Michigan State: Mel Tucker fired

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bye bye bye justin timberlake gif GIF
I'm sure Larry Nasser has sage insight on these allegations from his long-term 5x8 accommodations.

If substantiated: "I'll take 'Unwise acts in which someone with a wife who's an attorney shouldn't engage' for $100, Alex."

What a convenient opening for MSU to reverse its terrible decision to pay him $80 million for a multi-year contract. God apparently protects fools, drunkards, the United States of America, and Michigan State football.
$ 9.5 million masturbation phone call.......dem some high fees , yo....................stupid sob..................must be the water in Fichigan as this is a distinct neanderthal way of life...........caveman approach to plans to kidnapping the governor , firearms in the statehouse , trainer abuse , coaches protecting abusers and now the head coach can't control his desires and does the nasty over Verizon's 5G clear as a bell airwaves.....

scUM and scUM State.........................pair made in hades.........................

I keep saying the debasing of societal norm's is real and prevalent in the news everyday or is it really just " locker room talk "

We all make mistakes ....We really really do............tip to remember for November next year....just sayin...........
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I'm sure Larry Nasser has sage insight on these allegations from his long-term 5x8 accommodations.

If substantiated: "I'll take 'Unwise acts in which someone with a wife who's an attorney shouldn't engage' for $100, Alex."

What a convenient opening for MSU to reverse its terrible decision to pay him $80 million for a multi-year contract. God apparently protects fools, drunkards, the United States of America, and Michigan State football.
Almost like the guy was targeted to get MSU out of that deal. No excuse for his stupidity, behavior and admission, though.
Wait...WHAT? I know stupidity is a plague of unfathomable proportions in this country....but this is Stage 4...incurable stupidity.

I mean, I can't even imagine someone making up a story like this? Seriously? This is real?

A married dude, attempts to court, and carry on, a "relationship" with a sexual abuse counselor, at a school that just went through one of the most historic sexual assault/harassment events in history, and then suggests "phone sex"...where he's masturbating while talking to this person, was...consensual sex?

ANDOHBYTHEWAY he's the HC of this schools football team?

Holy. Sh#t.
Wait...WHAT? I know stupidity is a plague of unfathomable proportions in this country....but this is Stage 4...incurable stupidity.

I mean, I can't even imagine someone making up a story like this? Seriously? This is real?

A married dude, attempts to court, and carry on, a "relationship" with a sexual abuse counselor, at a school that just went through one of the most historic sexual assault/harassment events in history, and then suggests "phone sex"...where he's masturbating while talking to this person, was...consensual sex?

ANDOHBYTHEWAY he's the HC of this schools football team?

Holy. Sh#t.
truth is indeed stranger than fiction
you can’t make this crap up
He should get in touch with deshaun watson and ask him for the contact info of his lawyer. Then after they can, you know, relieve some of the stress they put on themselves.
He should be gone, football and basketball players raping students, Larry Nasser 500 rapes and molestation! Shut this darn school completely down! People are out of their minds up there!


But there will be a lot more to this story that comes out in the days ahead. Let’s start with the MSU admin willing to let him stay on as coach from the time that the investigator report was completed in July until a hearing in October, but axed him less than 12 hours after USA Today published the story.
Yep, how the hell can a public university error on the side of “maybe nobody will notice” with the Northwestern debacle so fresh in everyone’s mind? What are they paying their attorney’s for? Craaaaaazy!
I bet scUM St. is gonna say Tucker , indeed did call the victim , but got a sexy voicemail greeting and he couldn't stop himself and consensually played make believe.........Said Tucker has a vast and creative imagination......they really really did.........(not)........./s
in fairness , they may have just found out very recently that he admitted it .
someone from MSU inside then leaked it to hurry this process along

all I’m saying is there are moving parts to the story - it’s not usually linear

I’m no fan of MSU, but there are legal hurdles they have to get past in this process
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