Illini Basketball 2023-2024

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Went to 247 sports today, and there's a paywall for an article "Dee Brown's Race Against the Clock". Shows him in an Illini jersey. No idea what it's about, but thought it was worth a mention anyway.
Edit: not a paywall - it's called a VIP article though. Talking about him coaching at Roosevelt and being a dad. Article


Bonnaroo Land
"Free throws and cottage cheese"

the brady bunch GIF

Ransom Stoddard

Ordained Dudeist Priest
Bloomington, IL



Neat little video, and I could swear that Hansberry said that Ray Lewis is his grandfather.

I think he said he was a Raven's fan because of Ray Lewis AND his grandfather

Neat little video, and I could swear that Hansberry said that Ray Lewis is his grandfather.
Tricked me too, I had to play that part back


Chicago, IL

Neat little video, and I could swear that Hansberry said that Ray Lewis is his grandfather.
More reason for me to love Coleman ❤️

Hmm, I don't like to pee on a parade, but I'm still skeptical. My sense is that we have a lot of good players, but probably not enough of that next level difference maker for a deep run. I think Shannon is a legit guy who will get drafted, maybe first round. After that, I see what they're talking about with the depth. However, the shooting on the Spain trip, plus the question-mark at PG has me in the half empty crowd. Apologies to the kool-aid drinkers. If we contend for the conference or break out in the post-season, I think it will be by committee with someone different having a great night when we need it. Purdue and MSU are gonna be tough to beat.

Keep chugging
Would love it if the Illini made a deep run in March but unless Dee, Deron, Luther, Roger and James suddenly reappear that ain't happening.
You don't know that, the commentator only said they were his sleeper to make a run.


The desert
Jay Bilas gives his top 5 rivalries in college basketball. You better believe the game played for Braggin' Rights is listed. Somewhat hilariously, a lot of biggies are left out.
Braggin' Rights used to be absolutely bonkers but both teams were irrelevant for so long that some of the luster faded. Here's hoping it returns to its former glory. And that Mizzou never makes a Final Four.
Even by his own fanbase, he seems like one of the most overlooked returning first team all-b1g players that I can recall.

Two big things scouts wanted to see improvement on with TSJ is ball-handling and finishing with his right hand. Can guarantee he's been working hard on those areas, which is another reason I'm not as skittish going into this season about what our PG play is going to look like. We are going to see TSJ bring the ball up and initiate things a lot, and while many folks remember last year and cringe, I'm fairly confident he is going to be markedly better in that area.
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