Illini Basketball 2023-2024

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Brother , I have to admit I find it somewhat disturbing that BU and his agent are entertaining other HC'ing jobs.....Especially after Indy's post about what BU ask's for and what JW does to keep him happy.......

I don't want to come off as sounding like someone trying to limit BU's career decisions , but L-ville ??....REALLY ??....whatever their past accomplishments are , the stigma of hookers , strippers and sexual escapades for recruits has tainted that program for me.....

I guess my narrowmindedness wanting for BU to stay at UI until he retires is my mindset wants and not representative of reality in the college environment today...........many years of mediocre to substandard performance's by past HC's has put me on the ledge when I read about BU and his agent still putting out really really has........................

I'm kind of like you Pru....think it's a little disheartening to think our HC would bolt for another school like L'ville.....but if players are switching schools as often as they're switching underwear, we have to live with the fact that coaches are entitled to do what they think is in their best interest as well....just wondering how many of our current players and staff are floating their names out there (maybe not seriously but just checking the water) to see what's possibly available to them at the end of the year????
Brother , I have to admit I find it somewhat disturbing that BU and his agent are entertaining other HC'ing jobs.....Especially after Indy's post about what BU ask's for and what JW does to keep him happy.......

I don't want to come off as sounding like someone trying to limit BU's career decisions , but L-ville ??....REALLY ??....whatever their past accomplishments are , the stigma of hookers , strippers and sexual escapades for recruits has tainted that program for me.....

I guess my narrowmindedness wanting for BU to stay at UI until he retires is my mindset wants and not representative of reality in the college environment today...........many years of mediocre to substandard performance's by past HC's has put me on the ledge when I read about BU and his agent still putting out really really has........................

Nowhere in his article does he mention that TSJ has never been in trouble before or that the case against him is sketchy at best.
Just cheaply fueling the fire. I L L . . .
Not going to give that hack a click. Parrish, is, and always has been a trash "analyst." Just a nobody, Memphis supporting hack. Also, anybody who thought this would be an acceptable publicity photo.....well, you make the call.

Gotta remember that these things give coaches leverage in future negotiations as well. Nothing disingenuous about it, just part of the business. I don’t hold it against any of these guys to try to put themselves in the best position possible. With the sweat he put into this rebuild he can now stick around and enjoy the rewards.
Brother , I have to admit I find it somewhat disturbing that BU and his agent are entertaining other HC'ing jobs.....Especially after Indy's post about what BU ask's for and what JW does to keep him happy.......

I don't want to come off as sounding like someone trying to limit BU's career decisions , but L-ville ??....REALLY ??....whatever their past accomplishments are , the stigma of hookers , strippers and sexual escapades for recruits has tainted that program for me.....

I guess my narrowmindedness wanting for BU to stay at UI until he retires is my mindset wants and not representative of reality in the college environment today...........many years of mediocre to substandard performance's by past HC's has put me on the ledge when I read about BU and his agent still putting out really really has........................

I'm going to depart a little from you here. An agent's primary job is to maximize his client's earnings and hence their own based on percentage commission. I also think that an agent getting a very good idea of his client's market value by sending out feelers is a major part of that. Plus every client has a shelf life and they can lose their value in a season or two, so you make all you can when you can. I don't have an issue with this, nor do I have much of an issue with a coach like Brad using that information to get raises. I think most of us if we had the choice would maximize what we're making while doing the job for the company we're at. For example I don't have an issue with Self leaving for Kansas for this reason.

Where I do have a problem though is when a coach is actively looking for "better jobs" and completely empties the cupboard on his way out, trying to get the best players to transfer and also nukes the recruiting class leaving the team he was at with nothing. And this is why I had a major issue with Self as that's what he tried doing in trying hard to get Dee and Deron to go with him along with what happened to the recruiting class.

If Brad and his agent are doing this to maximize his earnings, more power to them in my opinion. Make what you can while you can. Otherwise...
Someone was saying the other day, TSJ could come back another year. Regardless of what happens, how about CoHawk and TSJ, if possible, come back next year and run it back. Bring in a couple big time grad transfers and do it all over
Here's what I can say ...

Trilly does talk to a lot of people who are plugged in nationally, regionally, AAU-wise, agent wise ... He's got a LOT of elite sources ... Brad being unhappy is probably what someone told him because of what I will get into below:

Is Brad unhappy ... No ... Would Brad entertain other CBB jobs? Yes ... He has almost every year ...

I was told last week and @illini0440 can confirm this ... Brad's agent was floating his name out there for the Louisville job amongst other jobs he would take versus would not ...

Personally - and I think I can speak for @illini0440 as well and maybe some others feel the same way but I don't think Brad has another rebuild in him ...

Outside of a blue blood or K State ... I really don't see how any program is an upgrade over ours ... You want a raise every year? Done ... You want a new practice facility? Done ... You want your son as an Assistant? Done ... You want more NIL? Done ...

Everything Brad asks for ... Josh finds a way to get the job done and if he can't ... He sits Brad down 1 on 1 and explains why and will do everything in his power to get him the next best thing ...

Brad knows finding that anywhere else is going to be nearly impossible if not impossible ...
I get the connection to K-state but it's a commuter school and doesn't really seem like a step up.

Other then that I don't really see a 60 year old leaving to rebuild Louisville.

Feel like it would have to be Kansas, Kentucky, Duke, or UNC. Which I don't necessarily think any of those jobs open for a few years where he would likely be too old and I'd imagine someone like Nate Oats and a few others would be first in line.
I get the connection to K-state but it's a commuter school and doesn't really seem like a step up.

Other then that I don't really see a 60 year old leaving to rebuild Louisville.

Feel like it would have to be Kansas, Kentucky, Duke, or UNC. Which I don't necessarily think any of those jobs open for a few years where he would likely be too old and I'd imagine someone like Nate Oats and a few others would be first in line.
the one that would worry me a little bit if it opened again would be Texas
Brother , I have to admit I find it somewhat disturbing that BU and his agent are entertaining other HC'ing jobs.....Especially after Indy's post about what BU ask's for and what JW does to keep him happy.......

I don't want to come off as sounding like someone trying to limit BU's career decisions , but L-ville ??....REALLY ??....whatever their past accomplishments are , the stigma of hookers , strippers and sexual escapades for recruits has tainted that program for me.....

I guess my narrowmindedness wanting for BU to stay at UI until he retires is my mindset wants and not representative of reality in the college environment today...........many years of mediocre to substandard performance's by past HC's has put me on the ledge when I read about BU and his agent still putting out really really has........................

I love Champaign, but the husband and I have done a few weekends in Louisville. Let's just say that I wouldn't hate living on the Bourbon Trail
To share…I just bought tickets to Illinois at Penn State. SeatGeek says they’re good even though they have seat locations for the Bryce Jordan Center rather than Rec Hall—PSU’s equivalent to Huff Gymn—where the game was moved.

Anyway, we might be the only 🧡🧡 in the gym.
Also with the conference realignment issues, probably wise to keep your foot in the B1G or SEC.
Here's what I can say ...

Trilly does talk to a lot of people who are plugged in nationally, regionally, AAU-wise, agent wise ... He's got a LOT of elite sources ... Brad being unhappy is probably what someone told him because of what I will get into below:

Is Brad unhappy ... No ... Would Brad entertain other CBB jobs? Yes ... He has almost every year ...

I was told last week and @illini0440 can confirm this ... Brad's agent was floating his name out there for the Louisville job amongst other jobs he would take versus would not ...

Personally - and I think I can speak for @illini0440 as well and maybe some others feel the same way but I don't think Brad has another rebuild in him ...

Outside of a blue blood or K State ... I really don't see how any program is an upgrade over ours ... You want a raise every year? Done ... You want a new practice facility? Done ... You want your son as an Assistant? Done ... You want more NIL? Done ...

Everything Brad asks for ... Josh finds a way to get the job done and if he can't ... He sits Brad down 1 on 1 and explains why and will do everything in his power to get him the next best thing ...

Brad knows finding that anywhere else is going to be nearly impossible if not impossible ...
Is it possible that Brad could be disenchanted with the University policy regarding the suspension of TSJ? Could that be something that could have Brad looking elsewhere if there are not changes?
I get the connection to K-state but it's a commuter school and doesn't really seem like a step up.

Other then that I don't really see a 60 year old leaving to rebuild Louisville.

Feel like it would have to be Kansas, Kentucky, Duke, or UNC. Which I don't necessarily think any of those jobs open for a few years where he would likely be too old and I'd imagine someone like Nate Oats and a few others would be first in line.
You watch…

after he wins a National Title this year he’ll have moved into that Musselman, Oats tier of the most coveted.

I could be wrong, but I think Oats is slightly overrated. I think Musselman is twice the coach Oats is. JMO
Brother , I have to admit I find it somewhat disturbing that BU and his agent are entertaining other HC'ing jobs.....Especially after Indy's post about what BU ask's for and what JW does to keep him happy.......

I don't want to come off as sounding like someone trying to limit BU's career decisions , but L-ville ??....REALLY ??....whatever their past accomplishments are , the stigma of hookers , strippers and sexual escapades for recruits has tainted that program for me.....

I guess my narrowmindedness wanting for BU to stay at UI until he retires is my mindset wants and not representative of reality in the college environment today...........many years of mediocre to substandard performance's by past HC's has put me on the ledge when I read about BU and his agent still putting out really really has........................

How many hookers are in a stigma?
Is it possible that Brad could be disenchanted with the University policy regarding the suspension of TSJ? Could that be something that could have Brad looking elsewhere if there are not changes?
No way. That policy and resulting suspension was a Godsend for BU -- removing him from any decision-making and removing him from the heat.
That policy took all the heat and decision making off of him and Josh. So no.
Absolutely true! That policy was a Godsend for BU. (Under the assumption that TSJ is innocent, and given the charges that were filed, things could not have worked out any more perfectly for Brad and our basketball program.)
Re: Blue Bloods

It seems to me the status of Blue Bloods are up in the air with the portal and NIL.

See UCLA and Louisville.
I have said this for several years. Only three jobs, in my humble opinion, have some type of everlasting staying power (as of now) that nearly every coach jumps ship:

North Carolina

There are other traditional jobs like Blue Bloods like UCLA or Duke, there are other amazing traditional powerhouse jobs like Louisville or UConn and there are clear sleeping giant elite jobs like Texas. However, in the age of NIL and Power Two conferences … I at least think those schools are losing advantages over other programs that might get ranked lower on paper. I consider Illinois in the tier of jobs with Arizona, Michigan, Maryland, etc. I am not convinced in any way, shape or form that Brad has a significantly better shot for a National Championship at UCLA than he does here. 🤷🏼‍♂️
To share…I just bought tickets to Illinois at Penn State. SeatGeek says they’re good even though they have seat locations for the Bryce Jordan Center rather than Rec Hall—PSU’s equivalent to Huff Gymn—where the game was moved.

Anyway, we might be the only 🧡🧡 in the gym.
It’s okay, if you’re the only Illini fan there you’ll only be outnumbered by about 8:1! 🤣
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