Game Thread: Illinois vs Purdue

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I actually feel this is true. And, while it sucks short term (especially for us season ticket holders), I think it's actually important he DOES do it this way. Maybe it will not be the right way. Time will tell.

Develop the system now, get the players later, I honestly think it's the way to go. He has the full support of the AD and the fan base, expectations are low. But a lot of these guys are plugged in to situations they wouldn't have been recruited for.
Honestly seems like any progress we made last week was just an adoration. This is the team that got destroyed by Western Michigan.
Wow that stop was far more challenging than it should ever be against PU.
Well, seems some calls might start going in our favor. Now if we can just start playing better.....
If you're wondering what's happening here, that's the Purdue effect. Until further notice, it's still worse to be a fan of them.
That's a weak unsportsmanlike conduct penalty against Crouch. Guaranteed that doesn't get called against an Ohio St. or Michigan.
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