
Cow manure puck? This brings a whole new meaning to, 'Playing Like Shhhhiii...'.

And it wouldn't be much fun to be a goalie with that kind of thing going on.
There was never really a goalie. 2 people per team was a big group.

The Hawks game the son-in-law and 3 grandkids went to. I found out later that they put my nearly 16 year old granddaughter on the Jumbotron. Not thrilled about that.
All those thousands of people from Illinois who moved to the Phoenix area and happen to be hockey fans? They can forget about watching NHL games being played in Arizona much longer.

Media reports say that the Coyotes franchise is moving to Salt Lake City after this season.

Whether the problem is with the franchise or the local governments (or both)... people in Arizona just could not get their acts together to find a way to make the team a success there.


Centennial, CO
All those thousands of people from Illinois who moved to the Phoenix area and happen to be hockey fans? They can forget about watching NHL games being played in Arizona much longer.

Media reports say that the Coyotes franchise is moving to Salt Lake City after this season.

Whether the problem is with the franchise or the local governments (or both)... people in Arizona just could not get their acts together to find a way to make the team a success there.
Ownership was bad, but they made a huge blunder from the beginning deciding to locate in the West Valley, when the vast majority of their fans were on the opposite side of town. If they could have been in Tempe, Scottsdale, or even downtown Phoenix from the beginning they likely would have been fine and this wouldn't be happening. That said, I don't see them fairing any better in Salt Lake. Smaller population and just not really a hockey town.
Were the injuries to Anathasiou, Hall, Murphy and whatever you want to call the situation with Perry actually helpful to us in the long run because we got to look at more young guys and give them more experience? We weren't going to make the playoffs even with them.
not moving down is a big win. gotta take Demidov, IMO. 20 OA should yield a good prospect too
Artyom Levshunov is going to be pretty hard to pass on. He absolutely jumped off the screen in a few MSU games I watched. Great spot to be in for sure! Have to think they will try and move up from 20 if they see someone they really like. They have so many picks over this year and next they almost can’t use them all.


Houston, Texas
Artyom Levshunov is going to be pretty hard to pass on. He absolutely jumped off the screen in a few MSU games I watched. Great spot to be in for sure! Have to think they will try and move up from 20 if they see someone they really like. They have so many picks over this year and next they almost can’t use them all.
How NHL ready is he? If he's nearly ready, he'll jump over a bunch of guys (well, they don't have a lot of RD in the system) but he'll jump guys nonetheless. Not that it's bad, they'll just have a deal some of those guys in the offseason.

Will be a very interesting offseason for Davidson and the Hawks.
Hawks dumped Vosters (thank God. nice guy, wish him well, but he's not a hockey guy...and it showed, a lot):
the new guy is supposed to be very good

Flames fans sad to see him go
Hallelujah. I flat out refused to listen to the broadcast and muted every game. Like you said, Vosters seemed like a nice guy but was in no way qualified to be behind the mic. New guy must be good to be on HNIC for that long
Hallelujah. I flat out refused to listen to the broadcast and muted every game. Like you said, Vosters seemed like a nice guy but was in no way qualified to be behind the mic. New guy must be good to be on HNIC for that long

John Schriffen...I can see into your future.
View attachment 35235

John Schriffen...I can see into your future.

I understand where many fans are coming from regarding the Sox television play-by-play guy. Vin Scully and Mel Allen and Jack Buck and Bob Elson and Harry have nothing to worry about.

But I’ll give you an unpopular take about how I feel about this season and Schriffen. The Sox are SO BAD this season that it’s actually refreshing to see a guy who honestly seemed stoked to have this gig and a strong desire to win over Sox fans.

He may not know baseball well – but that’s what Stone is there for. Schriffen is bringing energy to the booth instead of the funeral-feeling every game would have with a more traditional announcer. And Stone brings knowledge but can’t be honest about what he sees out there or it’s full-time back to Arizona for him and pronto. So he is subdued.

We should decide things in this World by merit. Schriffen will either improve his baseball knowledge and feel less pressured and comfortable in this job or he will not. I think it’s unfair to say he has no chance at all to be a decent baseball announcer. It’s up to him – and ‘The Owner’ to make this call. He is still young enough that time is on his side.

Schiffen talks a lot about Sox guys ‘Putting in the work’. Well, that applies to him, too. And honestly, he’s not the worst announcer the Sox have ever had. I could (but won’t) name a couple that were some level of dreadful.

This is flat out gonna be one horrid year for the Sox. So it’s not the worst thing to see a guy who seems happy to be here for however long it lasts. It's better than a guy announcing a funeral every night.


Houston, Texas
kinda wished they threw a boat load of money at Doc Emerick and got him outta retirement
Not sure if he did only national broadcasts or if did PBP for one team and also did national broadcasts. If it's the former, I doubt he'd come to the Hawks to do all their games.