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Has Bienemy shown any interest in this job?

He has I think, but I'm so skeptical of OC's who made their name on the backs of once in a lifetime superstar QB's(see Hackett). There's a lot of other baggage that comes with him that isn't really worth getting in to, too.
This is an interesting point. If you're George, which hire is more likely to keep you in your job?

-Deion has been very successful as a HC (even if in a lesser conference), but seems like a strange fit.
-Walters seems like a more natural fit and is a top coordinator in the country, but hasn't had HC experience.

I'll answer my own question and say that Deion is probably more quickly able to bring in highly rated recruits/transfers. If George is on the hot seat, he probably wants a coach that will be more immediately successful and then you figure out the sustainability later.
Rick George has a contract that runs until mid-2026, when I believe he will be 66 years old (getting towards retirement age), so how much do we think he really cares about getting fired? I would think his principal focus is more just getting the hire right, so that the football program is in a better place when he decides to ride off into the sunset.

the national

the Front Range

Per the link, Nate will be serving as the interim Offensive Coordinator while the staff reviews are taking place. I wonder if he might get the OC job. Tom Manning really struggled this year.

the national

the Front Range
Matt Campbell is a good example of why you strike when the iron is hot.

You can blab until you're blue in the face about how much you value the happiness of that Iowa State job and how you hope you're there for life, and all of that. But now he's stuck at an uphill battle of a job, being held against expectations he created, and he could very easily be fired in a couple of years and it's all gone up in smoke.

Advice for college football coaches just as with regular schmos like us: the job isn't going to love you back.

Scheelhaase has a tough decision to make now. Can he get that Iowa State OC job? Is that a poisoned chalice on a sinking ship? Alternatively, could be become the OC at a promising mid-major project a la Barry Lunney? Needs to be well chosen. He could probably also get an ace recruiter position coach role at a powerhouse school, for good money and relative security and give him some time to assess his next move (he's still only 32). But he risks being typecast as a non-playcaller which is something the African-American coaching community especially knows can be a glass ceiling that's unfairly difficult to shake.
Hot takes everywhere here. I’m not even sure where to begin. I follow ISU fairly close and this season was a rebuild year, everyone in Ames knew it. The staff knew it. The expectations set on Campbell and the coaching staff was improvement. A lot of games fell apart during the season due to bad offensive play calling. Manning is a good coach but he really struggled the last two years. If we think our red zone struggles were rough here, it was that in spades for the cyclones. I think the expectations are always going to be high with Campbell but the fans there are understanding to the situation.

From the outside, i can see where you come from but this is not a sinking ship. It’s light years ahead of where the program was when he took over. They sell loads of season tickets and have made great improvements to thier stadium and facilities. He’s really built something special there. One 4-8 season doesn’t take the polish off. When your offense struggles that badly, you cut bait. Full stop. See Bielema cerca 2021. It’s that simple.

Edit: As far as him using this program as a stepping stone, he has said there are only a few programs he’d consider ‘dream jobs’ and I believe him. Unless he gets fired, I’d expect him to be patient. Money is a powerful persuader but I do think he’s genuinely happy in Ames (for now).
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Centennial, CO
Hot takes everywhere here. I’m not even sure where to begin. I follow ISU fairly close and this season was a rebuild year, everyone in Ames knew it. The staff knew it. The expectations set on Campbell and the coaching staff was improvement. A lot of games fell apart during the season due to bad offensive play calling. Manning is a good coach but he really struggled the last two years. If we think our red zone struggles were rough here, it was that in spades for the cyclones. I think the expectations are always going to be high with Campbell but the fans there are understanding to the situation.

From the outside, i can see where you come from but this is not a sinking ship. It’s light years ahead of where the program was when he took over. They sell loads of season tickets and have made great improvements to thier stadium and facilities. He’s really built something special there. One 4-8 season doesn’t take the polish off. When your offense struggles that badly, you cut bait. Full stop. See Bielema cerca 2021. It’s that simple.

Edit: As far as him using this program as a stepping stone, he has said there are only a few programs he’d consider ‘dream jobs’ and I believe him. Unless he gets fired, I’d expect him to be patient. Money is a powerful persuader but I do think he’s genuinely happy in Ames (for now).
Knowing some about ISU (wife's family is all from within about 40 minutes of there), agree with all of this. Campbell has been successful enough that he's bought a lot of goodwill with the AD, administration, and fanbase, that one bad rebuilding season doesn't really matter.


Knowing some about ISU (wife's family is all from within about 40 minutes of there), agree with all of this. Campbell has been successful enough that he's bought a lot of goodwill with the AD, administration, and fanbase, that one bad rebuilding season doesn't really matter.
Dekkers was a first year starter at QB and played better in the 2nd half of the year. They also lost at least 2 experienced TEs and the offense had to develop some new weapons as the year went on. Defense played very well, except for the TCU game.

Game environment is a lot of fun there, great facilities that will be added to with their Cytown complex.


Centennial, CO
Dekkers was a first year starter at QB and played better in the 2nd half of the year. They also lost at least 2 experienced TEs and the offense had to develop some new weapons as the year went on. Defense played very well, except for the TCU game.

Game environment is a lot of fun there, great facilities that will be added to with their Cytown complex.
Yes the stadium, facilities and area surrounding the stadium are fantastic. Hoping we can approach that kind of atmosphere at some point in the near future. Grange Grove is a good start.
Well all coaches either do well or get fired, but I agree it seems like a strange fit. I think he’ll energize the fan base more than say a hire like Walters, but the key is will the big donors be excited by the hire. I don’t know if Colorado needs facility upgrades — though what program doesn’t want them — but if his hire has the same impact that Lovie’s did here with the donors then it would probably be a net positive even if on field results aren’t what they are looking for.
I meant Rick George. My post was too heavy on pronouns. 😬


Chicago, IL
this season was a rebuild year, everyone in Ames knew it.

A lot of games fell apart during the season due to bad offensive play calling.
Please help me understand how these things square together.

For the record, I expect that ISU will continue to do okay in the not-that-scary Big XII so long as they hang onto Campbell. If I were advising Scheelhaase, I'd say he should seek and take the OC job, which opens up a number of different possibilities in the event the day comes when Campbell is lured away.


Chicago, IL
Well all coaches either do well or get fired
I’ve really been hoping for 1 more year, but if he has the opportunity he wants, best of luck to him. Tough time of year to lose a valuable coach with signing day in a couple weeks. I’m sure Bret knows exactly how he will proceed if Walters goes.
"Come here and you'll get to be a HC soon" is a heckuva sales pitch



Per the link, Nate will be serving as the interim Offensive Coordinator while the staff reviews are taking place. I wonder if he might get the OC job. Tom Manning really struggled this year.
Hope they remove the interim tag for him after the review.

the national

the Front Range
Please help me understand how these things square together.

For the record, I expect that ISU will continue to do okay in the not-that-scary Big XII so long as they hang onto Campbell. If I were advising Scheelhaase, I'd say he should seek and take the OC job, which opens up a number of different possibilities in the event the day comes when Campbell is lured away.
I think it squares only bc last year there were hints that the offense had problems outside the individual players not performing up to thier potential. It seemed to fans that Manning didn’t put the players in a position to win more games, especially late in games. His playcalling was too conservative. Some of it could have been player execution (Purdy struggled with uncharacteristic mistakes last year). But when Dekkers showed similar problems during the season to Purdy last season, it became clear that Manning deserved blame. The roaster turnover this year really exposed his weaknesses as a playcaller. The Des Moines Register noted after the TCU blowout that this was one of the worst offensive seasons in Iowa State History (and there have been some real stinkers)

Secondarily, it sounded like Campbell had great concern of losing more guys to the portal (RB Silas was the first out the door). Relieving Manning should help cauterize that wound. It does sound like Scheelhaase is well liked by the staff but especially his players. I hope he gets a crack at it.

(I apologize if my initial response came hot, I was dealing with a difficult client and came onto loyalty a little fired up 😆)

the national

the Front Range
Not sure if this has been posted but I guess S.Florida is sniffing around Tom Allen (per Tampa Bay Times). I guess his buyout dropped to 4mil on Thursday. The school would owe him 20mil if he was fired (seems unlikely since he hired the Wisc OLine coach today).

Mr. Tibbs

southeast DuPage
I guess I admire USF for swinging for the fence, but Sanders is the only one with any incentive to go there - its a step up from FCS and its his home state
for Chadwell its a lateral move from CC, and for Allen is a step down.

kinda crazy to be at the $100 black jack table with a fistful a ten dollar chips
As someone mentioned earlier, serious signs have Prime Time taking the Colorado job after SWAC title game.

RW stays and gets a nice raise? We shall see.
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