Game Thread: Illinois vs SEMO

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Finke for 3 in the corner in transition. 42-31 and a turnover by SEMO.
That was good offensive execution by SEMO. Finally they found the weak spot in the zone and it caused the defense to collapse.
Here's the patented Groce Team Drought in the 2nd half.
I've never seen such a highly touted shooter be as bad at shooting as Aaron Jordan
I don't know what happened to AJ's he just pressing? the dude was killing it in high school
JCL needs to quit taking threes for the rest of the night.
When he shoots them I still think good
Shot. When Jordan shoots I wish he would do something else
JCL needs to quit taking threes for the rest of the night.
Nah, JCL is a shooter. Shooters need to shoot, and JCL is a tried-and-true one (see record for 3's made as freshman).

55-43 with 10 to go, MH at the line.
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