Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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I really do not want to lose Hawkins. I hope this isn’t true.
I'm not going to speculate, as our insiders are well more informed than I could be, but if memory serves me correctly, his family came in to see our game in Evanston and he was pretty much glued to the bench. I think that there were some unhappy tweets that were sent out after. I know he got we heavy minutes late in the season, but it was really due to injury and necessity. Also didn't seem like he and BU clicked. BU was trying to tap every last ounce of potential out of him(and he has a ton), but not sure that CH appreciated how he went about it(tough love). Now, transfer or no transfer, that seems to be how the season unfolded. Time will tell. Hope the kid stays. IMO, he's going to be a star somewhere.
Murray and Shannon are both real possibilities...
I’m a bit surprised on Shannon. Thought he slow played us and Brad got fed up. Maybe I didn’t get the story right, but I was pretty certain there were some ruffled feathers somewhere in there.
He was one of the first players I thought about when all the rumours started to fly around.......................Now they are Super Deluxe Rumours......

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I thought Shannon was already discussed a month or two ago and was a, he's not the guy. He was a part of the obvious group.
Regardless of who we add I'd hate to see Belo leave. Kid plays with so much joy and was just dealt a sh***y hand this season. Not to mention how unique and impressive his skillset is - his natural passing and driving ability was something that we lacked for years before he joined the team. This situation just sucks overall

All I want is that elusive Natty with the Illini's name on it .....How we get there is beside the point , as long as we stay clean and away from the violations scene.......Ok , Gray-clean ......................................or Mauve-clean...................................or Burnt Umber-clean...............or ..............................................................??

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Welp , my gummy bear has kicked in big time and NL # 3 just whispered in my ear that she needs me to cuddle up with her and take a nap ( lol ) , so I guess I will get the good-bad news later on today .............................

Ya'll have a great day and ole pru will check in on here later on ............


Sounds like ole pru has a Royal really really does .................................
Okay, I'm starting to piece together our incoming players (and it's still a total guess on my part obviously):

Skyy Clark, 2022 recruit
Caleb Love (fills Belo's soon-to-be open spot)
Terrance Shannon, Jr. (fills ColeHawk's spot)
Javon Freeman-Liberty (legacy player willing to come off the bench?)
Where are we getting the Caleb Love transfer from? He’s the starting guard for a Blue Blood and will be the face of that team next year.
Seems like the most likely scenario to me. the fact that "mystery transfer guard" has basically been a lock for most of the season suggests to me that player wasn't playing. If it's someone who will be "obvious" once he enters the portal... it has to be Miller.

The fact that I’m a native Peorian only plays a very small role in this, but … I’d welcome Adam back with the most open of arms! Our explaining away his leaving as not that big of a deal was always wishful thinking, that kid is going to be a stud!
I might get torched, but that's ok. There's not a single player on this team not named Kofi that can't be replaced. Watching players leave stinks because a majority of players staying at a school has been the norm for my entire life watching college basketball. We want to watch guys develop and be "program" guys. I've always enjoyed that version of college basketball, but we aren't ever going back to that. We all have to get used to players we really like potentially deciding to transfer.
With the new system if you have a competent coach and assistants like we do then you're bound to get similar or maybe even better players to transfer in. These are the same kids who watched LeBron jump team to team.

We have the exact right coaching staff for this era of transfer choas.
Regardless of who we add I'd hate to see Belo leave. Kid plays with so much joy and was just dealt a sh***y hand this season. Not to mention how unique and impressive his skillset is - his natural passing and driving ability was something that we lacked for years before he joined the team. This situation just sucks overall
The poor guy was attacked constantly on social media and on some message boards. These kids(and they are kids) read this stuff. Frazier had to come to his defense early in the season. Again, I don't want to speculate because I just don't know, but if it were me at 19(oh to be 19 again), I'd be tired of it and more importantly 2)my parents would have been. New starts can be a great thing.
But, can he dunk? Kidding aside, Dainja looks like the love child between Kofi and Hawkins, with some handle tossed in. Amazing nimble and dynamic in those clips. If he can manage his weight and his motor, there's obviously a ton of upside.
Was looking forward to seeing the 4/5 mins split between Dain, Kofi, and Hawk. Think Kofi moves better than giving credit as he is so big. Shoot from 15’ and no defense for him.
The poor guy was attacked constantly on social media and on some message boards. These kids(and they are kids) read this stuff. Frazier had to come to his defense early in the season. Again, I don't want to speculate because I just don't know, but if it were me at 19(oh to be 19 again), I'd be tired of it and more importantly 2)my parents would have been. New starts can be a great thing.
There's a critical threshold of our fan base that should just stop using social media altogether. Not that we're unique in that - at all - but I really hate sharing my love of the Illini with abusive turdbuckets. He is a great dude - hope he decides to stay.
I might get torched, but that's ok. There's not a single player on this team not named Kofi that can't be replaced. Watching players leave stinks because a majority of players staying at a school has been the norm for my entire life watching college basketball. We want to watch guys develop and be "program" guys. I've always enjoyed that version of college basketball, but we aren't ever going back to that. We all have to get used to players we really like potentially deciding to transfer.
With the new system if you have a competent coach and assistants like we do then you're bound to get similar or maybe even better players to transfer in. These are the same kids who watched LeBron jump team to team.

We have the exact right coaching staff for this era of transfer choas.
I don't think that you'll be torched. Opinions are what make these discussions worthwhile. In regards to your thoughts, I agree that we have the right staff, but they're going to have to replace all five starters and top two players off the bench in one off-season. Now, that assumes no Kofi. Some think there's still a chance he comes back, which changes things. If he doesn't, the staff will have to pull an enormous rabbit out of the hat for this team to be a tournament team.
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