Michigan-Wisconsin Postgame Fight

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I can’t wait to hear Kevin Warren stand up and justify this decision.

when ...
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Eugene, Oregon
Rather than concerning myself with any other aspect of this, I've decided to root for whatever works out best for Illinois. So a tainted Juwan who likely just lost all the shine that made him formidable staying on, while UM and Kevin Warren receive all the public scorn and disdain that they deserve for this sounds like a win for us in the long run.
Taint ain't hurt a certain Houston coach too much...
Concerning the previous year's Turgeon incident where Juwan Howard had to be restrained and acted like the reincarnation of John Chaney, saying "I'll kill you", this is what he said then: Howard told reporters, “I was raised by grandma and by Chicago. When a guy charges you, you go into defense mode… When he charged me, I reacted.” No repercussions handed down.

Now, he punches a Wisconsin assistant, and essentially leads, by example, his players in a brawl.
Appropriate repercussions?:

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I wish we had known about this one game suspension for a violent attack by a player. Kofi could have gotten some payback against MSU by laying out one of their guys late in the January game and then served his suspension for the Northwestern game.

All kidding aside, think of the unbelievable precedent this sets. Can we send Brandon Lieb in to nail Dickinson this weekend?

And the Griffin comparison is really unbelievable. Will any reporter put the conference on the spot?
Throwing haymakers gets one game. Great job, Warren!
Warren is a gutless empty suit, and a bootlicking Michigan lackey. 2020; 2 games for Griffin for unsportsmanlike conduct for stepping on Stephanovic, far less egregious conduct and less likely to cause serious bodily harm than throwing haymakers at other coaches/players heads.


Chicago, IL
Sorry that I haven't read through all the posts. Does this mean Howard cannot participate in practices and recruiting or just cannot be at games?
According to an article in The Athletic, Howard won’t be permitted at any team activities and won’t have access to campus facilities.
Reading between the lines of the statement from the B1G office:

After examining film of the minor incident that occurred following the end of the Michigan/Wisconsin game on Sunday in Madison, Wisconsin, we have decided to suspend coach Howard for the remainder of the regular season. We are making it a 5-game suspension to try to convince people that we take these matters very seriously and to ensure that he is back for the B1G Tournament so that our television ratings skyrocket with people wanting to see if he will go off again.

We realize that playing the next 5 games without their head coach will put a wonderful team like Michigan at a disadvantage, so we have decided to award them the 2022 Mens Basketball Regular Season Championship. We know that they could have won it all if they had their head coach, just like they did last year when their season was sadly and tragically shortened by COVID, clearly through no fault of their own.

Going forward, in the event that the University of Michigan decides to terminate coach Howard to avoid him hitting or threatening to "f'ing kill" another B10 coach, we will recognize the hardship that a coaching transition can put on a wonderfully talented team like Michigan and proactively award them the 2023 B1G Mens Basketball Regular Season Championship. Decisions on awarding them the 2024 B1G Mens Basketball Regular Season Championship will be on hold pending our assessment of how much we like their new coach.

We also want to note that we have also instituted hefty fines on the two head coaches in this incident which we believe will serve as both severe punishments and deterrents against any future bad behavior. Not only will the $40,000 fine on coach Howard put a significant dent in the $3.25 million salary he is making this year, it will also force him to dig into the $152 million he made when he was in the NBA. Likewise, the $10,000 fine on coach Gard will take a big bite out of his $2.6 million salary this year and make him think twice before he calls another late game time out, which annoyed us as much as it annoyed coach Howard.

As to the one-game suspensions that were handed down to the two Michigan players and one Wisconsin player who threw punches in this incident, we did this in order to send a message on how seriously we take violence on the court compared to the 3-game suspension handed out by the NCAA to Kofi Cockburn for selling his jersey. We don't like it when players decide to punch someone in the heat of the handshake, but we and the NCAA will not tolerate a player who thinks he is leaving the league making a few dollars.

Thank you.
I suppose it would seem okay, if not for a comparison with Kofi's. Kofi sold a jersey, and Juwan punched another coach. I'd think at least the gesture of including the Big Ten Tournament and NIT would be appropriate...
the NCAA is criminal as heck and a total joke (has Zion gave back his $400,000 check from Duke to a charity of his choosing yet? smh and imo Kevin Warren is 10 times worse than Delaney which I didn't thin was even remotely possible .

Also why in the world is Gard getting fined $10 grand?! He shouldn't be fined a penny. This embarrassing disgraceful incident is 100% on Howard

Total embarrassment

the national

the Front Range
im not surprised by the big ten. Unfortunately, the big ten wanted to make an examole out of Alan but failed to follow through. To me this just goes as another black mark on Warren. The big ten should be leaders in this but seemed to have shied away from actually leading the conference. Kind of sad really.


Evansville, IN
Serious question. What’s to stop teams from having preferred walk-ons to be “enforcers” to get one game suspensions by punching opposing players during and after games? Maybe not a serious question after all, but this is the example of what is acceptable punishment? I’m not saying you blacklist anyone, as these are young kids making a mistake in the heat of the moment (I mean you can’t blame them because of their poor example in a HC). But you absolutely should use this as a teaching moment for everyone involved to let everyone know that behavior is unacceptable both now and when you get to your professional job after basketball is over. Poor leadership in the Big10.
Woah, woah, woah. What if that not-so-secret gets out? That a coach is leading or directing his players to go at other players unrestrained? Could you imagine the administrative blowback against such a coach? I mean, they would probably get suspended for THREE games or something!


Paducah, Ky
Alright ladies and gents, Muck Fichigan and lets focus our energy and attention to supporting the team through the home stretch and land Boswell! The power of the hive mind.

Its gif time pruman. The table is set

We are Illini Nation.......................


Be proud..................throw your chest out in support of the Hive..............................


We .....Do.....This ....................Go Illini.....................................................


Who loves you best , my !!!!! cat ??


Paducah, Ky

From the Detroit News...............................

Bob Wojnowski, The Detroit News
Juwan Howard took a swing he simply cannot take. It was unacceptable and irresponsible, and it will end up being a costly one.
Whatever precipitated Howard's behavior at the end of Michigan's 77-63 loss at Wisconsin on Sunday doesn't excuse it. His volatile temperament crossed a line, and it's up to Michigan and the Big Ten to redraw the boundary. Howard verbally sparred with Badgers coach Greg Gard in the postgame handshake line, then took exception when Gard grabbed his arm to stop him from walking past. In the ensuing chaos, Howard swung at Badgers assistant coach Joe Krabbenhoft's head. It escalated into an ugly melee involving players and coaches, and the ramifications should be significant.
Howard should be suspended for multiple games, at least. If Big Ten commissioner Kevin Warren only has the authority to sideline him for two games, UM AD Warde Manuel will have to consider adding more. Manuel released a statement Sunday acknowledging Michigan's culpability for "the totally unacceptable behavior." He said he apologized to Wisconsin AD Chris McIntosh, and added that Michigan interim President Mary Sue Coleman had reached out to Wisconsin Chancellor Rebecca Blank.


A very good quote at the end of the article..................................

I won't pretend to know how Howard's life experiences make him react in certain situations. He's a proud, strong-willed leader who rarely backs down, on the floor or off. But in both incidents with opposing coaches, the rage was sudden and startling, and players and assistants had to hold Howard back. That's dangerous, and there cannot be a third time. Emotions and histrionics are part of college basketball, where coaches are sideline stars. The job requires enormous responsibility and steady leadership. Juwan Howard needs to be reminded of that with the strongest message possible.
Does Howard forfeit his pay for the five regular season games for which he is suspended? Not that that a forfeiture such as that would make this sanction sufficient, I think he should have been dismissed, but I am curious about the full ramifications of this penalty. It strikes me that the UofM is trying to make this penalty look harsh, even though it is not "harsh" in the least, in the hopes that the conference will not go further.
To all of the posters ( mostly elsewhere) who parrot "well, what about what this other guy or that other guy did?" I would say this. When I was growing up and I did something wrong, my dad would ask me about it and I would tell him what happened. In those cases where I was clearly in the wrong, even in part, his reply to me would be "that's an explanation, but not an excuse." Appropriate punishment would follow. There is no excuse for what Howard did on a college basketball court.
Agreed. This is a grown man with significant responsibility and his role is not just about winning games. He forfeited his greatest privilege and right - to raise up the generation behind him with character and integrity. He demonstrated how not to have self control, but how to go in reaction without any thought of how it may affect other people. To top it off, he revealed no ownership whatsoever for his actions; he played the victim. My guess is, unfortunately, is that it will happen again.
I’ll give it a year before a disgruntled player or two with a good lawyer tries to cash out a couple million dollar lawsuit vs UM claiming they were abused by JH.


st petersburg, fl
Not going to add fuel to the fire, but it does look like a weak punishment given several other incidents. I'd note that Howard lost his temper before (didn't he threaten to kill Turgeon?) not that anyone took it seriously or thought it was more than a petulant outburst.

OTOH, I find it funny what set him off. Basically, he thought Wiscy shouldn't have called the TO or extended the game given the large lead and time remaining. But HIS team was pressing as though the game still mattered, and yet he was outraged when Wiscy responded like the game still mattered.

Am I the only one who thinks that if you're going to play to the end, it's a bad look to expect your opponent to roll over to help you save face?

I end up watching a lot of michigan sports (house divided, yadda yadda yadda). Those aren't the only examples. Howard has gotten many really dumb technicals during games since he's been at Michigan. He just has to have a bit of a Jekyll and hyde personality. Mostly calm and collected, but when he perceives he's been slighted, he goes off the rails.
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