not perfect me. That's not happening here. So if some team doesn't want to shake hands, you're gonna see 15 of my guys walk down and shake air. We're going to shake air and I'm gonna to shake air and then we're gonna leave.”
-Tom Izzo

I... I agree with Izzo.
Yeah, imagine how bad of a look it is for everyone involved when lessons on maturity and emotional control are coming from...Tom Izzo of all people.


South Carolina


I am curious if at some point Juwan Howard will explain why it was OK for him to put on a full court press against the backups in a 15 point game but not OK for Greg Gard to call time out to help his guys beat it.

Thank you for this Seth Davis...........because my son and I were sitting and watching the final minutes of the game and asking why Michigan was in a full-court pressing defense (or "5" as Juwan calls it) with the game totally out of hand. This all preceded the final two WISC time-outs.


White and Sixth
North Aurora
Its one thing to be the kid from the projects in Chicago and playing with a real edge and maybe crossing the line of physicality. But you are the dang head coach and leader of men of a prestigious academic institution going out there showing your players that's how you respond to adversity. And then no remorse or accountability, just playing the victim when he has called timeouts Appalling stuff, and stuff that should make it painfully clear he is not fit to be the head coach of this basketball team.

Some people like Colin Cowherd are saying he shouldn't lose his job, but it would be different if he was swinging at an opposing player. Umm...it sure looked like there were a bunch of players in that scrum that he could have ended up hitting due to his inexcusable actions.

If he does keep his job, which I assume he will, I feel like Michigan owes it to everyone to make it clear that one more strike and Howard is out. Why else should we trust that he isn't going to go out and do the exact same thing next season.
Its one thing to be the kid from the projects in Chicago and playing with a real edge and maybe crossing the line of physicality. But you are the dang head coach and leader of men of a prestigious academic institution going out there showing your players that's how you respond to adversity. And then no remorse or accountability, just playing the victim when he has called timeouts Appalling stuff, and stuff that should make it painfully clear he is not fit to be the head coach of this basketball team.

Some people like Colin Cowherd are saying he shouldn't lose his job, but it would be different if he was swinging at an opposing player. Umm...it sure looked like there were a bunch of players in that scrum that he could have ended up hitting due to his inexcusable actions.

If he does keep his job, which I assume he will, I feel like Michigan owes it to everyone to make it clear that one more strike and Howard is out. Why else should we trust that he isn't going to go out and do the exact same thing next season.
Exactly ... this is NOT a first time incident of Juwan Howard displaying a complete lack of ability to control his temper and avoid resorting to literal physical violence, compared to the standard one should reasonably expect for the head coach of the University of Michigan in the Big Ten Conference. That is what is disturbing here, and everything else (including anything to do with Gard or the UW assistant) is just noise in the shadow of this concern. Nobody threw a punch/slap/whatever until Howard. That is what turned this into a serious deal, and that is hardly debatable.
Its one thing to be the kid from the projects in Chicago and playing with a real edge and maybe crossing the line of physicality. But you are the dang head coach and leader of men of a prestigious academic institution going out there showing your players that's how you respond to adversity. And then no remorse or accountability, just playing the victim when he has called timeouts Appalling stuff, and stuff that should make it painfully clear he is not fit to be the head coach of this basketball team.

Some people like Colin Cowherd are saying he shouldn't lose his job, but it would be different if he was swinging at an opposing player. Umm...it sure looked like there were a bunch of players in that scrum that he could have ended up hitting due to his inexcusable actions.

If he does keep his job, which I assume he will, I feel like Michigan owes it to everyone to make it clear that one more strike and Howard is out. Why else should we trust that he isn't going to go out and do the exact same thing next season.
Well Said!
video game good job GIF by MANGOTEETH

PS: …nothing profound here.But, I would like to add that I have a moderately strong dislike of Colon Cowturd.
Yeah, I think it's a massive overreaction. I agree that maybe a cooling off period makes sense, but if you can't navigate a handshake line without punching somebody, the problem isn't with the handshake line.
The handshake line at the end of a game is a good thing....just because 2 coaches can't navigate the line with a brief handshake and a quick " good game " comment and move on down the line isn't reason enough to bring a good thing to an end...imho


St Paul, MN
And Gard has the right to call a timeout any time he wants during the game. He can call all of them back to back if he wants. How many times to coaches foul the other team with under a minute to go when they are down 15. Howard has been and will always be a child in a grown man's body. He has no business being a D1 head coach. Im sure he wont get fired though because ESPN puts the worst coaches in the NCAA at the top of their totem pole and defends them for some stupid reason.
If he does get fired, ESPN will have him in the studio as an analyst as fast as they can get him there. He can join all the other a-holes and disgraced coaches ESPN has hired over the years...LaPhonzo, Digger, Satan himself...


Paducah, Ky
I have watched replay video's over 50 + times and still am at the point of Mr. Coward really deserving that title........

"" I'll remember that s**t " is the first words out of Coward's mouth .....
Gard does touch Coward and Coward says " Stop touching me " and follows that with him TOUCHING Gard ??....He then grabs a handful of Gard's pullover and proceeds to stick his finger in Gard's face saying " don't f'ing touch me "..........all heck breaks loose and then Coward sissy slaps Joe K. in a sucker slap hall of fame moment ...................

Anyway , it all breaks down from there ......But something i never noticed till later this morning was when the UW assistant coach Chambliss was thrown down behind the scorer's table that Mr. Coward ran over there to inflict some kind of damage again .......That shows intent on his part after the fact of slapping the UW coach Joe K..............I really wonder what else Coward would have done if his son hadn't grabbed him and started talking into his ear.......

Think about that .......Coward's son was the only reason his dad stopped being a punk.........His son !!!! .......................................

is that the kind of person you want leading your school's BB program ......Is that the kind of leader you want to entrust your son's formative years with ......is that the kind of role model you envision your child to emulate while being away from home...???

Juwan Coward is a major part of a major scandal in college BB history when he played at scUM..........How he ever got the job at scUM is beyond me......How he kept the job at scUM after the Turgeon embarrassment last year is beyond me .........If he is allowed to keep his job then that will be beyond me also...

I was raised in an era of compete as hard as you can legally and if you win then salute your opponents....if you lose then you still salute your opponents...

The only handshake line I would endorse now is the Little League one if they resume it after the covid scare's ...........

Funny that 11-12 year olds are the model for sportsmanship now ......And that is another thing beyond me ..........it really really is............................


If the NCAA can only impose 2 game suspensions, why did Kofi get 3?


Chicago, IL
I wonder if the Big Ten hasn't said anything because Michigan is handling things in house. I'm curious to see what they think is a strong enough punishment in this instance
Thinking back to the Illini's hard-fought loss at Carver-Hawkeye two years ago, I'm thinking that Fran McCaffrey may have done everyone a favor by pulling his team out of the handshake line. Our pressing Illinois team had gotten dunked on late, and coaches Antigua and Chin got into it with the Iowa staff. Just sayin'.
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