Beer Thread

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Have you been to a DLD? What is the ratio of those who get in to those who actually get drawn for the 'golden ticket"? I would love to go but that is a tough time of year for me to get out there. I believe it is in April? I wish they had DLD around 4th of July or during the Holidays, I'd make it for sure. I guess I could always drop $250.00 or so on Ebay and pick up a bottle of Dark Lord brew. :huh: As much as I love beer I just couldn't convince myself to drop that kind of coin. I've got several 6 packs and bombers of FFF at my sisters house in IL awaiting my arrival in 2 weeks. Excited! :thumb:

I've been to DLD once and had an AMAZING time. All the 3F you can drink/buy, as well as some of the best microbreweries from around the country. I'm not sure of the ratio but a friend of mine got one and selected to buy the beer. He was immediately offered $300 for it as we walked out the door.

I was happy with just buying the Dark Lord and some other brews. Still have one DL in my fridge. Go, have a blast, and MAKE SURE TO HAVE TRAVEL ARRANGED. Getting in and out can be tricky, so we hired a car for before and after to get us to the train station.
Dark Lord is good but Bourbon County Stout is just as good IMO.

I don't get "psyched out of my mind" about either to be honest, but both are very good.

I'm a hop head, and my wife tends to like the darker, smokey, sour beers. Our beer fridge has quite the potpourri of offerings.
Had an Edmund Fitzgerald Porter with dinner at Black Dog tonight. Really, really good beer, loved it start to finish which isn't always the case for a newer beer drinker like me. Think I'll have to see if I can find a six pack of it at Friar Tuck or Binny's.
kona longboard. brewed on maui. one of the best ive ever had
Had an Edmund Fitzgerald Porter with dinner at Black Dog tonight. Really, really good beer, loved it start to finish which isn't always the case for a newer beer drinker like me. Think I'll have to see if I can find a six pack of it at Friar Tuck or Binny's.

Great Lakes has a few good beers. The Edmund is a favorite of mine. The Burning River is also a solid Pale Ale. You don't have to go to the specialty stores to fine it. You can find them at Piccadilly.
Great Lakes has a few good beers. The Edmund is a favorite of mine. The Burning River is also a solid Pale Ale. You don't have to go to the specialty stores to fine it. You can find them at Piccadilly.

All of my friends go nuts over their Christmas Ale. I've had it a few times and think it is pretty good, but not one of my favorites.
Hello beer friends! Love this thread but it'd gone cold (can't believe it's been a year). Nothing crazy over the past 12 months other than Heady Topper, a beer out of Vermont. Tastes very similar to a Pliney the Youner in my opinion, but comes in a tall boy. Absolutely amazing beer that I can't get enough of.

Hope all is well with the crew...
I just got a growler of Monday Night Drafty Kilt Scotch Ale. Tasty. I'm also in an Innis & Gunn phase.
Hello beer friends! Love this thread but it'd gone cold (can't believe it's been a year). Nothing crazy over the past 12 months other than Heady Topper, a beer out of Vermont. Tastes very similar to a Pliney the Youner in my opinion, but comes in a tall boy. Absolutely amazing beer that I can't get enough of.

Hope all is well with the crew...

I had my first Heady Topper around 4th of July a year ago. My brother lives outside Burlington and we stopped by and picked it up right at The Alchemist cannery. Apparently, they've grown in popularity so much in the last year that they have had to close the cannery to the public because of traffic issues.

I went to dinner w/ my wife on Friday and had the Stone Enjoy by 12.13.13 - It was amazing...
I didn't know this thread even existed, so thanks for the bump. Seeing how this thread started a few years ago, here's a link to another buyout article that had many of us around here none too pleased. I'm sure many of you heard about this in October when it happened, but Boulevard Brewing was bought by Belgian brewer Duval Moortgat.

Kansas City's Boulevard Brewing is sold to Belgian firm

As far as any particular beer I've had lately that stands out, I'd have to put the Fresh Squeezed IPA by Deschutes at the top of the list. I had it a few months ago, and the only problem since has been trying to find a store around here that carries it.
I didn't know this thread even existed, so thanks for the bump. Seeing how this thread started a few years ago, here's a link to another buyout article that had many of us around here none too pleased. I'm sure many of you heard about this in October when it happened, but Boulevard Brewing was bought by Belgian brewer Duval Moortgat.

Kansas City's Boulevard Brewing is sold to Belgian firm

As far as any particular beer I've had lately that stands out, I'd have to put the Fresh Squeezed IPA by Deschutes at the top of the list. I had it a few months ago, and the only problem since has been trying to find a store around here that carries it.

If all they are going to do is to put money into it, that's a good thing regarding the sale to the Belgians.

I live in Aberdeen, UK, home of BrewDog. Went to the Stone tap takeover here on Saturday. Had a 12-12-12 vertical epic, Imperial Porter and W00tstout. Also had the collaboration brew between Stone and BrewDog (black IPA that I cannot remember the name of). Sat with some fellow beer connoisseurs. Had a great time indeed.
Our local grocery store had a beer and wine tasting this weekend. Several good local (Wisconsin) microbrewers were represented. Of course I sampled things I was not familiar with. Some of the craft brewers have very good brews but when they start trying to come up with Christmas flavors, its bad. Keep the spices, fruits and vegies out of beer. Water, yeast, malt and hops are wonderful together. The other stuff ruins good beer.

Done with beer rant.
Our local grocery store had a beer and wine tasting this weekend. Several good local (Wisconsin) microbrewers were represented. Of course I sampled things I was not familiar with. Some of the craft brewers have very good brews but when they start trying to come up with Christmas flavors, its bad. Keep the spices, fruits and vegies out of beer. Water, yeast, malt and hops are wonderful together. The other stuff ruins good beer.

Done with beer rant.

I'm not a big fan of a lot of the added ingredients either.
try drinking good beer and it won't bother you so much
Our local grocery store had a beer and wine tasting this weekend. Several good local (Wisconsin) microbrewers were represented. Of course I sampled things I was not familiar with. Some of the craft brewers have very good brews but when they start trying to come up with Christmas flavors, its bad. Keep the spices, fruits and vegies out of beer. Water, yeast, malt and hops are wonderful together. The other stuff ruins good beer.

Done with beer rant.

I'm enjoying a Revolution Fistmas as we speak. It has a bit of that extra spice business going on, but I don't mind it.
Our local grocery store had a beer and wine tasting this weekend. Several good local (Wisconsin) microbrewers were represented. Of course I sampled things I was not familiar with. Some of the craft brewers have very good brews but when they start trying to come up with Christmas flavors, its bad. Keep the spices, fruits and vegies out of beer. Water, yeast, malt and hops are wonderful together. The other stuff ruins good beer.

Done with beer rant.

Depends on how it's done. I brewed a Christmas Ale a few years ago. Smelled great when I brewed it but the spices were subtle which was less than I wanted it to come out.

Old Fezziwig Ale is a way to do Christmas-y beers and not have it be overly so.
Old Fezziwig Ale is a way to do Christmas-y beers and not have it be overly so.

I've had Old Fezziwig as well. Not bad but I don't go out of my way for it either. I much prefer a good porter around the holidays.
I've had Old Fezziwig as well. Not bad but I don't go out of my way for it either. I much prefer a good porter around the holidays.

Do you ever drink Scotch ales? I find them a nice mid-point between a standard ale and a porter or stout.
Do you ever drink Scotch ales? I find them a nice mid-point between a standard ale and a porter or stout.

I definitely enjoy them. Three Floyds Robert the Bruce is one of my go-to brews.
Now you have me thinking about Breckenridge Vanilla Porter again, among a few others.

My local pool hall back home in AZ carries this so I have a couple every league night. I've not had many Brechenridge beers but I'd give this a solid recommendation!

Do you ever drink Scotch ales? I find them a nice mid-point between a standard ale and a porter or stout.

I've grown to really like a lot of the Whiskey/Scotch/Bourbon barrel brewed ales out there. Rogues' John John Dead Guy and Double Dead Guy ales were the first ones I ever had and still 2 of my faves. Currently have a Holy Moly chilled that I'll be having in the next few days.

I've got one week left here in SoIL and will be making a trip up to Terre Haute to fill the trunk up with several FFF (Three Floyds) to take back home. Which of their beers do those of you who have partaken of FFF recommend? I'll likely just buy a couple of every bomber and 6 pack they have unless someone raves about a particular brew.
Do you ever drink Scotch ales? I find them a nice mid-point between a standard ale and a porter or stout.

I've tried some scotch ales (can't remember the brewer) and enjoy them. If you put a good scotch ale, a good porter and a good stout in front of me, I'll pick the porter but I'll be happy with a scotch or a stout if the porter is gone. The general class of nut brown ales are good also (and easy to homebrew.)
I've got one week left here in SoIL and will be making a trip up to Terre Haute to fill the trunk up with several FFF (Three Floyds) to take back home. Which of their beers do those of you who have partaken of FFF recommend? I'll likely just buy a couple of every bomber and 6 pack they have unless someone raves about a particular brew.

I'm a big fan of the FFF Zombie Dust. Very good pale ale.
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