3/15 Games

So these last few years with no Illinois in the tournament I just usually pick any team I don't hate to win (that list grows shorter every year). I'd like to wholeheartedly apologize to all of Illini Nation in that I had no idea Sampson was coaching Houston when I randomly picked them to win it all. I am ashamed.

But he'd look soooo much better on the sideline today. I guess it's a good consolation that they wanted him in studio to somewhat keep us out there? I don't know, seeing him there just feels like another punch square in the gut to me :(

I'm sure that if Coach was on the sidelines today, there would be group of folks in the game thread saying that he was yelling too much and hurting player's feelings...

I haven't been able to watch/hear BU in studio today. Hopefully he hasn't screamed at Candace Parker or the rest of the panel today. Would hate to see any of them transfer... ;)
Buffalo looking to destroy a bunch of brackets. Mine included
I watched this whole game and it was like watching a Groce team. Arizona just got completely out-hustled, and with two 7-footers still got out-rebounded by an undersized Buffalo. Wow.

I think Sean Miller simply can't coach.
What a brutal end to a roller coaster season for Arizona. How many of their starters are going to the NBA? Edit: They lose all five starters. Two are seniors, plus Ayton, Trier, and Alkins to the pros.

My first thoughts assuming Buffalo doesn't completely blow this:
#1 Wonder if Sean Miller will still be coaching next year.
#2 If we see Virginia-Kentucky in the Sweet Sixteen, that's going to be a crazy contrast in styles.
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Buffalo looking to destroy a bunch of brackets. Mine included

I made 4 brackets and every time I wanted to pick buffalo over zona. Didnt have the guts to do it once.
I was cruising through the Arizona boards and it turns out they are just as completely nuts as we are. My favorite part is the argument about whether or not the program is going to totally fall apart or whether Lute Olson can convince Steve Kerr or Luke Walton to leave the NBA to coach in Tucson. :crazy:
Notice anything... odd on Sean Miller's Wikipedia page?

This San Diego State-Houston game has gotten bananas late.

I spent the past week in San Diego just getting home today, and while I was there I wore my Illinois/Illini gear proudly, though I detected (maybe reading too much into what really didn't exist) smirks around town.

Yes, I was glad to see SDSU go down to Houston.

And that said, the Aztec Warrior sitting on the floor with the cheerleaders... And that's OK but Chief Illiniwek isn't? (OK, off my soapbox).