College Hoops Coaching Carousel

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To be fair, there was not one mention of Brad Underwood before we hired him.
False, I had him in a big long list of candidates I put together when the job opened up, mostly disregarding him as a candidate because of how good a fit he seemed to be at Oklahoma State.

(That was either me or one of my twin brothers who have been sent to live on a farm upstate... :unsure:)
From Texas's 247 guy:
A 71-66 second-round NCAA Tournament win over a relentless 10th-seeded Penn State team also likely cemented Rodney Terry as the Longhorns' next basketball coach after serving as acting head coach since Dec. 12, when Chris Beard was suspended without pay (and ultimately dismissed on Jan. 5, which elevated Terry to interim head coach), a high-level university source told Horns247.
From Texas's 247 guy:
A 71-66 second-round NCAA Tournament win over a relentless 10th-seeded Penn State team also likely cemented Rodney Terry as the Longhorns' next basketball coach after serving as acting head coach since Dec. 12, when Chris Beard was suspended without pay (and ultimately dismissed on Jan. 5, which elevated Terry to interim head coach), a high-level university source told Horns247.
I thought -I- was amazing at run-on sentences.
Recruiting can only get you so far if you can’t teach X’s and O’s. This topic will come up again next year if we get bounced out of the first or second round again. Don’t get me wrong, I really like Brad and think he has the potential to lead this team to greater heights but that’s not our decision. That’s JW’s and if he thinks there is someone better out there that can lead this team than I’m all for it.
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From Texas's 247 guy:
A 71-66 second-round NCAA Tournament win over a relentless 10th-seeded Penn State team also likely cemented Rodney Terry as the Longhorns' next basketball coach after serving as acting head coach since Dec. 12, when Chris Beard was suspended without pay (and ultimately dismissed on Jan. 5, which elevated Terry to interim head coach), a high-level university source told Horns247.
I guess if this happens it's hard to see what dominos would drop that would lead to BU leaving. There would need to be a major trigger like Self retiring to get that ball rolling.
From Texas's 247 guy:
A 71-66 second-round NCAA Tournament win over a relentless 10th-seeded Penn State team also likely cemented Rodney Terry as the Longhorns' next basketball coach after serving as acting head coach since Dec. 12, when Chris Beard was suspended without pay (and ultimately dismissed on Jan. 5, which elevated Terry to interim head coach), a high-level university source told Horns247.
I believe if Terry was the guy it would already be done. Previous record as a HC may give pause to Texas.
What are the chances that Whitman is not happy with more than just the fact that Underwood is testing the waters for two straight years? Is it possible that Underwood doesn’t want to change who his is, and Whitman thinks he needs to? Maybe this is why Underwood is looking elsewhere and Whitman has talked to Miller?🤷‍♂️
I suppose anything is possible. I want Underwood to stay, as I like him and believe he's our current best option as the leader of our program. I am also incredibly appreciative of the astounding turnaround job he pulled here from 2018 to 2021 - a losing season to a #1 seed. However, I will be happy/content if the following two things are true when the dust settles on all of this, with the #1 thing being by far more important:

1. Illinois Basketball is in the best possible position to win our first National Championship in the next several years.

2. Illinois Basketball comes out with its reputation lookin' good. Sick of this "stepping stone" nonsense.
Probably a little overlap with recruiting but I'll put it here since it's the root of the question..

For those in the know, what does our current portal and recruiting conversations look like? If these rumors have made it to here, they have definitely made it to transfers and recruits.

Could this put us at a disadvantage or are BU and staff still having full steam ahead convos planning for next year
Probably a little overlap with recruiting but I'll put it here since it's the root of the question..

For those in the know, what does our current portal and recruiting conversations look like? If these rumors have made it to here, they have definitely made it to transfers and recruits.

Could this put us at a disadvantage or are BU and staff still having full steam ahead convos planning for next year
I'm no insider, but I'd say Whitman will want all of this settled as quickly as possible, knowing the small window Illinois has to land important portal transfers (although there could be a number of quality ones still playing in the Tourney).
Texas seems like exactly the kind of program that would overestimate their own attractiveness in basketball, back a dump truck of money up to guys like Oats and Musselman, then "settle" for choice #4 after the others pass while waiting for a blue blood.

I still think Underwood is a really good coach who is only missing that tourney success, but I could definitely see Texas striking out by overreaching on all the tippy top tier candidates.
We’ve been there, sadly.
After the strangest most confounding Illini basketball season I’ve ever seen something is not right. This feels like the end stages of a marriage where both partners start doing weird inexplicable stuff and their families/friends/neighbors are like “huh?”
Eh, I dunno. Given how shaky the ground is under 95-plus percent of NCAA basketball coaches at any given time, Underwood would be foolish not to sniff around, and given that most coaches are gonna be sniffing this time of year Whitman would be foolish to not actively and constantly work on contingencies. In Whitman's case I don't think it's a matter of being disloyal or anything, it's just literally his job.

I'm sure there are ADs who get caught flat-footed by this stuff because I've lived through a couple of them here at Illinois. Whitman doesn't strike me as that kind of guy.
Any chance Whitman loses his patience and goes for Miller anyway? Not sure how that all works, but since we’re speculating already might as well ask
Odds that conversation goes well with Josh = 0%
but...but....but............Indy , BU said we were his dream job..................sounds like we are in another stepping stone situation.......

I want someone who wants to build a dynasty here at UI and won't go sniffing around for a different job.......I'm losing a lot of respect for BU if he is doing the sniffing.........

JW has .....................

paid out big $$$ initially and extensions also
increased the AC pool of $$$
upgraded SFC and Ubben

What else is he supposed to do ?????........................

If we are going to get into a new coach every 5-6-7+ years then let's get one that can at least make it to the second round of the dance and throw in a FF every 5 years or so and then finally get that GD NATTY................................

I need to take some meds and settle down......................Dmn , the NCAA's ain't even over yet........

I guess when either Texas gets beat or wins the natty we might know what's going on........

If BU is so unhappy here then lets offer the job to Sean M. when his season is over ....Let BU go for cause......cause he hollers too much ..............................................

Un-f*ckin real..................talkin one day aboot what players are coming back and now if our coach is coming back.........

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