Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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Hawk isn’t staying in draft unless he’ll be drafted high enough to more or less guarantee he’s in the NBA next year.
then he'll probably be back. i just think he needs developmental ball to learn/fit into an nba offense.
i just don't see him getting drafted and another year in our system isn't getting him what he really
I've never ignored a user on here. No one ever annoys me quite that much, Well, I take that back.......can someone tell me how to ignore myself?

You don't want to ignore yourself - only the other voices in your head...the trouble is figuring out which is which!

Talking Heads Help GIF by Rooster Teeth
Please for all that is holy… can we get the food talk out of the recruiting thread. If you guys want to talk about food, I’m sure there are cottage cheese/hot dog/cheeseburger message boards that would love to have you. It’s okay to say nothing when recruiting news is slow, we don’t need the dead space filled with nonsense.

Driving Chris Farley GIF
Hawkins is a good college player but is still more of an athlete than skilled.

If he comes back and he can perfect the NBA level stretch 4
- Shoot +38% from three's vs 28% last year
- Show reliable post up game to leverage his size - could add 5 ppg to his average
- eliminate bad passes last year 2.5 TO per game

I think back to players who took a big step their JR year to improve their draft status (I know its Coleman's SR)

Derek Harper
- improved scoring from 8 to 15 ppg
- improved shooting from 46% to 54%
- drafted 11th in first round

Brian Cooke
- improved scoring from 14 to 20 ppg
- draft 24th in first round
Wow. Haven't been here for a while. There's really no news or apparently close to any news based on the thread.
lack of recruiting news and lack of insider presence (not even Illinois updates or new info but general recruiting news) makes me wonder if some of the news or expectations have changed.
Unless Terrence Shannon has an unreal combine (raise his draft stock to first round), I personally am expecting him to be playing for Illinois next year.
Staff feels good about the chances of Shannon coming back right now
lack of recruiting news and lack of insider presence (not even Illinois updates or new info but general recruiting news) makes me wonder if some of the news or expectations have changed.
What's more likely: 1) insiders are quiet because nothing has changed; or 2) insiders are quiet because lots of things are happening right now behind the scenes?
Unless Terrence Shannon has an unreal combine (raise his draft stock to first round), I personally am expecting him to be playing for Illinois next year.
Staff feels good about the chances of Shannon coming back right now
Terrence could definitely wow people with his athletic skills. I hope he does get drafted in the first round. I would love him back with a great pg because I think he could be all American but I believe getting our players drafted is the best move in the long run for all parties involved
Terrence could definitely wow people with his athletic skills. I hope he does get drafted in the first round. I would love him back with a great pg because I think he could be all American but I believe getting our players drafted is the best move in the long run for all parties involved
there is also the timeline where he comes back and plays himself into the first round next year
The RayJ recruitment kinda reminds me of the Skyy recruitment in that it seems like Illinois is consistently the favorite but random schools keep getting involved and it makes everyone nervous
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