Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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I was told to be excited. Take that however you want.
Miami Vice Deal With It GIF
Is there a timeline for the Skyy to fall? (skyy committing elsewhere)..?
Skyy wants to play with his brother, he has made that very well known… Tim was down to see his brother technically in September but really to see both.

Tim is tight with the entire family and Tim found out about this long before it became public. Skyy’s dad reached out… Brad is intrigued.

I’m not saying it’s a done deal by any means, but I think it’ll come to down to the G League and Illinois.
Skyy wants to play with his brother, he has made that very well known… Tim was down to see his brother technically in September but really to see both.

Tim is tight with the entire family and Tim found out about this long before it became public. Skyy’s dad reached out… Brad is intrigued.

I’m not saying it’s a done deal by any means, but I think it’ll come to down to the G League and Illinois.
fine and dandy, but I say we refuse to offer his brother unless he grows a beard

Zz Top Fun GIF
Skyy wants to play with his brother, he has made that very well known… Tim was down to see his brother technically in September but really to see both.

Tim is tight with the entire family and Tim found out about this long before it became public. Skyy’s dad reached out… Brad is intrigued.

I’m not saying it’s a done deal by any means, but I think it’ll come to down to the G League and Illinois.
Who's his brother? I must have missed that.
I think his draft stock has fallen a bit due to the rocky season. I expect him to be back for one more and get some serious consideration after next year. The NBA is going to want to see that he can shoot which he hasn't shown yet.
Word is that ZZ would re-class. Skyy likely on Ayo type path… 2 or 3 year guy.
This is something I can get down with.

Fwiw the only sort of projection I could find on ZZ:
#17 pick in 2025 draft (lol). James Brown #6. Obviously not predictive but he's clearly a 5-star caliber prospect right now (though that likely changes with a reclass). If he's a 2-3 year guy with the reclass, I'm all in.
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