Coaching Carousel

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And my response to all who are disappointed (as was I), is this: Is your life and career a constant upwards trajectory? It is not. We will have our ups and downs as we progress to a more consistent level. Did Clemson expect the season they had in 2023? They did not. Should they jump off a cliff? I hope not. Will Mizzou take a tumble in 2024? Probably. Will scUM? Definitely.

Patience. We will get there.
If we want alumns, what about j leman? Or Scott studwell…. Retired but knows a lot about personnel and make it linebacker u again.

If it’s recruiting ability we’re worried about, then how about anyone with nfl experience… something like Eugene Wilson in your living room with a couple Super Bowl rings could help. Perhaps not as coaches, but possibly make them part of some nil collective with the message, ‘we will get you to the nfl’. That’s gotta be the biggest pitch in recruiting, the promise for a shot at the nfl if they play at Illinois. Rather than rely solely on coaches recruiting, use the vague nil rules to use former and current nfl guys to communicate with the recruits. Not sure how exactly that’d work though…. Thinking out loud

“I’ll get you to the nfl if you come here and do what I say” was basically urban meyer’s main pitch… although some of his ‘advice’ was strange to say the least. But it worked
If you’re referring to the post about Dre Brown, that wasn’t a suggestion based out of unadulterated Illini fandom. Although he’s young in the profession, he has gained valuable recruiting experience, he is hungry, he’s a solid and resilient former player(including bouncing back from two major injuries), and he should be very attainable if BB wants him. I have no clue, but for all the ridiculous calls by fans, for former players returning to coach, this is not one of those. Dre Brown has obvious potential and it would make sense. He’d also have Thad and BL to lean on.
I get you and respect all here. I just hate the negativity. Kansas St, Oregon State, Duke and so many others were never going to be winning programs until they were. Going back, Iowa, Wisconsin, Missouri and NW absolutely sucked until they became competitive. Don’t tell me for one minute there’s some special handicap that prevents us from being a competitive program. Will we be elite and playoff competitive? Most likely not. Neither have Iowa and Wisconsin achieved this level after decades of winning. But we can certainly compete with everyone else. So it so irks me to hear our ‘fans’ say BS like we’ll be lucky to be a 6-6 team. Or Josh and Illinois are content with 6-6. We are not. They are not. And we CAN push our way into the Iowa/Wisconsin level. And I believe Bret will do so. He’s been here 3 seasons. We will not get there overnight. But I have faith we have the best HC since Mike White and We Will Win.
And my response to all who are disappointed (as was I), is this: Is your life and career a constant upwards trajectory? It is not. We will have our ups and downs as we progress to a more consistent level. Did Clemson expect the season they had in 2023? They did not. Should they jump off a cliff? I hope not. Will Mizzou take a tumble in 2024? Probably. Will scUM? Definitely.

Patience. We will get there.
These platitudes would make sense if the program didn't have a 39% B10 & 43% overall win rate the last 40 years.

It's not unreasonable to ask for an average program and to be disappointed when that hasn't been delivered in most of our lifetimes. Bielema at 44% B10 & 48% overall is rapidly trending towards the status quo. This year summer & next season will be interesting.


And what was Iowa’s, Wisconsin’s and Kansas State’s history before they got their act together? Your statements suggest nothing will ever change because of the last 40 years. I’ll not ever believe this. If you do then just stop being a fan. Go root for a winning program and be done with it. I believe that the difference now is Bielema. I have faith in him.
And what was Iowa’s, Wisconsin’s and Kansas State’s history before they got their act together? Your statements suggest nothing will ever change because of the last 40 years. I’ll not ever believe this. If you do then just stop being a fan. Go root for a winning program and be done with it. I believe that the difference now is Bielema. I have faith in him.
You’re using rebuilds from 2-3 decades ago. A lot has changed in Cfb. All the bad programs that turned things around had big years 4 and 5. If we miss bowls in 1 of those 2 years, then things probably aren’t going to work realistically. That’s why last year was huge. It could have provided a margin for error. Now next year is going to be a high stakes, high anxiety season, unless we get off to a hot start. It didn’t have to be that way, but that’s where we are.


I doubt it. This season will not make or break Bielema unless it’s a disaster. That’s a fan’s perspective. And some of the rebuilds are quite recent. Regardless, yes it’s a different era but some of the differences like the portal actually can help a rebuild.
I doubt it. This season will not make or break Bielema unless it’s a disaster. That’s a fan’s perspective. And some of the rebuilds are quite recent. Regardless, yes it’s a different era but some of the differences like the portal actually can help a rebuild.
I would think Bret has 2 more years where the bar is to at least maintain 6-6. These are his players now, so no excuses that he doesn't have his guys. It's his desired staff for better or worse. If he continues to backslide and we only get 4-5 wins each season for the next two years it might be time to move on.
Any news on potential coaching staff additions? And I’m guessing that no news is good news on potentially anyone else leaving?
These platitudes would make sense if the program didn't have a 39% B10 & 43% overall win rate the last 40 years.

It's not unreasonable to ask for an average program and to be disappointed when that hasn't been delivered in most of our lifetimes. Bielema at 44% B10 & 48% overall is rapidly trending towards the status quo. This year summer & next season will be interesting.
It’s tough to understand exactly what effect our results from 20, 30, or 40 years ago could possibly have on our 2024 season. So much has changed, here and elsewhere. Patience. Meanwhile, I find nothing objectionable about even a 50% “status quo” win rate. It’s become an entertaining ride again.
My question is why can't Illini football coaches sustain any success? Do our ADs always wait too long to make a change (Tepper/yes;Turner /yes;Beckan/./YES). Do our coaches stop recruiting/relax too much after a winning year (Turner/YES; Zook/yes; Bielema/maybe)? Is it hubris (Miles Smith hire; Fenelus hire)?
My question is why can't Illini football coaches sustain any success? Do our ADs always wait too long to make a change (Tepper/yes;Turner /yes;Beckan/./YES). Do our coaches stop recruiting/relax too much after a winning year (Turner/YES; Zook/yes; Bielema/maybe)? Is it hubris (Miles Smith hire; Fenelus hire)?

AD's wait too long? No, actually. There's this pesky thing called buy outs in contracts that the university doesn't always want to pay out on a whim. Remember, Beckman was GOING to be our HC until the scandal with Simon. We aren't Texas A&M. Hindsight is 20/20 on Beckman but we improved in wins every year he was coach.

Relaxed on recruiting? No, I don't believe that. Recruiting wasn't the only reason e deflated after the 2008 Rose Bowl, nor was it the sole reason Lovie failed. People need to understand that recruiting is not squarely the head coaches responsibility. There's an entire section of the staff dedicated to that on top of the position coaches being heavily involved. The HC will get involved on priority targets and when needed obviously.

From what I understand Fenelus wasn't the first choice for DB's.

I still have faith in Bielema. He has identified what has doomed previous Illinois coaches and is so concerned with detail oriented football.

We can not undo decades of futility with anything other than a solid baseline. If we as fans think that will just go away overnight, I simply think you should be patient but I understand the concerns.

Mr. Tibbs

southeast DuPage
Harbaugh getting $16 million for 5 years from Chargers

geez - he’s not as dumb as he looks
He's too busy working for BTN and making overly cheesy commercials for Dick Van Dyke Appliance World.
And doing real estate. From outward appearance, he's living his best life and probably doesn't want to trade that in for the rat race of an assistant coach.
I doubt it. This season will not make or break Bielema unless it’s a disaster. That’s a fan’s perspective. And some of the rebuilds are quite recent. Regardless, yes it’s a different era but some of the differences like the portal actually can help a rebuild.
What’s 5 wins to you? IMO that puts you in a tough spot. Pop quiz, who was the last Illini coach with 3+ years here to miss a bowl in both years 3 and 4.


We’ll be 5-1 heading into the scUM game. Mark it down.


So we are waiting on the ILB and WR coaches to be named, at different stages in the search/ interview process?

Do all of these positions need to be posted for 2 weeks? Or just OC/DC/HC?
AD's wait too long? No, actually. There's this pesky thing called buy outs in contracts that the university doesn't always want to pay out on a whim. Remember, Beckman was GOING to be our HC until the scandal with Simon. We aren't Texas A&M. Hindsight is 20/20 on Beckman but we improved in wins every year he was coach.

Relaxed on recruiting? No, I don't believe that. Recruiting wasn't the only reason e deflated after the 2008 Rose Bowl, nor was it the sole reason Lovie failed. People need to understand that recruiting is not squarely the head coaches responsibility. There's an entire section of the staff dedicated to that on top of the position coaches being heavily involved. The HC will get involved on priority targets and when needed obviously.

From what I understand Fenelus wasn't the first choice for DB's.

I still have faith in Bielema. He has identified what has doomed previous Illinois coaches and is so concerned with detail oriented football.

We can not undo decades of futility with anything other than a solid baseline. If we as fans think that will just go away overnight, I simply think you should be patient but I understand the concerns.
You make some very good points. I guess I was alluding to the teams that consistently win in our conference and have the ability to jettison some very good coaches no matter what the financial cost. Like Michigan with Rich Rod and Brady Hoke, or even a more extreme example at Wisconsin with Paul Christ.


orange county CA
Just like the rest of the world employee turnover is getting more and more common.

You just don't see coaches stay in one place for 5-10 years anymore. Some may move for money. Others for promotion. Some for chance to join a stronger more successful program. I suspect our salaries ar competitive.

George McDonald - Ole Miss was 11-2 last year and knocking on the door for CFP. Illinois was 5-7.
AD's wait too long? No, actually. There's this pesky thing called buy outs in contracts that the university doesn't always want to pay out on a whim. Remember, Beckman was GOING to be our HC until the scandal with Simon. We aren't Texas A&M. Hindsight is 20/20 on Beckman but we improved in wins every year he was coach.

Relaxed on recruiting? No, I don't believe that. Recruiting wasn't the only reason e deflated after the 2008 Rose Bowl, nor was it the sole reason Lovie failed. People need to understand that recruiting is not squarely the head coaches responsibility. There's an entire section of the staff dedicated to that on top of the position coaches being heavily involved. The HC will get involved on priority targets and when needed obviously.

From what I understand Fenelus wasn't the first choice for DB's.

I still have faith in Bielema. He has identified what has doomed previous Illinois coaches and is so concerned with detail oriented football.

We can not undo decades of futility with anything other than a solid baseline. If we as fans think that will just go away overnight, I simply think you should be patient but I understand the concerns.
Actually, under the current rules (as I understand it) head coaches are limited to the recruiting times and hours they can commit to it... Sooo, it's the coordinators who do and are most responsible for recruiting - please correct me if wrong and I'll send it along to Josh Pate, and the Cover3 team, as that's where I got the info....
I still have faith in Bielema also, but frankly, if I had a nickel for every time I have heard this: 'If we as fans think that will just go away overnight, I simply think you should be patient but I understand the concerns.' I could buy some Apple stock... Yes I think continuity in the coaching staff is important. In the time Kirk Ferentz has coached Iowa, we've had how many different head coaches, OC's, and DC's ??????? We've made a lot (repeat: A LOT) of bad hires, and wasted a lot (repeat: A LOT) of money on them... I'm hoping Josh Whitman is working to correct this... To get and KEEP good coaches LONG TERM...
You make some very good points. I guess I was alluding to the teams that consistently win in our conference and have the ability to jettison some very good coaches no matter what the financial cost. Like Michigan with Rich Rod and Brady Hoke, or even a more extreme example at Wisconsin with Paul Christ.

I think we could probably afford to buyout any coach we hired unless we swung out for a Harbaugh-like coach... but starting over isn't always an improvement.

I see where you are coming from, but the top programs in the conference have things we have not had in like 40+ years. Every program has had rough stretches. We aren't in a position to out spend other schools, so we need success to come from a playing smart and sound football.
Actually, under the current rules (as I understand it) head coaches are limited to the recruiting times and hours they can commit to it... Sooo, it's the coordinators who do and are most responsible for recruiting - please correct me if wrong and I'll send it along to Josh Pate, and the Cover3 team, as that's where I got the info....
I still have faith in Bielema also, but frankly, if I had a nickel for every time I have heard this: 'If we as fans think that will just go away overnight, I simply think you should be patient but I understand the concerns.' I could buy some Apple stock... Yes I think continuity in the coaching staff is important. In the time Kirk Ferentz has coached Iowa, we've had how many different head coaches, OC's, and DC's ??????? We've made a lot (repeat: A LOT) of bad hires, and wasted a lot (repeat: A LOT) of money on them... I'm hoping Josh Whitman is working to correct this... To get and KEEP good coaches LONG TERM...

Yea we have made bad hires but it's worth noting that very few situations compare to Iowa. Coaches don't usually stay that long, particularly in the modern game. It will take a string of good hires to undue the decades of bad hires, and the arrow won't always be pointing up too.
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