Game Thread: Illinois vs Arkansas

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Eugene, Oregon

Chad Fleck

Eureka, IL
If Howard were to beat Kansas and then Illinois lose to Arkansas would be the worst possible outcome here.
Seed in the tournament doesn't matter. Look at last year and when Illinois was the #1 seed a few years ago. It's all about will to win and being able to make in game adjustments. Go ILLINI!
If Howard were to beat Kansas and then Illinois lose to Arkansas would be the worst possible outcome here.
Yes…that would suck. But how about Illinois getting past Arkansas and then losing to Howard?

Edit: Awh, great minds I guess, Ransom. Lol.


Arlington, Virginia
This team has enforced a Buddhist mentality on me. Only the present moment exists. Nonattachment to outcome.

But I'll end up weeping in the shower a la Tobias on Arrested Development if we lose.

Get 'er done boys. I want to have a reason to watch BB on Saturday. :illinois: 🏀 :ah:
Bert Smith refs a lot of higher profile games for the ACC and has also reffed later round NCAA tourney games the past 3 seasons. In theory he should be a good one.
Brooks Wells is a B10/B12 ref. He has reffed our 2nd game against PSU and our game against Wisconsin. A couple first round reffed NCAA tourney games on his resume
Sean Hull hasn't seen much of any P5 action and is primarily an A10 ref. He also has reffed a couple first round tourney games

There's your ref scouting report. Expect Bert Smith to be the one controlling the action tonight.
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