Illini Football 2023

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Also, I'm not sure Illinois wants to play a team avenging it's only loss of the season to finish in the Top 20. Toledo has a 5050 shot to lose a game remaining. But there's lots of motivation for the next 3 to get the job done. History says we sit players vs. CMU before the MACC and they get to a bowl because of it. I digress.
Agreed. Plus at least a couple Illini will sit out the bowl game to prepare for the draft.


Sugar Grove
It won't happen. Rutgers or Maryland vs. Toledo, or the Illini vs. Miami, NIU, or Ohio.

It'd be fun to have a half and half Toledo crowd though. The Newton family get their own section on the 50 yard line.
You are absolutely correct. If (and it is a big if at the moment) the Illini qualify for a bowl game, it is highly unlikely that there would be a rematch (bowl organizers will attempt to avoid this if possible). You are also correct about the potential rematch...I believe Toledo would be favored, as the Illini's best players might sit out. You would make the chat room more interesting for a low-tier bowl game though.
All good points, I suppose!

On another random capacity note, that picture reminded me just how big Memorial Stadium looks in photos where you only see the East Main/East Balcony view. According to Wikipedia, East Main has 18,000 seats, with an additional 10,000 in the East Balcony ... and it got me thinking how big our stadium would be if we had that architectural setup all the way around similar to a Tennessee.

- If we assume another symmetrical 28,000 on the West Main, that gets us to 56,000 seats before ANY end zone seating.
- Per Google, a football field is about 45% as wide as it is long ... so I will assume a similar layout of seating with a "bowl" stadium? That would mean approximately 12,600 seats in both end zones.
- Good for an overall capacity of a "bowl-ified" Memorial Stadium of 81,200 ... honestly less than I thought and "reasonable" if we ever truly got this thing humming! Given the very old school look/setup of MS, too, it would probably look significantly bigger than that, as well!
I may be mis-remembering, but back in the 70's when capacity was in the low 70k's I believe the DIA claimed that MS had more seats between the end zones than any other stadium in the country
Agreed. Plus at least a couple Illini will sit out the bowl game to prepare for the draft.
Very timely response to the tweet about Caleb Williams. Does playing for your school mean nothing now. At 6-6, maybe not... But Toledo guys who assuredly will be drafted this year or next would forsure play. Even if against FIU. Its more tape and shows character IMO. Just an interesting national lens.
Illinois isn't making a bowl, unless it's the toilet bowl. We have some good individuals on offense and defense but they aren't enough to overcome our oc and dc.
I may be mis-remembering, but back in the 70's when capacity was in the low 70k's I believe the DIA claimed that MS had more seats between the end zones than any other stadium in the country
I have seen that posted here, and it would not surprise me! With so many seats underneath the overhang and a pretty big balcony, it’s pretty big.

Unfortunately for the purposes of a good home field advantage, you want enclosure. However it comes about - hopefully from sustained winning one day soon! - I really think we’d do well to try to trap the noise with all future renovations, and I think that means a taller Horseshoe structure.


Had an absolute nightmare last night. The good part: we were in a top ten matchup up with Michigan up there and just took a 10-7 lead in the fourth qtr. on a field goal.

The nightmare? I stopped by the fraternity house and the current students were mad because I blew off chief sensitivity training. 😳
Had an absolute nightmare last night. The good part: we were in a top ten matchup up with Michigan up there and just took a 10-7 lead in the fourth qtr. on a field goal.

The nightmare? I stopped by the fraternity house and the current students were mad because I blew off chief sensitivity training. 😳
Not to make your nightmare worse, but did they all have kingfisher logos on their Illini gear?
Illinois isn't making a bowl, unless it's the toilet bowl. We have some good individuals on offense and defense but they aren't enough to overcome our oc and dc.
I totally agree. Does this site not remember giving up 18 straight points to a mediocre Wisconsin team with a first start freshman quarterback. Why do we keep thinking anything will change after 8 games. Until the play calling gets more aggressive if we ever have a lead again, and the defensive calls get more aggressive, this team will be lucky if it wins 2 more games. 60 years of watching Illinois football will make a pessimist out of anybody, including me who bleeds orange and blue. I asked my wife at the game how many 1st down up the middle for no gain has she seen? She said thousands, and she was right. We are the only team that has 2 plays to make 10 yards. I told my fellow die hard season ticket buddies around me that the last 5 minutes of the game would take 2 years off my life. I was wrong, it took 3 years off my life.
I have seen that posted here, and it would not surprise me! With so many seats underneath the overhang and a pretty big balcony, it’s pretty big.

Unfortunately for the purposes of a good home field advantage, you want enclosure. However it comes about - hopefully from sustained winning one day soon! - I really think we’d do well to try to trap the noise with all future renovations, and I think that means a taller Horseshoe structure.
As originally designed, there was to have been a third deck on each side which would have provided the most seats between the endlines. However, funding shortages resulted in that third deck being jettisoned:

As originally designed—and still that way when I was a student—there was a track, and that pushed back the stands from the field, a still does. So let’s lower the field enough so the stands can come up right behind the benches: more capacity and more intimidation of visitor bench. Of course, it would help to have continued sellouts.

Another advantage: Take the students out of the endzone and put the Irange Mrush-style along the lower rows, up close and personal to the field. And make Block I what it once was. The cards are embarrassing now.
Not sure where to post this but the Chicago Sun Times totally roasted Brett and the team in an article. Not a good look for future recruits.
I know this isn't the correct place to post this, so move if necessary, but Devon Witherspoon is getting some serious praise. Love it.

Witherspoon is lighting it up here in the PNW.... LOVE IT...
As originally designed—and still that way when I was a student—there was a track, and that pushed back the stands from the field, a still does. So let’s lower the field enough so the stands can come up right behind the benches: more capacity and more intimidation of visitor bench. Of course, it would help to have continued sellouts.

Another advantage: Take the students out of the endzone and put the Irange Mrush-style along the lower rows, up close and personal to the field. And make Block I what it once was. The cards are embarrassing now.
I think the wall is plenty close to the sideline along the benches. There's the required amount of space for the team benches and then you want a good amount of space for logistical stuff (media, band, etc) between the yellow dashed line and the wall. Right now there's barely enough room between the yellow line and wall for the camera crane that some broadcasts bring to games. I think if we were to lower the field it would be to create some elevation so fans in the front could see over the players on the sideline. Currently, the first row is only maybe 1-2 inches above field level. This combined with the lower attendance is why they often tarp off the first few rows outside the 25 and have completely removed the seats in the first few rows behind the benches. If we spend major money on a renovation, it should be to bring the horseshoe closer to the field at a minimum or potentially bulldoze it entirely and build something similar to the original renderings from a few years ago or to what Iowa did in their north endzone. Something tall and steep to bring as many fans as close to the field as possible while also creating a megastructure to capture noise.Could also add more suites which is basically expected with renovations nowadays.
I think the wall is plenty close to the sideline along the benches. There's the required amount of space for the team benches and then you want a good amount of space for logistical stuff (media, band, etc) between the yellow dashed line and the wall. Right now there's barely enough room between the yellow line and wall for the camera crane that some broadcasts bring to games. I think if we were to lower the field it would be to create some elevation so fans in the front could see over the players on the sideline. Currently, the first row is only maybe 1-2 inches above field level. This combined with the lower attendance is why they often tarp off the first few rows outside the 25 and have completely removed the seats in the first few rows behind the benches. If we spend major money on a renovation, it should be to bring the horseshoe closer to the field at a minimum or potentially bulldoze it entirely and build something similar to the original renderings from a few years ago or to what Iowa did in their north endzone. Something tall and steep to bring as many fans as close to the field as possible while also creating a megastructure to capture noise.Could also add more suites which is basically expected with renovations nowadays.
Agreed on lowering the field, or doing whatever we need to so those tarped seats are gone or usable. It looks just awful seeing that tarp that isn't even connected properly over the first couple rows of seats in the stadium.
Impressed (sorta) with Illini crowd (Eric the Red on Wisconsin form Tapatalk):
We sat at midfield on the Badger bench side of the field, so that's obviously an area that is filled with loyal Illini season ticket holders. I was impressed by how into the game they were for a team that hasn't given them a ton to cheer about. The stadium was the fullest I'd ever seen in my 3-4 trips to Champaign (85/15 split), although we were told that homecoming is "more of a big deal" there because of the fraternities and sororities. The student section (while smaller than UW's), was 80-90% full at kickoff. The Illini fans in our section stood up on every third down, cheered wildly for big plays and they were vocal throughout. Their disagreement with the (obviously correct) targeting call was especially vociferous. It's also interesting that all fan bases are really pretty much the same. As UW was rallying in the 4th quarter, it was an ongoing debate of which team was more likely to !!!! it up, with each set of fans insisting that their team is always the one who "gives it away." I guess the Illini fans were right. 😀 Regardless, I was somewhat impressed by their fans.
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