College Hoops Coaching Carousel

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Arlington, Virginia
No matter how many times you post that GIF, I lol. Diminishing returns have yet to set in over several years. Having fond memories of a three-year-old daughter like this little girl long ago helps, no doubt. šŸ˜‚


Paducah, Ky
Yeah I think so too. :) Dolly Parton does a pretty cool blue grass cover of ā€œshineā€ IMO
Hey , on the Dosage cd you do know there is another song after the " Crown " song ....There's a roughly 55 second blank pause then another song titled " She Said " kicks in and rocks.......some of my friends didn't know that.....


Bethalto, IL
Is anyone else concerned that JW may be the one whoā€™s overly butt-hurt in this whole saga? Iā€™m getting PTSD flashbacks of Guenther wanting to find a ā€œloyal guy.ā€ šŸ˜¬
No, JW has proven he'll get the coach he wants.
From Underwoods standpoint it's just business. If your an employer (JW) and you have an employee (Brad) that you've bent over backwards for, given raises/incentives, and given them all the tools to be successful is continually looking for other opportunities there's certain point you say there's the door.

Brad brought Illinois back, but if he goes the timing might be beneficial for both sides.
Oh I get it, but every situation is not created equal. And the fall of the Bobby Knight regime at Indiana was unique even by those standards.

One thing I do want to note: there have been a lot of claims that the Texas fans wouldn't tolerate retaining Terry, they'd think that was beneath them, they'd want to make a bigger splash, etc etc. Those were reasonable predictions two weeks ago. Those predictions have failed, Longhorn Nation wants Terry now, and that matters a lot.

There's still a whisker of uncertainty at the moment, IMO. If they win tomorrow, both the "will he get the job" and "should he get the job" questions are completely over.
Blue: Hell yeahā€¦that was some toxic stuff!!

Orange: The players supposedly wanted Terry to finish the seasonā€¦so they kinda had to roll with it IMO. Especially after What happened with Beard.
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Not that it matters where ā€œIā€™mā€ at, but I love the University of Illinois and our athletic programs. So Iā€™ll state ā€œwhere Iā€™m atā€.

Iā€™m convinced Brad is looking for something else. If he gets something else, good for him.

Iā€™m also convinced that Josh Whitman wonā€™t be caught unprepared. I think Josh wants us to win as badly as I want us to win. So Iā€™m feeling pretty great with his leadership and Iā€™d Underwood leaves I think we will actually take a step forward.

If Underwood doesnā€™t get a different job this off-season, I hope (and think) he comes back extra motivated. He will want to make ADs regret not hiring him. Maybe he will want to reprove himself to Josh. So I expect is to be an NCAA team again next year.

I also think if Brad remains here, he has hurt his negotiating power with Josh. Donā€™t bite the hand that feeds you.

No, JW has proven he'll get the coach he wants.
From Underwoods standpoint it's just business. If your an employer (JW) and you have an employee (Brad) that you've bent over backwards for, given raises/incentives, and given them all the tools to be successful is continually looking for other opportunities there's certain point you say there's the door.

Brad brought Illinois back, but if he goes the timing might be beneficial for both sides.

But on JWā€™s end itā€™s business as well. Seems to me if your employee is in as much demand as BU appears to be, you might want to continue bending over backwards if you also believe heā€™s the man to get the job done. If you donā€™t believe that, then why did you keep extending him?
and the day before, but it sure beats working and cleaning the house

My brother and I always joke that, after Illinois is eliminated, each of us can return to ā€œhaving a lifeā€ again. But it seems in recent years thereā€™s been no life-having downtime and, in the words of Michael Corleone, ā€œjust when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.ā€
I have no idea what is going on behind the scenes, but I am pretty sure that if BU had gotten to and lost in the S16 the last 3 years, the debate would be that "BU can't win the big games" instead of "BU can't get to the second weekend." Expectations increase proportionately to results.
If BU feels that he has reached his ceiling at UI, or that he wants to try a new challenge, or that he wants to go closer to his home, I don't begrudge him that. The guy paid his dues as an assistant and has limited time left in his career to try something else. He has brought us back to relevance, which is all most of us wanted most of all.
If BU stays, I have confidence that he can continue fielding excellent basketball teams. If he moves on, I have every confidence that JW won't dither in finding a new coach that we can get behind. College basketball is entertainment, and that includes the coaching drama and the crazy takes I read on this forum about it. At least it isn't boring.
Folks, as of today BU is still our Head Coach. Can we please be respectful of him until he gives us a reason not to. Most of whatā€™s been said or hear is hearsay. He hasnā€™t done anything, but protect himself and his family.
hearsay- unverified, unofficial information gained or acquired from another and not part of one's direct knowledge:I pay no attention to hearsay.
an item of idle or unverified information or gossip; rumor:
hearsay- unverified, unofficial information gained or acquired from another and not part of one's direct knowledge:I pay no attention to hearsay.
an item of idle or unverified information or gossip; rumor:
A lot of this unverified information is coming from the same insiders who've done a great job on recruitments, and who we always seem to trust when the news is good or confirms our priors.

If the rumors are true and BU stays because the chips fall that way, he's still our coach and I'm still glad he's our coach. But I do think if he's actively been pursuing other jobs it may have some bearing on how things play out in the future when adversity strikes again so it is worth knowing about and I'm glad our insiders have been willing to share what they know.
Not that it matters where ā€œIā€™mā€ at, but I love the University of Illinois and our athletic programs. So Iā€™ll state ā€œwhere Iā€™m atā€.

I also think if Brad remains here, he has hurt his negotiating power with Josh. Donā€™t bite the hand that feeds you.


Given his current salary I doubt if he is worrying a whole lot about losing his negotiating power. :)


Best post in the last week. Underwood has done nothing to deserve this disrespect some have given him.


College basketball for fans is entertainment, but for universities it is big $$$. We are all adults here simply analyzing the news the insiders are sharing with us. Getting a peek at the business of college basketball and the hiring practices AD's have to navigate through IMO has been the most intriguing part of all of this. Running an organization on any level you have to deal with big personalities and fragile egos, but imagine doing this on a national stage with talented coaches each with their own agendas and dreams. I do not envy JW's position.

This discussion absolutely does not fall under the disrespect umbrella.

And as far as I'm concerned, the insiders info has been accurate more often than not. For all of the sources to unanimously share the same info (except 1), we can only assume there are some serious wheels churning in the background
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Paducah, Ky
"I'm happy here at Illinois" hmmmmmmm

I have given careful consideration to the often repeated fact that BU did a lot more sitting on the bench than usual AFTER the blow up with Mr, Epps that was shown on that fateful national broadcast .......And it seems to me that JW possibly did bring up said sequence with BU......Maybe JW mentioned that he was getting heat from the boosters or the NIL people or whoever and it looked like BU lost a lot of bluster to his coaching style.......

BU might be the one butt-hurt , because some reins had been pulled in on him.......Seems like he had carte-blanche after that first extension that , IMO , he earned completely........

Maybe it was JW who was butt-hurt from the signs of BU and agent still sniffing around other head coaching positions .......JW is the best AD in my lifetime that I can remember here at UI........He had a full plate authority and expectations and he knows he can't turn his back on the boosters , donors and NIL collectives as that is the $$$$$$$ life blood of future improvements he wants to make.......

I don't think I have said anything disrespectful aboot BU and if I did , then I apologize to BU and to this board.......

But here's the dilemma as I see it..........Has JW lost confidence in BU and his style of coaching ......has JW decided that he has seen BU's ceiling ??.....Was the terrible scene with BU and JE the final straw ?? the annual rumor's of BU and agent sniffing around the second emotion to the last straw theory ??

The other side of the dilemma that I don't understand is why is BU sniffing around .....Yeah , I know about all the facts and protecting your income stream , but I thought BU was set up for life at his " Dream Job " with a " Dream AD "
with " Dream facilities " or was I dreaming all that.......

Bottom line is something is not right with the Illini MBB program.......I hope a meeting of the minds happens instead of burt-hurt decisions being made .....I just want some smooth , calm , long play in the dance and that elusive natty proudly displayed there at the UI.......

Is that asking too much ?????I don't think it is ..........I really really don't........BTW , I want the Chief back while I'm asking for stuff...

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