Harbaugh sideways with NCAA

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My argument wasn't that Michigan, or anyone else, should be able to pick and choose rules to follow. My argument was that the punishment should fit the crime and that before you try to blow up Michigan's football program you should have proof that Harbaugh knew what was going on or that Michigan actually got a big edge from this.
The issue you conveniently leave out with this statement is that as the HMFIC of the Michigan football program, he either knew, or should have known, that this was going on, that his coordinators were in fact using the information provided by Stalion. It's disingenuous to believe his statement that he was not aware.

And the recent rule change at the NCAA holds him responsible for anything that occurs in the program. Anything . . . .
Booster Uncle T……Tom Brady ?.
Leonardo Dicaprio Reaction GIF by Once Upon A Time In Hollywood

I still think this was a piddly violation, blown out of proportion, and handled in the worst way -- by NCAA leaks and in-conference bickering and tons of hyperbole.

But it's been said before -- sometimes the coverup is worse than the crime, and when Chris Partridge tried to erase evidence, that was a big screwup on his part.

Some kind of punishment is called for here, and it's gonna be more than a suspension. What it is, I don't know.

At this stage I have to concede this much: It probably would be best for all involved if Jim Harbaugh moved on.

I still think we need to dial down our own self-righteousness. The fallout from this is going to take years to sort out. Folks in Ann Arbor are going to carry grudges about the leaks and the rush to judgment, whatever else happens.

You still may not like where this road takes you.
Why not just follow the rules a\everyone else follows. It’s not like they don’t already have a huge talent advantage. It’s like Tom Brady deflating the footballs before games. Unnecessary cheating. It would be like giving Usain Bolt a 2 yard head start in the 220. Not needed.
Why not just follow the rules a\everyone else follows. It’s not like they don’t already have a huge talent advantage. It’s like Tom Brady deflating the footballs before games. Unnecessary cheating. It would be like giving Usain Bolt a 2 yard head start in the 220. Not needed.
Don't ask me. This sure as hell wasn't my idea...
Received official notice of allegations today. NCAA may actually run Harbaugh out
I'll believe it when I see it. Knowing the NCAA the penalty will be a reduction of one scholarship and a sternly written note of concern from the NCAA to Michigan.
Harbaugh is football's version of Bill Self and Bruce Pearl. He will deny the allegations of cheating, even though he cheated. UM will finally give him the huge contract that's been waiting in the wings, doubling down on his cheating, and presenting an upraised middle finger to the NCAA. The UM PR machine and Twitter fanbase will line up to demonize anyone who suggests that Harbaugh is anything less than pure and virtuous. Then, once Harbaugh is sanctioned for his cheating, the t-shirt printers will be churning out "Michigan vs Everyone" shirts again, because we're all just jealous of them winning all the time. Or something like that.
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