Game Thread: Illinois vs Purdue

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Malcolm in the Mid-range :). He's playing his best all-around game of the season IMHO. Beautiful help D on the block, step-back, pass to MM for the short J. We're high-fiving each other in the blue-hair section. So much fun for a change. Reminds me of last year's Ws over MD and PU. Gotta close it out. (My thumbs hurt.)
Playing good basketball, regardless of the result, this is what I want to see. Insane effort defensively and excellent execution offensively. And our body language tonight is the best ive seen all year. I'm so proud of these boys right now. Let's finish this out and grab a great W!!!
there ya go

pressure on the ball .
front the post
baskside help to take the pass

Post D in three levels


Normal, Illinois
After basically giving up on this year's team, this game happens, and I'm once again pulled to 'what-if' land where Paul is on the team and Abrams, Black, and Thorne are healthy.


Rockford, Illinois
Malcolm in the Mid-range :). He's playing his best all-around game of the season IMHO. Beautiful help D on the block, step-back, pass to MM for the short J. We're high-fiving each other in the blue-hair section. So much fun for a change. Reminds me of last year's Ws over MD and PU. Gotta close it out. (My thumbs hurt.)

The players and coaches are having fun, too! This has been an outstanding job so far by both coaches and players. Now just FINISH :illinois:
What a stupid foul by Morgan. Way to stop the clock and give them easy buckets
gonna start full court ..see how they handle the pressure.....oops before I could get it posted
better set your press break and tell Nunn to bail out on balls that could put him on the bench
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