Chicago Cubs 2024


Iron Man Eye Roll GIF
Ricketts is a clown.


Chicago, IL
I think this is the key piece:

"We're right there at CBT (Competitive Balance Tax) levels," he said. "It's kind of our natural place for us. That should be enough to win our division and be consistent every year."

1. The Cubs currently sit $32 million below the CBT line per projections, and $25 million below last year's payroll.

2. 8 of the 30 teams paid the luxury tax in 2023, and 8 project to do so in 2024 with many players still unsigned (Astros in, Padres out).

3. The Cubs themselves paid CBT in 2016, 2019 and 2020. In 2019 the Cubs had the 2nd highest payroll in baseball. They're 12th for 2024 as it currently stands, down from 10th last year.

All of which is to say, I take these comments in the way they were clearly intended: as a shot across Scott Boras' bow. Everybody knows the Cubs have a ton of money to spend, and everybody know Boras has more clients than suitors at this stage. The dance continues.


Houston, Texas
I think this is the key piece:

1. The Cubs currently sit $32 million below the CBT line per projections, and $25 million below last year's payroll.

2. 8 of the 30 teams paid the luxury tax in 2023, and 8 project to do so in 2024 with many players still unsigned (Astros in, Padres out).

3. The Cubs themselves paid CBT in 2016, 2019 and 2020. In 2019 the Cubs had the 2nd highest payroll in baseball. They're 12th for 2024 as it currently stands, down from 10th last year.

All of which is to say, I take these comments in the way they were clearly intended: as a shot across Scott Boras' bow. Everybody knows the Cubs have a ton of money to spend, and everybody know Boras has more clients than suitors at this stage. The dance continues.
Based on #1, it's pretty clear what the offer is. I think your second to last sentence is spot on and I hope Ricketts doesn't bid against himself for any of Boras's clients that the Cubs might be interested in.


Chicago, IL
Based on #1, it's pretty clear what the offer is. I think your second to last sentence is spot on and I hope Ricketts doesn't bid against himself for any of Boras's clients that the Cubs might be interested in.
I tend to take Ricketts at his word that he's pretty hands-off with baseball ops. Jed has a budget, it pretty clearly gives him the opportunity to go some way into the luxury tax, but it's just a question of whether Jed wants to spend his chips on Bellinger.

I understand the hesitance both in Bellinger's record and the Cubs positional situation with their farm system, but this seems like the soundest use of FA dollars likely to come along.


Houston, Texas
I tend to take Ricketts at his word that he's pretty hands-off with baseball ops. Jed has a budget, it pretty clearly gives him the opportunity to go some way into the luxury tax, but it's just a question of whether Jed wants to spend his chips on Bellinger.

I understand the hesitance both in Bellinger's record and the Cubs positional situation with their farm system, but this seems like the soundest use of FA dollars likely to come along.
I think both of your points in your last paragraph is why he’s sticking to his budget. But I think they’ll eventually get Bellinger.


Chicago, IL
I think both of your points in your last paragraph is why he’s sticking to his budget. But I think they’ll eventually get Bellinger.
So long as the relationship is good with Bellinger as has been publicized, I'd have to imagine the Cubs would get an opportunity to match or beat any offer Bellinger gets from another team, and I can't imagine (and would be furious with) the Cubs not saying yes to wherever it lands.

I do worry a little bit about Bellinger souring on the Cubs refusal to offer him the years he wants.

The Boras Four as a whole though, man, hard to see how this ends.

Mr. Tibbs

southeast DuPage
it’s all about the term

we all know that
Boras wants a 7 year deal
Cubs want a 3 year deal

if they both can compromise on a term somewhere in the middle , a deal at about 27 million per annum would likely get done fairly quickly .


Houston, Texas
it’s all about the term

we all know that
Boras wants a 7 year deal
Cubs want a 3 year deal

if they both can compromise on a term somewhere in the middle , a deal at about 27 million per annum would likely get done fairly quickly .
Yep, can get this done with 5 years, 150M. Still keeps them under the luxury tax.
Yep, can get this done with 5 years, 150M. Still keeps them under the luxury tax.

This would be very close to what I’ve been saying he should get from the get go. George Springer got 6 years and $150. Brandon Nimmo got 8 years $162. Bellinger should get something in that range. Maybe, as you suggest, a bit shorter term for a bit higher AAV.

All of Boras’ posturing is asking for teams to ignore 2021 and 2022. That’s just not something teams can do.


Houston, Texas
This would be very close to what I’ve been saying he should get from the get go. George Springer got 6 years and $150. Brandon Nimmo got 8 years $162. Bellinger should get something in that range. Maybe, as you suggest, a bit shorter term for a bit higher AAV.

All of Boras’ posturing is asking for teams to ignore 2021 and 2022. That’s just not something teams can do.
I guess the question is this: How long does Boras/Bellinger wait to sign, especially if offers aren't changing (much)? I'd think any player would like to have a full spring training (or as near to full as possible).

I wonder how many players signed very late and had a great season? I have no idea, just kind of typing out loud...


Chicago, IL
I guess the question is this: How long does Boras/Bellinger wait to sign, especially if offers aren't changing (much)? I'd think any player would like to have a full spring training (or as near to full as possible).

I wonder how many players signed very late and had a great season? I have no idea, just kind of typing out loud...
And on that note, I would think the effect for pitchers would be even sharper.

If Bellinger signs tomorrow he can be in the opening day lineup no problem. Can Snell? What if this gets to mid March?

I definitely get the sense that the Boras camp is waiting for injury to strike among the teams with money, which especially for pitchers is a near-certainty.

Boras is no fool and he knows the offers on the table and I don't. Buuuuuuuut, this sure seems to be going badly, I dunno.

Why the new Major League Baseball jerseys have players and fans furious​

crappy jerseys that look like the ones from China sold on the street corner two blocks from the ballpark
This isn't entirely a Fanatics story, Nike deserves much of the blame, but it's redolent of the Fantatics-ification of everything we buy now, it's horrible.


Houston, Texas
And on that note, I would think the effect for pitchers would be even sharper.

If Bellinger signs tomorrow he can be in the opening day lineup no problem. Can Snell? What if this gets to mid March?

I definitely get the sense that the Boras camp is waiting for injury to strike among the teams with money, which especially for pitchers is a near-certainty.

Boras is no fool and he knows the offers on the table and I don't. Buuuuuuuut, this sure seems to be going badly, I dunno.

This isn't entirely a Fanatics story, Nike deserves much of the blame, but it's redolent of the Fantatics-ification of everything we buy now, it's horrible.
Agreed about pitchers needing the time to stretch out, assuming guys like Snell and other FAs aren't stretching out the same way they'd stretch out in camp. My question about position players was really this: How much time do they need? I don't recall any guys reporting very late (one week before the start of the season for example) and killing it.

I'm not sure how to feel about it, to be honest. I'm glad that they are not bidding against themselves but you want to put yourself in the best position to win and their current team does not do that.


Chicago, IL
the pants are “see thru”

how in the world can this crap occur at the MLB level ? this is high school stuff

Nike's design arm's commitment to marketing over actually providing what its athletes want combined with Fanatics' dedication to cost cutting and shoddy manufacturing is a potent brew.

And the plan is to sell this stuff to the consumer at a HIGHER price than before.
Nike's design arm's commitment to marketing over actually providing what its athletes want combined with Fanatics' dedication to cost cutting and shoddy manufacturing is a potent brew.

And the plan is to sell this stuff to the consumer at a HIGHER price than before.
At the very least they can now sell knock offs and say they are authentics.