Game Thread: Illinois vs Purdue

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At game, leaving after halftime show is over. Not sure why anyone goes to this garbage. I try to have hope..but you can't win with a qb that can't read defenses and dbs or scheme that allows people to run wide open.
Honestly, our D is helping him play lights out. Just seem to always be out of position on coverage.

Maybe true, but that pass he hit to Zico was of the variety that I haven’t seen since Orton if you look at how quick he got the ball out and how Zico had to go up and get it.

Your team reminds me of when it would look like Danny Hope might turn the corner for Purdue. Plenty of speed, just not enough glue to hold it together ... I really thought Danny would make it work in the long run. But he got pistol whipped by Oklahoma State in the bowl.

You guys will beat Nebraska and Minnesota .. mark my words.
I've been out all day, but score looks awful. Any insights on our performance? Anything to look forward to or are we just permanently trash? Bae's a Notre Dame grad and fan. I've rejected every indoctrination attempt for the past six years, but it'd be cool to know what winning feels like.

I want to believe.
If I was seeing progress, I could handle the embarrassment of getting beat like this. However, I'm not seeing any improvement, other than Lovie is doing a better job keeping his beard groomed.
Maybe true, but that pass he hit to Zico was of the variety that I haven’t seen since Orton if you look at how quick he got the ball out and how Zico had to go up and get it.

Your team reminds me of when it would look like Danny Hope might turn the corner for Purdue. Plenty of speed, just not enough glue to hold it together ... I really thought Danny would make it work in the long run. But he got pistol whipped by Oklahoma State in the bowl.

You guys will beat Nebraska and Minnesota .. mark my words.

Not so sure about that after today...
I've been out all day, but score looks awful. Any insights on our performance? Anything to look forward to or are we just permanently trash? Bae's a Notre Dame grad and fan. I've rejected every indoctrination attempt for the past six years, but it'd be cool to know what winning feels like.

I want to believe.
Bush has actually not looked as bad as Crouch did? He's overthrown a few questionable deep balls, his running is legit. Still, not a great QB. Corbin got hurt early, Epstein hasn't ran it yet...

On to next year.
Really don’t understand our game plan. Running backs are a strength of our team yet we seemed to rarely hand the ball off.
Bush has actually not looked as bad as Crouch did? He's overthrown a few questionable deep balls, his running is legit. Still, not a great QB. Corbin got hurt early, Epstein hasn't ran it yet...

On to next year.
Epstein has a 60 plus potential run AJ keeps it Smh
At halftime, we have 20 carries. AJ bush has fifteen. Corbin has 4. Epstein has 0.

That to me makes no sense and explains why we are losing. Also, put MJ Rivers in. If nothing else, he an be better for next year.
Well, of course, let's give them a 1st down.:mad:
Turn the game back on just to watch us give them a free first down with a penalty on what should have been a 3 and out.
I’m giving this one more offensive possession. I would like to turn this game off with some positive vibes.
Are Nebraska and Minnesota as bad as Rutgers? Because they kinda need to be as bad as Rutgers.
If you watched the MD RU game today... You'd realize there isn't a P5 that comes close to how bad Rutgers is. I'd wager Kent St beats them. Western would at least keep it close. Their QB is god awful.
The Lovie experiment is over. Try to get Koennig (aggressive D) and keep OC Smith on staff. The HC and other assistants must be strong recruiters.
"If you're Illinois, you have to _____ there. You just can't ____ in that situation." I'll start believing when I hear that phrase less than 12 times in one game.
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