College Hoops Coaching Carousel

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A lot of talk about Brad to Texas and Brad to Arkansas, which make varying levels of sense.

One scenario I heard mentioned last night involves Jerome Tang leaving K-State for a job that could open up, like a Kentucky or Arkansas, and then Brad does decide to go back home. That would actually make a lot more sense to me as a fit than Texas or Arkansas if Brad were looking to leave.

Not sure if @Indy Illini Fan or any other insiders have heard similar theories.
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Here is my question - in the very real chance that BU is our coach next year, how could we move on?

It's now become clear that he's not thrilled to be here. It's clear that JW has grown frustrated with him. Does not seem like a stable situation that would be attractive for recruits and assistant coaches.

Some of the things that have been said/done that have now become public can't be taken back. I just can't see BU being a longterm solution here now. Which is shocking given how I felt 24 hours ago.

To say that I feel I've been blindsided by all this talk is a major understatement of how I actually feel right now.....
Oh, Whitman is aware … Brad and his agent go poking around at jobs every year … Last year it was K State (which Whitman understood) and then we gave Brad the bag and now he wants to go flirt with Texas ? In Whitman’s head - he’s given Brad everything he could want … If he’s not happy still then so be it, thanks for everything and good luck wherever you go …
Seriously. Sorry to sound like Guenther, but at that point, door, meet !!!.
Here is my question - in the very real chance that BU is our coach next year, how could we move on?

It's now become clear that he's not thrilled to be here. It's clear that JW has grown frustrated with him. Does not seem like a stable situation that would be attractive for recruits and assistant coaches.

Some of the things that have been said/done that have now become public can't be taken back. I just can't see BU being a longterm solution here now. Which is shocking given how I felt 24 hours ago.
Still catching up on this wild thread, so please forgive me if I missed something. What has been said/done that can’t be taken back? Other than taking an interview with a school that came calling with a potentially higher offer? Josh responded by putting his feelers out. Seems like pretty much business as usual?
Here is my question - in the very real chance that BU is our coach next year, how could we move on?

It's now become clear that he's not thrilled to be here. It's clear that JW has grown frustrated with him. Does not seem like a stable situation that would be attractive for recruits and assistant coaches.

Some of the things that have been said/done that have now become public can't be taken back. I just can't see BU being a longterm solution here now. Which is shocking given how I felt 24 hours ago.
Can someone provide a summary of these various bells that cannot be unrung? Reading this thread, it seems like many people have come to various conclusions based on assumptions about several apparently ironclad things that don't seem all that public - or at least, not all that publicly accessible.
Here is my question - in the very real chance that BU is our coach next year, how could we move on?

It's now become clear that he's not thrilled to be here. It's clear that JW has grown frustrated with him. Does not seem like a stable situation that would be attractive for recruits and assistant coaches.

Some of the things that have been said/done that have now become public can't be taken back. I just can't see BU being a longterm solution here now. Which is shocking given how I felt 24 hours ago.
You correct that it does not seem like a stable situation for recruits or the Illini Basketball program. Thats why if BU is not happy after all JW has done and Miller wants to come id pull the trigger and run the show rather than the other way around.
Can someone provide a summary of these various bells that cannot be unrung? Reading this thread, it seems like many people have come to various conclusions based on assumptions about several apparently ironclad things that don't seem all that public - or at least, not all that publicly accessible.
To my knowledge, not even the insiders have said anything particularly bad ... PLEASE someone correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems the absolute worse that has been suggested is the following:

(1) This one is my obvious assumption, too, but everyone is a bit frustrated after this past season.
(2) Brad is doing the same thing he did last year, trying to display to his employer that he's in demand and get what he sees as his market value from Illinois.
(3) This could have understandably upset Whitman, who thinks we have given Underwood as much as anyone in the country to succeed, and we need more Tournament wins before he can pull another raise via a "competing opportunities" conversation.
(4) Whitman isn't going to be caught flat-footed and has understandably said "two can play that game" and has put out feelers for potential replacements if Underwood demands an unreasonable raise to stay, given results to-date.

In summation, from my novice take on the rumors posted here, it literally just seems like Underwood is doing what he usually does (entertaining all potential offers/feelers on the table), and (as opposed to last year) Whitman might push back a bit and not break the bank 150% if he thinks a (possibly even better) replacement is on deck? I don't think it NECESSARILY means that Underwood is "unhappy" here ... maybe just overestimating what he now deserves and underestimating what he's been given.
Put me in the bruised pride category if Brad leaves.

Yes, but... remember all the reactions here when a player leaves the Illini with the response that 'We want guys who want to be here!' Well, this applies to coaches too. Maybe even more so because the coach sets the table for everything else.

And while observers like to look at money and 'culture' as reasons for a guy staying or leaving a place... human beings are just unpredictable and do things for reasons not evident to anyone else. Only they know what rules inside their thinking and why.

Whether someone stays or leaves is not really an accurate measure of a Program. You either have a good and desirable place to offer or your don't. And if you don't... you have bigger things to worry about besides who you want as a coach.

Just like when a player leaves... just say good luck and God bless. And them outscore them on the court when you play them next.
Zero mention on the Texas side and this only coming from Illinois means he's more likely than not going to be the coach next year
Don't think Brad is going to Texas. What worries me is the domino. We shall see.
Here is my question - in the very real chance that BU is our coach next year, how could we move on?

It's now become clear that he's not thrilled to be here. It's clear that JW has grown frustrated with him. Does not seem like a stable situation that would be attractive for recruits and assistant coaches.

Some of the things that have been said/done that have now become public can't be taken back. I just can't see BU being a longterm solution here now. Which is shocking given how I felt 24 hours ago.
So many questions…what things did he say? I am so confused…Why the flip is he not happy here?

Explain this to me like I’m a 2 year-old.

A lot of talk about Brad to Texas and Brad to Arkansas, which make varying levels of sense.

One scenario I heard mentioned last night involves Jerome Tang leaving K-State for a job that could open up, like a Kentucky or Arkansas, and then Brad does decide to go back home. That would actually make a lot more sense to me as a fit than Texas or Arkansas if Brad were looking to leave.

Not sure if @Indy Illini Fan or any other insiders have heard similar theories.
Unless Self hangs it up or Cal decides to go pro, a lot of it depends on Texas's hiring decision. If they hire Terry, then there's no domino and no Arkansas opening.
People with money are trying to tell Brad how to do his job. Brad is hard headed and doesn’t take very kindly to that sort of thing. In the shortest version possible.
I suppose this happens everywhere in the NiL world. Not a good reason to bail.
I had to go and check out my Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition calendar and my phone to see if somehow April Fools Day hadn't slipped up on me......
They're a sleeping giant but still sleeping. The fan base has unreasonable expectations and the leash is very short. It's certainly not for everyone.

There are similarities between the Austin area (and National alums) and the Prairie State.

Longhorns have not had the gridiron success in recent years that they believe they are entitled to. Just like how Illini feel about roundball. Their patience has worn thin... just like ‘round these parts about our sport.

The major difference is that Texas does have a much greater feeling of entitlement than Illini has. Texas has experienced the heights of achievement in the sport they care most about. And there are places around Austin like Westlake in the region that just breed great high schools talents constantly who collect lots of State titles and carry themselves with supreme feelings of superiority and expectations of success.

The Illini could use some of that (in moderation, otherwise it’s just arrogance).

Overall, for any coach looking to relocate they could do a lot worse than Texas.
Thats why the buy outs an issue for us to get rid of him. If he is hired elsewhere first the Illini Athletic Dept gets paid, correct?
Even still if possible hit the bricks if your not happy.
Can both sides negotiate the buyout into non-existence, if there is truly a mutual interest in going their separate ways?
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