Conference Realignment

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Ransom Stoddard

Ordained Dudeist Priest
Bloomington, IL
By ‘us’ do you mean usc? Sorry and apologies in advance, but this list doesn’t make a ton of sense to me. Apologies again. Example if us,somehow can Nebraska have played us more times than we’ve played them?

I think new rivalries still have more history than you’d think. Try watching one a a bar wearing orange and blue in Southern California 🖕
This is the number of times each team has played UCLA, so "Us" is UIUC.


Austin, TX
By ‘us’ do you mean usc? Sorry and apologies in advance, but this list doesn’t make a ton of sense to me. Apologies again. Example if us,somehow can Nebraska have played us more times than we’ve played them?

I think new rivalries still have more history than you’d think. Try watching one a a bar wearing orange and blue in Southern California 🖕
As ranson said, we're the US. I still remember the 84 rose bowl and automatically think of that when I think of Illinois vs UCLA football.:mad:
As ranson said, we're the US. I still remember the 84 rose bowl and automatically think of that when I think of Illinois vs UCLA football.:mad:
Terry Donahue and mike white are friends. Word though is terry constantly breaks mikes balls about that game

In jest, of course. And mike has a few things to say himself
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Unless it's a B1G rule that they won't budge on the difference with FSU is they have an established relationship with the Seminole Tribe(s) and permission to use the "Seminole" name and likeness'. Sorry if this was mentioned earlier I didn't go through all posts.
I understand how that is allowed but Native American imagery is Native American imagery. Just because the Seminoles have been bought off doesn’t mean FSU’s mascot, tomahawk chop etc aren’t offensive to other native Americans. It’s a completely BS reason to allow FSU to do what they do and not allow us. We actually don’t have a tribe to appeal to as the Illinois were a confederation of tribes. And just because the Peoria purport to speak for this confederation they really don’t have the right to do so. We aren’t the Peorians. Maybe there’s a Kaskaskia or Tamaroa out there who would have a different opinion. Ok The difference is Illinois didn’t have the political backing to fight like FSU did. Hypocritical nonsense.

Serious Late

Peoria via Denver via Ann Arbor via Albuquerque vi
I'll just chime in to say I would be perfectly happy drawing Northwestern, Purdue, UCLA.

Northwestern is a lock. Let's just get to consistently beating them for a long period of time, please.

UCLA gifts us a trip to SoCal every other year to play the easier of the two LA teams. This would be a grand slam pairing for Illinois' football program.

Purdue is a legacy Midwestern Big 10 University. Everyone has their preference on which Midwestern Big 10 team we get paired with, but I'll be happy having any of them as our 3rd opponent. I know plenty of Purdue grads and it would be yet another game against a program we can compete with, so this checks all my boxes.

It is hard to beat that combo of rivals, imo. Of course, if the (yet again) latest round of rumors about the Big 10 talking with 4 schools in the Pac-12 have any merit (I doubt it), this whole exercise will be yet another exercise in futility trying to discuss college re-alignment.

Illinois is in great shape, either way. I'm much more worried as a New Mexico fan.
The Big 12 will be the PAC scavenger if the conference breaks up (Colorado and Arizona schools). I don't think the Big 10 will take schools just to take schools. If the PAC implodes, I see the B1G taking Washington and Oregon tops.

This is all Larry Scott's fault. His epic mismanagement of the PAC-12 has lead to the conference being sick.


White and Sixth
North Aurora
I would hate to see the B1G get to 20 teams without ND being one of them. Their hand will be forced eventually.
This. I know common sense is mostly gone in realignment. But if things end up with the two "superconferences" and Notre Dame and Oregon are in the SEC I will not be able to funciton.


Champaign Area
This. I know common sense is mostly gone in realignment. But if things end up with the two "superconferences" and Notre Dame and Oregon are in the SEC I will not be able to funciton.
Also @KBLEE, what about a 24 team B1G conference that adds Wash, Oregon, Stanford, Cal, ND, and 3 teams to be named later? Or 24 but no Cal and 4 teams to be named later? Those teams likely coming from the ACC like UNC, FSU, GT, Duke, etc. or Colorado and Utah from Pac. All are AAU except ND and FSU, anything to the rumor that FSU may be trying to join the AAU?


As someone earlier pointed out it’s a no win situation for the ACC. Grant them special treatment it’s the death knell for the conference. Don’t and maybe they bolt.

Same issue with the old story of Texas to the PAC 12. And Texas wanting and getting special treatment over the years is why they are now in the SEC. Equality is the only way to go.

And might I ask - how greedy are these schools? Don’t the Texas, FSUs and Clemson already have more money and advantages over everyone else? This greed is destroying college football.

Ransom Stoddard

Ordained Dudeist Priest
Bloomington, IL
greed is destroying a lot of things

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