Illinois 79, Wisconsin 69 Postgame


The Galloping Ghost

Washington, DC

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde-a$$ team. That was incredibly fun. If we play with this level of effort, intensity, and execution from here on out we can still make some serious noise.


And a win that adds mass to the resume.

Anyone who wants to understand how human emotions will forever deprive our species of enduring peace and stability should read the Northwestern postgame thread and then this one. Our fragile, powerful minds; capable of rejoicing for and of despising the very same thing with equal ferociousness, within but a span of hours.

Our depression and despair. Our pain. It resulted from being unable to imagine - to see within our minds - how we might escape the suffering of wilting dreams and reclaim the happiness to which we feel entitled.

But this win. This win neutralizes a lot of poison, for both players and fans. This win visualizes exactly how we will be beautiful once again, all of our precious jewelry brought out for full display.
