College Hoops Coaching Carousel

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Winged Warrior
Honestly, I have no idea why BU is looking at other opportunities and JW is looking for other coaches. I am sure there is something there, just that I do not have a clue about the dynamics that are playing out (and, yes, granted I have not read every post or tried to decipher those that I have read).

Having said that, and watching the entire game between X&T, in my opinion, a BU team - with the right (talent, length, culture, NIL, ,,,,) players - is capable of playing the way Texas did last night. And, his teams have done that. Perhaps not as consistently as we would like.

I still feel what this team is missing is a Stephen Gentry.

And, talented, gifted, players who are serious about basketball, that do not need babysitting or binge drink Monster.
Coach Ramsay would never work out at Illinois. As long as he's been around and he has never even made it past the 2nd weekend!? No thanks.
Quick recap from the end of the last coaching carousel thread- BU and his team are supposedly the ones leading the charge and making all this noise per @DB11Headband and JW’s moves are simply reactionary…?

Here we were concerned about player buy in this whole last season when maybe we should have been more worried about buy in from our skipper 🤔



Paducah, Ky
Quick recap from the end of the last coaching carousel thread- BU and his team are supposedly the ones leading the charge and making all this noise per @DB11Headband and JW’s moves are simply reactionary…?

Here we were concerned about player buy in this whole last season when maybe we should have been more worried about buy in from our skipper 🤔

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I hope SOMEBODY buys in for next year ....................................I really really do.....................
To chief gritty my parallel was not to the head coaches but to giving the job to an assistant based on one season or one half season accomplishments.


Winged Warrior
I mean, if I’m JDub Bear Hugging you like that I expect some love and loyalty.
Not even mentioning the midnight private plane ride to rescue you from anOSU and giving you bags of cash after your first “look around” last year.
Get fully on board or GTFO.
Is anyone else concerned that JW may be the one who’s overly butt-hurt in this whole saga? I’m getting PTSD flashbacks of Guenther wanting to find a “loyal guy.” 😬
Considering we have about 2 jigsaw pieces of a 1000 piece puzzle…

I would be lying 🤥 if I said the thought had not crossed my mind.

But honestly…it comes back to. If Brad, in fact doesn’t wanna be here. He doesn’t wanna be here. Even if he is being nudged I guess? Or if said nudging is warranted? No idea. More confused than I was.
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Chicago, IL
To chief gritty my parallel was not to the head coaches but to giving the job to an assistant based on one season or one half season accomplishments.
Oh I get it, but every situation is not created equal. And the fall of the Bobby Knight regime at Indiana was unique even by those standards.

One thing I do want to note: there have been a lot of claims that the Texas fans wouldn't tolerate retaining Terry, they'd think that was beneath them, they'd want to make a bigger splash, etc etc. Those were reasonable predictions two weeks ago. Those predictions have failed, Longhorn Nation wants Terry now, and that matters a lot.

There's still a whisker of uncertainty at the moment, IMO. If they win tomorrow, both the "will he get the job" and "should he get the job" questions are completely over.


Winged Warrior
I pretty sure that if Texas poops all over itself in this game they could use it to move on with only mild blowback.
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