Illini Football 2016

4-8 (wins against Murray St., Western Mich., Purdue, and Minnesota)

Cubit will get fired in November.
This is my thinking. I see a floor of two and ceiling of 6 wins for this team. A ton depends on the defense. Four wins seems most probable.
Re-watch the Nebraska game. We should have beat them handily. We'd run Vaughn for a nice gain. Then we'd run the same play 4 more times in a row because it worked once, but the next four times we got stuffed and had to punt. Or at the end of the game we threw 374 passes to the corner of the end zone all of which failed but one for the winning TD. We only got that many chances because of two pass interference calls. Or we threw 3 sideline passes in a row, one of which was caught and two of which were overthrown - net result another punt. Did Cubit ever hear of mixing it up? Also, when we were backed up to our endzone in the 3rd Qtr, Cubit ran Vaughn 3 straight times for virtually no gain, then punted setting up a Nebraska FG. When you have Wes Lunt, don't you try to pass once in there to get out of the hole? Not Cubit. Let's just give them 3. Or how about when we were in the redzone and he lines up Crouch in the wildcat to run the ball (same play we would run for Aaron Bailey), and of course everyone in the stadium including the Nebraska D knew what was coming and sure enough he's stuffed so we settle for a missed FG. Wisconsin game when it was still close we had a crucial 3rd and 1, in our own territory. The Wisky D has 9 guys in the box, I say out loud, please don't run Vaughn up the middle here. Guess what Cubit did and yes we had to punt. None of this has to do with injuries or dropped passes. He is just about as bad a play caller we've had since the OC Tepper had at the end (Tom Beck?).

Did you ever watch Mackovic call plays? The great Dick Vermeil once said of Mackovic (and Vermeil was a pretty smart coach) - "he runs when you think he'll pass and pass when you think he should run". That was play calling.

As for FGs, we missed at least 2 in that game. May not have anything to do with play calling but how can we be that bad at FGs? Cost us a few games.

That I understand. You said run the same play until its stopped. Run it again and again being stopped each time is different obviously. And I cant complain about continuously hitting the fade tot he corner of the end zone because it worked and we won that game. Other things, I dont recall specifically but in hindsight I would agree with you.

We were bad at fg's because our kicker was/is terrible. Thats it. We have a freshmen this year who should be the day 1 starter.
My tickets went up $25 a piece from last year. I may not renew.
My tickets went up $25 a piece from last year. I may not renew.

Don't. That's the best message you can send that they'll actually be aware of. I'm fairly certain there wont be a shortage of available tickets for ANY game next year.
I sit in the middle section of the east balcony and my season ticket price stayed the same.

I'm in 107. What sucks is I'm on the end of the row that is next to 108 where the seats are $150. Might see about moving over there.
Interesting - My tickets (Section 203) went down $25 each. I'm still considering not renewing.
Most likely renewing, the players need my support and if the DIA is going to get better they need every cent I can afford.
Don't. That's the best message you can send that they'll actually be aware of.

This this this. Let Whitman, but more importantly Wilson, Killeen, McMillan, heck, maybe even Bruce Rauner, see where we really are.

The program, already near death, voluntarily chose to take a year off. Let the attendance reflect that.

Showing up to the games doesn't support Josh Whitman, it blinds Josh Whitman's bosses to the scale of the problem.
This this this. Let Whitman, but more importantly Wilson, Killeen, McMillan, heck, maybe even Bruce Rauner, see where we really are.

The program, already near death, voluntarily chose to take a year off. Let the attendance reflect that.

Showing up to the games doesn't support Josh Whitman, it blinds Josh Whitman's bosses to the scale of the problem.

I don't agree. I have nothing to back that up. I just don't agree. I watch few other sports besides Illinois football and basketball.
I don't agree. I have nothing to back that up. I just don't agree. I watch few other sports besides Illinois football and basketball.

I mean, if you really really want to go and are excited at the prospect of watching Bill Cubit and Co.'s 2016 Illini, go for it I suppose. If anyone is thinking of buying tickets out of a sense of obligation, that not showing up would make you a bad fan or show a lack of support for the program, I would strongly argue that the opposite is the case. You can have 10,000 posts on here or call into the WDWS postgame show spitting mad until the cows come home. It will not deliver a message as well as the two feet of metal bench without your butt in it will.
Are you guys seriously trying to talk people out of buying tickets? Do we or don't we want Illinois athletics to succeed? What twisted logic...all you're hurting is the players who chose to come to Illinois.

I'm absolutely renewing my tickets, without hesitation. What a message to send to potential candidates, candidates for which this job is already a tough enough to sell. When the going gets tough, the fans bail.
Then we need to show up, in droves.

Our administration took for granted that they could just punt on an entire football season and everything would resume as normal in 12 months time. They quit on our players. They think that just unlocking the gates of Memorial Stadium will produce their gauzy vague idealistic image of a Big Ten fall Saturday. That notion must be forcefully disabused.

My favorite line from Whitman's press conference was when he picked up his old helmet and looked at the chips and the stains and the streaks and said "you know, I didn't paint those on there with a brush". Illinois Athletics the idea is about that brotherhood of people who have spilled blood, sweat and tears for our school. Illinois Athletics the brand, the commercial product, is what you're buying tickets to, it's what the administration is marketing. A commercial product so callously, cynically hostile to the kind of good faith striving it takes to maintain a Big Ten level of leadership and standard of play does not deserve to be sold under the Fighting Illini name.

Have a fun day out if you want to, but you'll only be cheering on the Killeen University Wilson's, not the Illinois Fighting Illini, and every happy-faced orange clad Pollyanna who pays to see them is someone the administration will forever know can't tell the difference.
Our administration took for granted that they could just punt on an entire football season and everything would resume as normal in 12 months time. They quit on our players. They think that just unlocking the gates of Memorial Stadium will produce their gauzy vague idealistic image of a Big Ten fall Saturday. That notion must be forcefully disabused.

My favorite line from Whitman's press conference was when he picked up his old helmet and looked at the chips and the stains and the streaks and said "you know, I didn't paint those on there with a brush". Illinois Athletics the idea is about that brotherhood of people who have spilled blood, sweat and tears for our school. Illinois Athletics the brand, the commercial product, is what you're buying tickets to, it's what the administration is marketing. A commercial product so callously, cynically hostile to the kind of good faith striving it takes to maintain a Big Ten level of leadership and standard of play does not deserve to be sold under the Fighting Illini name.

Have a fun day out if you want to, but you'll only be cheering on the Killeen University Wilson's, not the Illinois Fighting Illini, and every happy-faced orange clad Pollyanna who pays to see them is someone the administration will forever know can't tell the difference.

WOW. Nice closing argument, counselor!

:clappy: :chief:
Have a fun day out if you want to, but you'll only be cheering on the Killeen University Wilson's, not the Illinois Fighting Illini, and every happy-faced orange clad Pollyanna who pays to see them is someone the administration will forever know can't tell the difference.

I agree with most of the points you make on this board, but I think you're being pretty overdramatic on this one. Yes, our administration was an utter joke with how the Cubit situation handled, I don't think there's any doubt in that. It's hard to think of a scenario where it could've been handled worse, actually. At this point, though, we have our AD. We have a guy that, while he may have something to prove, has kind of brought the fan base together. Or if nothing else, has brought a little bit of hope during a much needed time.

When I watch on Saturdays, I don't think of Killeen. I don't think of Wilson. I don't think of Wise or MT. While you might argue the kids knew what they were getting into, they certainly didn't ask for this. So why be so adamant about NOT supporting them? I get why you're mad, but what is your end game in this boycott? Wait another decade for the administration to fall (again?) while we've already cycled through a handful of under qualified coaches in both revenue sports?

I wouldn't begrudge anyone who didn't renew season tickets or makes other plans on game day. Time and money are valuable resources, and it's incredibly difficult to allocate those to a bad team in a perennially crappy program with really no signs of optimism. I just don't get the "stick it to the man!" mentality at this point.

Winning is a whole lot more fun than losing, and I miss that in both sports. I know you do too. And while I will be disappointed if Cubit gets extended after this year, I can't bring myself to actively root against the team to do well. However unlikely it may be, I hope we come out on fire this year, and not of the dumpster variety. Your opinions are well informed and well thought out, and your passion is admirable. I just hope you don't lose sight of who you're actually rooting for.
I agree with most of the points you make on this board, but I think you're being pretty overdramatic on this one. Yes, our administration was an utter joke with how the Cubit situation handled, I don't think there's any doubt in that. It's hard to think of a scenario where it could've been handled worse, actually. At this point, though, we have our AD. We have a guy that, while he may have something to prove, has kind of brought the fan base together. Or if nothing else, has brought a little bit of hope during a much needed time.

When I watch on Saturdays, I don't think of Killeen. I don't think of Wilson. I don't think of Wise or MT. While you might argue the kids knew what they were getting into, they certainly didn't ask for this. So why be so adamant about NOT supporting them? I get why you're mad, but what is your end game in this boycott? Wait another decade for the administration to fall (again?) while we've already cycled through a handful of under qualified coaches in both revenue sports?

I wouldn't begrudge anyone who didn't renew season tickets or makes other plans on game day. Time and money are valuable resources, and it's incredibly difficult to allocate those to a bad team in a perennially crappy program with really no signs of optimism. I just don't get the "stick it to the man!" mentality at this point.

Winning is a whole lot more fun than losing, and I miss that in both sports. I know you do too. And while I will be disappointed if Cubit gets extended after this year, I can't bring myself to actively root against the team to do well. However unlikely it may be, I hope we come out on fire this year, and not of the dumpster variety. Your opinions are well informed and well thought out, and your passion is admirable. I just hope you don't lose sight of who you're actually rooting for.

Great post. I agree. No time to hate.
I renewed. My kids love going to Champaign with their Dad, my buddies love going to tailgate, and no matter how bad we are, I can't help but root for the Illini.

Plus, I would almost renew solely because of Mike Dudek. One of my favorite Illini football players of all time. The little engine that could. If everyone brought the heart and work ethic that guy does, the world would be a much better place.
Our administration took for granted that they could just punt on an entire football season and everything would resume as normal in 12 months time. They quit on our players. They think that just unlocking the gates of Memorial Stadium will produce their gauzy vague idealistic image of a Big Ten fall Saturday. That notion must be forcefully disabused.

My favorite line from Whitman's press conference was when he picked up his old helmet and looked at the chips and the stains and the streaks and said "you know, I didn't paint those on there with a brush". Illinois Athletics the idea is about that brotherhood of people who have spilled blood, sweat and tears for our school. Illinois Athletics the brand, the commercial product, is what you're buying tickets to, it's what the administration is marketing. A commercial product so callously, cynically hostile to the kind of good faith striving it takes to maintain a Big Ten level of leadership and standard of play does not deserve to be sold under the Fighting Illini name.

Have a fun day out if you want to, but you'll only be cheering on the Killeen University Wilson's, not the Illinois Fighting Illini, and every happy-faced orange clad Pollyanna who pays to see them is someone the administration will forever know can't tell the difference.

I'll renew because I love tailgating, and won't be able to justify driving 120 miles to sit in a field if I don't have tickets. :D Besides, they threw a deal at me, so the price went down. And, although priority points are worthless right now because both programs are dead in the water, I don't necessarily want to give those up.

How about those who go to the games wear bags on their heads or something? Get on TV wearing a bag on your head and it'll make a more obvious statement than not showing up, right?

I'm not worried. Attendance will be terrible with or without me. I'm ok with still buying tickets.
So why be so adamant about NOT supporting them? I get why you're mad, but what is your end game in this boycott? Wait another decade for the administration to fall (again?) while we've already cycled through a handful of under qualified coaches in both revenue sports?

I think I'm being misinterpreted a bit here. I am not saying "I'm pouty and mad because we don't win so I'm leaving and never coming back until we're a winner". That's not it at all. When our new coach is hired in December I will be 100% on board. But the powers that be chose not to compete THIS season. They sold our players and our fans down the river THIS season just assuming that everything would just sort of muddle through. I believe the strongest possible message has to be delivered in response to that. Partially out of just hostility towards the act itself, but also because it so clearly demonstrated that Killeen and Wilson don't understand the bond between Illinois Athletics and its fanbase at all. They're not going to see an empty stadium coming, they will hopefully feel some shame, learn from their mistakes, and be better stewards of the DIA in the future.

And while I will be disappointed if Cubit gets extended after this year

0% chance of that happening.

NO. Loyalty can be a personal value. I taught in the same high school for over 30 years, under nine different principals in a district that was adminstered by 11 superintendents over that time. I continued teaching because I cared about my students.

Betcha you wouldn't have kept teaching if they stopped paying you.

That's what this is. A Big Ten football team isn't just the mechanics of 85 kids in helmets running around out on a field. It's a genuine collective effort toward success. The University of Illinois decided to put that effort on hiatus for the 2016 season, despite putting the players through all the rigors and dangers of 12 football games and charging its customers full price for attendance. As far as I'm concerned, that means University of Illinois football does not exist for 2016.

Plus, I would almost renew solely because of Mike Dudek. One of my favorite Illini football players of all time. The little engine that could. If everyone brought the heart and work ethic that guy does, the world would be a much better place.

He would be much better described as Mike Dudek the supremely naturally gifted superfreak athlete.

How about those who go to the games wear bags on their heads or something?

Hey, if you gotta be there, I like it :thumb:

Maybe write "Interim Fan" on the top
I think I'm being misinterpreted a bit here. I am not saying "I'm pouty and mad because we don't win so I'm leaving and never coming back until we're a winner". That's not it at all. When our new coach is hired in December I will be 100% on board. But the powers that be chose not to compete THIS season. They sold our players and our fans down the river THIS season just assuming that everything would just sort of muddle through. I believe the strongest possible message has to be delivered in response to that. Partially out of just hostility towards the act itself, but also because it so clearly demonstrated that Killeen and Wilson don't understand the bond between Illinois Athletics and its fanbase at all. They're not going to see an empty stadium coming, they will hopefully feel some shame, learn from their mistakes, and be better stewards of the DIA in the future.

That's what this is. A Big Ten football team isn't just the mechanics of 85 kids in helmets running around out on a field. It's a genuine collective effort toward success. The University of Illinois decided to put that effort on hiatus for the 2016 season, despite putting the players through all the rigors and dangers of 12 football games and charging its customers full price for attendance. As far as I'm concerned, that means University of Illinois football does not exist for 2016.

Hey, if you gotta be there, I like it :thumb:

Maybe write "Interim Fan" on the top

Trust me, I agree 100% with you. I just don't have it in me to give up my season tix. I've been saying "I wish I knew how to quit you" to Illinois Athletics for years now, and I still haven't. The Fighting Illini are, for better or mostly worse, my thing. There will probably be games where we don't bother to make it into the stadium, which they'll at least see on the turnstile attendance.

But yes, I'm as mad as hell that the band of interim idiots we had/have decided to completely punt and give up on a whole season of football, out of institutional stupidity and indecision. I'm hoping that the same thing doesn't happen across the street this spring, too, although IMO the coaching situation isn't quite as dire over there (it could easily get there with a poor 2017 class, although that's for the other board).

I'm sure the attendance message will come though loud and clear next fall. Lots of people will drop their tickets, I'm sure, and walk-up ticket sales are going to be terrible. Not to mention, after the revenue sports debacles this fall and spring, I-Fund donations and renewals are probably going to be a disaster, too. Whitman is too sharp of a guy to miss seeing which way the wind is blowing with the fan base.
Whitman is too sharp of a guy to miss seeing which way the wind is blowing with the fan base.

It's not Whitman I'm concerned about. He gets it. He needs bosses who want to listen to someone who gets it.

And I agree, I think I'm pretty likely to get my wish. Attendance has ebbed and flowed for both sports over the years, but mass apathy is setting in in a way I haven't ever seen before. The traffic on the various message boards certainly seems way down, doesn't it?