Beer sales at Memorial Stadium?



Bill expanding alcohol sales at universities on its way to Rauner

“This requires the U of I to come up with a new policy for liquor within the next six months, where I would hope they take into account that it doesn’t seem to be really fair to me that the rich guys get to eat their cheese and drink their wine in the expensive suites but the rest of us plebes can’t have a beer,” said Rose.
Who is Rose? That's pretty amateur journalism to not identify a person.
Who is Rose? That's pretty amateur journalism to not identify a person.

One would assume State Senator Chapin Rose, but the editing of that article could certainly use some work.
Phenomenally bad idea. Went to NFL game few years back, by 3rd qtr multiple fights in stands just around us, never mind the rest of the stadium. More than enough alcohol outside stadium, don't need to sell more inside, no one is being deprived. Common complaint regarding pro games is normal people having to put up with the drunken unruly behavior. To the point people don't want to take their kids to pro games. Realize pro is a different mix of demographic from college (plenty of overlap just a different mix), but still, who needs the hassle. Right now crowd around our seating areas always friendly home & visitor. Don't think the Illini ushers are prepared to deal with the drunken knuckleheads the pro ushers have to handle.
Phenomenally bad idea. Went to NFL game few years back, by 3rd qtr multiple fights in stands just around us, never mind the rest of the stadium. More than enough alcohol outside stadium, don't need to sell more inside, no one is being deprived. Common complaint regarding pro games is normal people having to put up with the drunken unruly behavior. To the point people don't want to take their kids to pro games. Realize pro is a different mix of demographic from college (plenty of overlap just a different mix), but still, who needs the hassle. Right now crowd around our seating areas always friendly home & visitor. Don't think the Illini ushers are prepared to deal with the drunken knuckleheads the pro ushers have to handle.

I'm sure the ushers can be prepared to handle it. If they are being stupid and disruptive then kick them out, it's pretty simple.
Phenomenally bad idea. Went to NFL game few years back, by 3rd qtr multiple fights in stands just around us, never mind the rest of the stadium.
Don't think the Illini ushers are prepared to deal with the drunken knuckleheads the pro ushers have to handle.

Curious as to where you attended that pro game. The crowds certainly can be unruly in some locations, but I have been to Soldier Field and went to most Bears games here in Champaign back in 2003 where they sold beer and experienced no such drunken unruliness. I don't think that the feelings towards our football team are strong enough to get anyone to that point.

I do completely agree with the ushers not being prepared to deal with that. They might need to hire more security and less part time ushers should beer sales commence.
Hey jrich ...

I hope you're right :) . Didn't seem very simple at the NFL game I attended. Not just my experience this is a common theme I've seen in discussions and in the media especially when people start talking about whether they even want to subject their families to it. Have a friend who calls minor league games, hasn't gotten out of control there yet but they've had their moments. More than enough alcohol at the tailgate before and after the game. We've all managed to make it through a game before our next drink so far.
Curious as to where you attended that pro game. The crowds certainly can be unruly in some locations, but I have been to Soldier Field and went to most Bears games here in Champaign back in 2003 where they sold beer and experienced no such drunken unruliness. I don't think that the feelings towards our football team are strong enough to get anyone to that point.

I do completely agree with the ushers not being prepared to deal with that. They might need to hire more security and less part time ushers should beer sales commence.

You must've not went to the Bears-Packers Monday night game! I witnessed more fistfights and people being ejected from the stadium that night than all other pro sporting events I have attended combined throughout my life.
Hey Shane,

Game was in Miami on a friend's season tkts. He said pretty much every game was like that. Nothing unusual about the game we attended.
College students tend to overdo the intake more than most, increasing the likelihood of issues. When I was in school and the fraternities still had blocks of seats with sororities a lot was smuggled in but limited the total intake by what could get by undetected.
Just enforce it. Give out drinking tickets like they do at bars. Underage kids won't mess around if there is actual enforcement.
Sure was. I must have gotten a lucky section.

I was at that game as well and remember reports of numerous fights and people escorted out of the stadium.

In addition to that game, my wife and I took our kids to the Patriots game as well. My son and I had been to the Saints game and it was fine so I didn't think anything about taking all of them to the Pats game. They had some drunk woman in front of them that stood up (and/or fell down) throughout the entire game while screaming obscenities, mostly the F-bomb, every other word. At the end of the game as we were leaving, we saw a fight just outside the stadium, a guy running from the police and a cop on top of a guy at the bottom of the stairs pushing his face into the ground. I don't recall ever seeing anything like that at an Illini game.
I was at that game as well and remember reports of numerous fights and people escorted out of the stadium.

In addition to that game, my wife and I took our kids to the Patriots game as well. My son and I had been to the Saints game and it was fine so I didn't think anything about taking all of them to the Pats game. They had some drunk woman in front of them that stood up (and/or fell down) throughout the entire game while screaming obscenities, mostly the F-bomb, every other word. At the end of the game as we were leaving, we saw a fight just outside the stadium, a guy running from the police and a cop on top of a guy at the bottom of the stairs pushing his face into the ground. I don't recall ever seeing anything like that at an Illini game.

Good memory. I also seem to remember drunken people walking across and littering the cemetery across from the stadium that season and knocking over tombstones. :tsk:
Just enforce it. Give out drinking tickets like they do at bars. Underage kids won't mess around if there is actual enforcement.

Agreed. Enforce it and put it at a price point that deters kids from spending money to drink. If I were in college I would buy one to keep things going from tailgating and one for the second half. If it's $7-8 a cup, a lot of college kids can't afford to get hammered to the game.
Agreed. Enforce it and put it at a price point that deters kids from spending money to drink. If I were in college I would buy one to keep things going from tailgating and one for the second half. If it's $7-8 a cup, a lot of college kids can't afford to get hammered to the game.

If that is the case, a lot of college kids will continue not attending the games as well.
I think you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. I remember reading an article about a year ago about whether you should allow alcohol sales in the stadium. It laid out two perspectives:

1. If you don't allow alcohol sales then people will consume much more vigorously, thus walking into the stadium, getting sick and/or being unruly.


2. If you allow alcohol sales inside the stadium then people will not feel rushed to get "topped off" just before entering the stadium. This was said to work quite well, usually ending beer sales by the start of the 4th qtr or something similar so everyone can sober up.

Like I said this was from an article and not necessarily my opinion, I honestly agree more with premise #2 just for the fact that it deters most folks from binge drinking just before kickoff.