TSJ Thread

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Would calling shots constitute practicing law? If so, that would definitely stop her from calling the shots. I don't really care if she is or is not paid in the interim.

Only one assistant in that office has three or more years of experience as an ADA. My guess is that is the woman who signed the charging document. I'd like to think she has a lot less invested, both ideologically and as a potential defendant in a civil suit than does the current DA.

I wish we had some clue as to when to expect a ruling on her suspension. Her attorney all but admitted she should be sanctioned in some way, but argued suspension was too strong a punishment. Seems like it shouldn't take forever but then again I've never been involved in such a hearing in any jurisdiction, so that is completely guesswork on my part.
A good thought but not sure about that. I believe the most experienced ADA is the one who testified in her behalf at the disciplinary hearing. One of 14 witnesses btw. She got rid of about everyone else and spent her time testifying they were the source of her woes. She did have one 10 year veteran who was a witness against her at the hearing having shortly resigned after she took office saying she could not work with the DA. Do not underestimate what is going on out there. A soap opera of biblical proportions.

the national

the Front Range
Those would all be issues raised if the accuser brought a civil suit against TSJ. That typically only happens after the criminal issues are resolved. At that point, he could countersue her.

Right now, they're only trying to determine if he committed the crime he's been accused of.

Not sure I understand this comment. If someone makes a false claim against someone, the accused does not have to wait for a lawsuit to sue the accuser.

Similar case? Similar time frame

Sorry if I missed this being reported earlier
Seemingly very different case.

Seemingly very different case.

You release the probable cause affidavit when you have a strong case


Spokane, WA
Seemingly very different case.

Yeah, his case sounded pretty bad. Allegedly held down a woman by the throat and the dude already had an assault conviction.

The timeline for that case, from what I have gathered from a few articles, is slow as molasses.

Aug. 26th - alleged crime (rape)
Sept. 11th - Morris refuses to talk to a detective
Sept. 14th - Morris pleads guilty to assault in a DIFFERENT case (!!)
Sept. 15th - Kansas suspended Morris
Sept. 29th - Morris arrested for the rape charge
Oct. 10th - Court ordered a redacted affidavit to be released to the public
Oct. 18th - Morris appeared in court but didn't even enter a plea yet
Jan. 3rd - Preliminary hearing scheduled for March 1st
Seemingly very different case.

A little different considering this happened in the dorms and he allegedly held her down by her neck. Plus the previous issues with his girlfriend in Texas. However this happened in August and he has his next prelim hearing on March 1. That shows how slow the process is. Just enjoy this team that is good enough to get to the sweet 16. As much as I want them to FREETJ....I don't see it happening.
Yeah, his case sounded pretty bad. Allegedly held down a woman by the throat and the dude already had an assault conviction.

The timeline for that case, from what I have gathered from a few articles, is slow as molasses.

Aug. 26th - alleged crime (rape)
Sept. 11th - Morris refuses to talk to a detective
Sept. 14th - Morris pleads guilty to assault in a DIFFERENT case (!!)
Sept. 15th - Kansas suspended Morris
Sept. 29th - Morris arrested for the rape charge
Oct. 10th - Court ordered a redacted affidavit to be released to the public
Oct. 18th - Morris appeared in court but didn't even enter a plea yet
Jan. 3rd - Preliminary hearing scheduled for March 1st
So Terrence appearance on January 18 is where Morris was on Oct 18. So by this timeline his preliminary hearing should be sometime in June.
It won't be a false claim until proven otherwise. We can't have the accused suing the accuser while the criminal case is still pending.
So what you are saying is TJ has to prove his innocence before he can sue for being accused of something he did not do.

I thought he IS innocent until proven guilty.

I know things are turned upside down in this crazy new world, but is that still not the case?
So what you are saying is TJ has to prove his innocence before he can sue for being accused of something he did not do.

I thought he IS innocent until proven guilty.

I know things are turned upside down in this crazy new world, but is that still not the case?
Or at least the case would need to be dropped. Think about it. Every accused sues their accuser for false claim. Even the guilty ones. What is the judge in the accused vs accuser false claim case going to do? That would be chaos. We can't let that happen.
A good thought but not sure about that. I believe the most experienced ADA is the one who testified in her behalf at the disciplinary hearing. One of 14 witnesses btw. She got rid of about everyone else and spent her time testifying they were the source of her woes. She did have one 10 year veteran who was a witness against her at the hearing having shortly resigned after she took office saying she could not work with the DA. Do not underestimate what is going on out there. A soap opera of biblical proportions.
Assistant District Attorney Joshua Seiden was the ONLY witness who testified in support of DA Valdez at the hearing. That is why at the conclusion of the three-day hearing on Wednesday, special prosecutor Kimberly Bonifas asked the panel to consider "whether they believe the testimony of Valdez and Deputy DA Joshua Seiden, or that of the other 13 witnesses who testified."
As to Assistant Deputy District Attorney Seiden's background, he was the subject of criticism in a recent court decision in September of 2023 in another high profile criminal case where Douglas County Judge Stacey Donovan rejected his attempt to seal an affidavit in support of an arrest in a stabbing case. Under state law, affidavits are public records unless the state can prove that the public interest would be served by keeping them sealed. Assitant DA Seiden's wrote in his Motion that “While the Lawrence Journal-World may claim that it requests this information because it is in the public interest, the sad reality is that the Lawrence Journal-World is a fledgling publication devoid of journalist integrity and constantly on the prowl for potential clickbait”. Judge Donovan summarily denied this argument, stating in her decision that she would grant the newspaper’s request for the affidavit “because the disparaging remarks by the state regarding the LJW demonstrate that the LJW’s interest in the matter at hand is not being adequately represented.” She further stated that “The media functions as a watchdog that informs, as well as a forum that shares and promotes ideas and opinions for and among ordinary citizens.” “The state’s attempt to persuade this court to weigh the ‘journalistic integrity’ of the requester in deciding whether to seal the affidavit is disconcerting." Douglas County judge rejects prosecutor's attempt to seal ...
To add to the soap opera, Judge Donovan was one of the witnesses who testified at the request of the Special Prosecutor against DA Valdez.
Meanwhile, Valdez confirmed on her way out of the hearing that she “absolutely” intends to run for reelection in 2024. She declined to comment further.


Whether they have to wait for the criminal case to be resolved is completely immaterial.

Filing a defamation suit requires the plaintiff to allow for discovery. This means they have to provide texts, location information, etc. that would prove they did not do what the accuser has claimed. It's downright stupid to do, because it could reveal things that would have been completely immaterial to the criminal trial but would otherwise look really bad or just be embarrassing. All to prove that the defendant not only defamed them, but intentionally misled everyone around them to try to defame the plaintiff.

This is why people who claim they're going to file defamation suits rarely do it. Especially with a criminal trial pending. The result of which is not enough to prove defamation on its own. They have to prove malicious intent.
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Assistant District Attorney Joshua Seiden was the ONLY witness who testified in support of DA Valdez at the hearing. That is why at the conclusion of the three-day hearing on Wednesday, special prosecutor Kimberly Bonifas asked the panel to consider "whether they believe the testimony of Valdez and Deputy DA Joshua Seiden, or that of the other 13 witnesses who testified."
As to Assistant Deputy District Attorney Seiden's background, he was the subject of criticism in a recent court decision in September of 2023 in another high profile criminal case where Douglas County Judge Stacey Donovan rejected his attempt to seal an affidavit in support of an arrest in a stabbing case. Under state law, affidavits are public records unless the state can prove that the public interest would be served by keeping them sealed. Assitant DA Seiden's wrote in his Motion that “While the Lawrence Journal-World may claim that it requests this information because it is in the public interest, the sad reality is that the Lawrence Journal-World is a fledgling publication devoid of journalist integrity and constantly on the prowl for potential clickbait”. Judge Donovan summarily denied this argument, stating in her decision that she would grant the newspaper’s request for the affidavit “because the disparaging remarks by the state regarding the LJW demonstrate that the LJW’s interest in the matter at hand is not being adequately represented.” She further stated that “The media functions as a watchdog that informs, as well as a forum that shares and promotes ideas and opinions for and among ordinary citizens.” “The state’s attempt to persuade this court to weigh the ‘journalistic integrity’ of the requester in deciding whether to seal the affidavit is disconcerting." Douglas County judge rejects prosecutor's attempt to seal ...
To add to the soap opera, Judge Donovan was one of the witnesses who testified at the request of the Special Prosecutor against DA Valdez.
Meanwhile, Valdez confirmed on her way out of the hearing that she “absolutely” intends to run for reelection in 2024. She declined to comment further.


This is all so unfortunate. 🤦🏼‍♂️ I hope this DA, however delusional she is, actually believes TSJ belongs in prison. Because if she isn’t steadfast in that believe, SHE belongs behind bars … maybe she does anyway!
Someone needs to remind DA Valdez about what she wrote in 2019 as a co-author of the law school textbook: Prosecutorial Ethics: Third Edition.
"In the six years since publication of the second edition of PROSECUTORIAL ETHICS, issues of misconduct by government lawyers in criminal cases continue to capture the national headlines and the attention of courts and legislatures". . . Unlike other advocates, who have an ethical duty to pursue their clients’ interests vigorously within the bounds of the law, the prosecutor has obligations of even-handedness precisely because he does not represent an individual but rather the collective good. Procedural and substantive fairness to persons accused of crime is a necessary element of a just society. Therefore, by nature the prosecutor’s loyalties are not undivided. While society certainly has an interest in crime detection and deterrence, as well as public safety, society also has an interest in ensuring that all of its members—even those individuals purported to be public safety risks—are treated fairly and protected from governmental overreaching. In trying to achieve what is best for society as a matter of justice, the prosecutor must thus heed society’s interest in fairness to the defendant as well as to the victim. . . .Due to their obligations to represent society as a whole, het prosecutor’s ethical obligation is not to “win,” but to pursue a just result through a fair process. . . . The second justification for why a prosecutor has heightened ethical responsibilities derives from the extraordinary power vested in that office. The prosecutor in our society has tremendous discretion to choose whom to investigate and whom to prosecute."
Illinois cannot have nice things. Illinois has the worst luck. Heard that a few times on this board. For all you litigators out there. If half of what we have heard is true what are the odds of this happening anywhere else in the country. Ponder that. Might be something to it. The bad luck I mean
So what you are saying is TJ has to prove his innocence before he can sue for being accused of something he did not do.

I thought he IS innocent until proven guilty.

I know things are turned upside down in this crazy new world, but is that still not the case?
I do not believe that TJ did it, but you do now know he “he not do” it. He is not proving his innocence, they are trying to prove him guilty in a criminal case. If the charges are dropped or he’s eventually found not guilty then yes, he can sue, but their current objective as the accused isn’t to sue.

If every person accused of a crime behaved like how you want them to right now then people would sue every time they were accused of the crime and our legal system would break down. Just because you disagree with the charges doesn’t mean it’s some crazy conspiracy that he isn’t suing.
Illinois cannot have nice things. Illinois has the worst luck. Heard that a few times on this board. For all you litigators out there. If half of what we have heard is true what are the odds of this happening anywhere else in the country. Ponder that. Might be something to it. The bad luck I mean
How is Kansas going to get any men's team in any sport to play in Lawrence if this DA is re-elected? Non-conference games? Forget about it. Big 12 teams will have to show up --- but I'm guessing the players will be under a Covid-style lockdown.
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Seemingly very different case.

Agree with your attached article it is not all
That similar. The article I attached doesn’t elaborate on the details of the case
I've not read all the thread but I can't see a defamation lawsuit once this is all done against the accuser. Would would that net at tue end of the day if he is found not guilty or the charges are otherwise resolved favorably. Any such civil action (not a counter action) filed by Shannon would not occur before resolution of the criminal trial as I can't see any criminal defense attorney wanting a client to be subject to discovery and depositions while a criminal charge is pending. Plus a defmation lawsuit would be pretty moot if he was convicted.
Assistant District Attorney Joshua Seiden was the ONLY witness who testified in support of DA Valdez at the hearing. That is why at the conclusion of the three-day hearing on Wednesday, special prosecutor Kimberly Bonifas asked the panel to consider "whether they believe the testimony of Valdez and Deputy DA Joshua Seiden, or that of the other 13 witnesses who testified."
As to Assistant Deputy District Attorney Seiden's background, he was the subject of criticism in a recent court decision in September of 2023 in another high profile criminal case where Douglas County Judge Stacey Donovan rejected his attempt to seal an affidavit in support of an arrest in a stabbing case. Under state law, affidavits are public records unless the state can prove that the public interest would be served by keeping them sealed. Assitant DA Seiden's wrote in his Motion that “While the Lawrence Journal-World may claim that it requests this information because it is in the public interest, the sad reality is that the Lawrence Journal-World is a fledgling publication devoid of journalist integrity and constantly on the prowl for potential clickbait”. Judge Donovan summarily denied this argument, stating in her decision that she would grant the newspaper’s request for the affidavit “because the disparaging remarks by the state regarding the LJW demonstrate that the LJW’s interest in the matter at hand is not being adequately represented.” She further stated that “The media functions as a watchdog that informs, as well as a forum that shares and promotes ideas and opinions for and among ordinary citizens.” “The state’s attempt to persuade this court to weigh the ‘journalistic integrity’ of the requester in deciding whether to seal the affidavit is disconcerting." Douglas County judge rejects prosecutor's attempt to seal ...
To add to the soap opera, Judge Donovan was one of the witnesses who testified at the request of the Special Prosecutor against DA Valdez.
Meanwhile, Valdez confirmed on her way out of the hearing that she “absolutely” intends to run for reelection in 2024. She declined to comment further.


"Assitant DA Seiden's wrote in his Motion that “While the Lawrence Journal-World may claim that it requests this information because it is in the public interest, the sad reality is that the Lawrence Journal-World is a fledgling publication..."

"Though the Journal-World title came into existence in 1911, the paper dates itself to 1858, according to the volume number of the current masthead."

the princess bride GIF
DA is the main obstacle at this point. I do think that she will budge this time, but time will tell

Some excerpt from some articles written about the DA. Doesn’t sound like one that’s going to back down. I expect a double and triple down.

She said she believes Valdez’s conduct has eroded the public’s trust in the judicial system. Donovan said the judges try to avoid meeting with Valdez alone. They prefer to have all communication with her in writing because they’re worried that their words will get twisted.

“… Unfortunately, this is yet another example of how an outspoken and honest woman is mischaracterized as untruthful by a male in power.”

“The only reason you commented is because I am a Hispanic female (in) a position of power. … I will shine the light of truth on everything,”

Facebook page: “Women of the world- be prepared! If you are hardworking, outspoken, honest, AND in a position of authority, the INSECURE MAN will try to tear you down. Not me, says I!!”


Rockford, IL
Thought this was interesting.


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