2016-17 Illini Golf

Do you realize how hard it is to get weekend tee times on these courses? :D

But I'm only parting joking, unless they're playing on a university owned course, it might be a part of the reason.

Yes, lol, I did think of that. And I do also realize that having a college event played on your course does not do very much for your pizzazz, so the incentive on the course's part to make a weekend available is likely a problem.

In fact, the more I think about it, that is probably the whole enchilada. Prestigious courses won't give up an entire weekend. They might have given up a day, but not a weekend.

Carry on
Illini need more than 2 guys.
Hardy and Feagles playing pretty well
Dylan and Lipparelli about +5 (is par 72?)
And Tadioto and Baumgarten averaging about 80 per round.
Just not posting enough good scores.
Especially surprised by Dylan, because he is so good.
Golf !


St. Joseph, IL

Why didn't the men's team play in the Big Ten Match Play Championship in February? I casually noticed at the time that they weren't in it, but never got around to asking why...

Why didn't the men's team play in the Big Ten Match Play Championship in February? I casually noticed at the time that they weren't in it, but never got around to asking why...

I think there are a couple of factors.

Teams get a limited number of events they can play in and Illinois has the good fortune of being able to get invited to many tournaments with higher visibility and better competition. Also although match play is good experience for the NCAA finals, it also means teams don't get as much play during those events due to the format.

Illinois has skipped the Big Ten match play for a number of years and I think those are the main reasons. More recently, the past 2 seasons they've been in the East Lake Cup, which is also match play. Again though, it's against other elite programs and also televised on the Golf Channel.

Deleted member 3875


Why didn't the men's team play in the Big Ten Match Play Championship in February? I casually noticed at the time that they weren't in it, but never got around to asking why...

Who needs em. Bunch of cold weather, unranked squads.