The Illinois Defensive Coordinator Search

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South Carolina

This article definitely makes it sound like it's Kane (BB essentially promised this to him when he hired him) or Kane will be going elsewhere (better option out there available for BB - Kane takes his chances somewhere else).
I now recall reading that article when Kane was brought onboard. A great candidate. Plus --- BB has now had two years to see Kane in person. This will help shape his decision-making process.

And Bret's goal, of course, is to be at the top of the Big10 West standings at this time in 2023.
Russian Reaction GIF
Why is it not great? This is what B.B. gets paid for. He knows what he is doing or would not have had 4 defensive coaches go onto take head coaching positions. What I would worry about is if no one left and had any offers.


BU:1 Trash cans:0
This situation must be so difficult to navigate. I'm sure BB wishes RW all the best and wants him to succeed, but we can't let him just raid our staff. If we were to somehow hold onto everyone else on our end (which seems unlikely from what other posters are saying), how capable is RW of building a staff from scratch? Does he have those kinds of connections on his own?
This situation must be so difficult to navigate. I'm sure BB wishes RW all the best and wants him to succeed, but we can't let him just raid our staff. If we were to somehow hold onto everyone else on our end (which seems unlikely from what other posters are saying), how capable is RW of building a staff from scratch? Does he have those kinds of connections on his own?
Normally there is an understanding that the coach leaving only gets 1 or 2 guys. When coaches leave Saban they are only allowed to take 1 guy from the current staff with them.


Speaking as a Kane, I have no idea what is going to happen.

I trust BB to keep the program moving forward, regardless of who it is and who we may lose to Purdue.
At least we know what Walters will throw at us defensively when we face him! There's always a silver lining, right?
I’d be surprised if this surprised BB. He even said in a presser recently that good coaches become head coaches. He was likely kept in the loop by RW. They seem to have a great relationship. That helps BB start thinking on this b4 RW leaves.
I would be flabbergasted if BB didn't know and didn't give him a glowing endorsement. This is how you build your reputation as a school and as a coach.

I am also sure RW got BB's blessing and they have already talked about who RW can take.


M tipping over
Bound to happen when Ryan got a head job
If I were on that side of the ball I’d want to continue learning from the best, until I was ready to make the leap to DC.
This situation must be so difficult to navigate. I'm sure BB wishes RW all the best and wants him to succeed, but we can't let him just raid our staff. If we were to somehow hold onto everyone else on our end (which seems unlikely from what other posters are saying), how capable is RW of building a staff from scratch? Does he have those kinds of connections on his own?
It is unlikely that they will keep everyone. It is common to bring a couple assistants when you leave, especially in the NFL when coordinators become head coaches. The guys he brings are essentially getting promoted/larger roles as well. RW has probably had discussions with BB about if he gets a HC who can he bring with.

BB is going to have no problem filling his staff with quality coaches with his track record of coach promotion.


Decatur, IL
So will Kanes replacement going to be a safety coach or will Henry pick up those duties? Homerun recruiter or what? Didn't Leonard play safety? No way he is taking a step down if Kane is gonna be DC. Exciting times. Glad for Walters, he deserves to give it a go.
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