Alan Griffin suspended 2 games

Alan Griffin has been suspended two games by the Big Ten and reprimand for violating the Big Ten Sportsmanship Policy

“After a thoughtful and thorough review of this incident, we are all extremely fortunate this did not create a hostile and unsafe environment for the players, coaches, game officials and fans," said Big Ten Commissioner Kevin Warren.

"It is important for me to emphasize and make it crystal clear that such behavior will not be tolerated, period. We place the utmost importance on the safety and well-being of our players, coaches, game officials and fans. The situation provides a teachable moment for all parties
Griffin gets two game suspension. Think this would be Tevians chance to show he can contribute. I think one would have been more appropriate but Alan has no one to blame but himself

Man, I hope so. I get a "you didn't want me then;don't want me now" vibe from Tev. I hope I'm wrong and he can establish him self in Alan's absence.
Adam Woodbury was out there poking dozens of kids in the eyes with no remorse. Alan Griffin steps on one kid, apologizes, and get tossed for 2 games (basically 3 including Purdue).

The Big Ten stepping in seems unnecessary and dumb. He served the required suspension for the foul in the Purdue game, and I highly doubt Underwood was going to play him against Michigan but I guess if the Big Ten wants to officially suspend him for that one then go right ahead.

The additional game is overreaching. Has there been any other flagrant 2 fouls in the Big Ten this year (I can't find it)? Did those people get any extra games?
I interpret what the B1G is saying as "this wasn't so bad in and of itself, but could have caused a melee, and we want to make sure that doesn't happen, so we are making a little bit of an example here."

Agreed, which isn't quite fair to AG. It was a dirty play, he got kicked out, and now refs will be watching him closely. Seems like enough punishment to me, no need for 2 more games. But like others have said he can only blame himself. I do wonder though if the same punishment would have been given out to a star in the league. Would Cassius be suspended 2 games? I'm guessing no.
This is pretty ridiculous. One of the 4 players involved in an end of game brawl only got suspended two games. Griffin will miss essentially 3.

Not a flagrant 2, but a flagrant 1 by Diamond Stone back in 2016 resulted in a 1 game suspension by Maryland which the Big Ten deemed sufficient.

"Stone appeared to tackle Brown underneath the basket before dribbling his head and forcing a small melee. Stone was given a dead-ball technical foul (but not a flagrant 2) and remained in the game. Officials said because the shove was made with an open hand, rather than a fist, it did not bring an ejection."

"Stone pushed Wisconsin forward Vitto Brown’s head into the floor and was only given a technical foul rather than a flagrant-2 foul."
Boy things sure have changed since the refs in that UK Duke game were gutless to throw Laettner out in 92. Course he was the golden boy. 2 games seems a bit over the top since he basically got 1 for the game he did it. Only played a few minutes in 1st half. Essentially getting a 3 gamer for this.
Surprised the B1G got involved and that it took them 2 days for them to rule. Not good for Illinois by any means.
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I wonder if the Big Ten's response about what could have resulted was impacted a bit by the Kansas vs. Kansas St. brawl on the same night.

For sure. I think he's getting harsher punishment for it too. Personally, I don't think he intended to hurt the Purdue player as he didn't put his weight into it. On top of that, it appeared to be a moment of anger for being taken down himself. That said, those are things you gotta deal with without kicking a player that's on the deck. The ejection was warranted IMHO. I'm ok with the league punishing him on the high side as a deterrent to bench brawls --it was a cheap shot regardless. Also glad he apologized to the guy.

I like his fire --just need to channel that in acceptable ways. He'll learn from this.
Remember we are UI. Come on Tev fill in. The BT should have left it up to the coach and staff. The BT shouldn’t have gotten involved. My opinion. I hope he learns a lesson that this effects the whole team.