Illinois 79, Wisconsin 69 Postgame

Cohawk, please take the ball to the basket! At 6' 10", with your ability no one can stop you.

This young man might have a fine NBA career if he plays his cards right. With that sweet outside shot he has... he can strike daggers into the hearts of opponents and be a game-changer. And if he DID learn how to take the ball to the hoop... this Coleman just might be the next Connie (but without Connie's drama).
The question is, did we learn anything from the game, comparing the Wisconsin game versus the Northwestern game?
Jon Stewart What GIF
Right, but aren't you happy that we shot those layups and shots at the rim rather than 3s at the start of this game against WI? I sure was. Now how about making more of those short aggressive shots (like you correctly said) and mixing in only a modest amount of 3s? Who shoot 3s better on the road than at home? The answer is NOBODY, at least, on the average, so our offense needs to charge to reflect that.
Just rewatched the game. I must have forgotten how bad the first 7 minutes were, offensively. 4 points.

However, we scored 75 points in the 33 minutes following.

This team can score when focused. I find myself excited for the next game instead of anxious.
I don't fully agree. I hated that we missed a bunch of short shots and layups, but I LOVED that we took those aggressively-going-to-the-basket shots that normally lead to more points in the paint, more free throws, and lead to open outside shots later on in the game, as the defenders stay back to protect against driving. The only thing we need to do better in that opening 7 mins is make more layups and bunnies.

Oh, and I want Coleman to look at the f-ing rim when he gets the ball, and not just for shooting 3s. How does Coleman think this constitutes being "shot-ready" as Underwood talks about. How can you be shot-ready with your back to the basket, 20 feet from the rim? You can't, so Coleman please doing that. Instead, Coleman needs to always catch the ball or pivot after the catch or dribble and face to look for every score opportunity. He too often rushes and misses obvious scoring chances. Dain is doing that sometimes too. Those guys are too big and too good to miss easy chances to score. And, no, I don't want to rely on Coleman 3s, but only utilize them when they are openly available and are dropping (more often, at home). Otherwise, he must look for higher percentage shots closer to the basket.


The Villages, FL
Epps needs to be the one who attempts the "dagger" 3s at the end of the game, he is the one most likely to stay in rhythm and not have the moment be too big for him.
Who would have agreed with this before the season began? I guess recruiting isn’t the only thing that’s fluid!
We ran a good amount to spread and spread variations/counters/sets with Dain in. Also ran it with Hawkins. From what I remember off the top of my head, we ran it a lot early, then went to more specific sets later. Could be wrong.

With Dain they ran it with the backside pick and roll for him to post, with Hawkins they ran it with the backside pick and pop. If he didn’t get a look off the initial pop they back cut the guard at the top of the key and went immediately into another pick and pop. We’ll see if the 2 pick and pops in a row for Hawkins was game plan based or how they plan to run it in the future, because they said in the post game presser they knew Wisconsin struggled guarding that action.

We also ran a good amount of the dribble entry into the offense; which is how Shannon was getting open on those pin down curls early.

If Dain had a FT line jumper, he’d be the ideal spread big.

We’ll likely never see it run as well or as consistently as Brad ran it at SFA. He had a longer shot clock to work with there. Spread is dangerous when you get 2-3 reversals per possession, it’s just hard to do that with the 30 second shot clock these days.
DISCLAIMER: I watched only half the game as I scarfed down a grease-bomb burger at Buffalo 🦬 Wild Wings…and just listened to the second half on the radio. Also, I just flat, might be wrong…but I’m guessing what jrichisamazing might be referring to is the X series… out of the Spread? I think I saw that a time or two at least; Dain would catch it at the high post and the cutters would scissor off him.
Were you referring to that series when you talked about the specials/variations?

I tell ya what I really wanna see is Dain, tear the damn backboard down on a flush…running off a back screen set by the second cutter… like they did for Kofi. 😈

I’m kinda curious to know better what you think they’re doing when they flow into the 5-0 look…ya know?…what the nuts and bolts of that actually are…what the primary options are…and what rules govern how they flow between the 5-0 and the spread.
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Cohawk, please take the ball to the basket! At 6' 10", with your ability no one can stop you.
He tried at times but were not very smooth IMO. I am not sure it is his handling or something else.
DISCLAIMER: I watched only half the game as I scarfed down a grease-bomb burger at Buffalo 🦬 Wild Wings…and just listened to the second half on the radio. Also, I just flat, might be wrong…but I’m guessing what jrichisamazing might be referring to is the X series… out of the Spread? I think I saw that a time or two at least; Dain would catch it at the high post and the cutters would scissor off him.
Were you referring to that series when you talked about the specials/variations?

I tell ya what I really wanna see is Dain, tear the damn backboard down on a flush…running off a back screen set by the second cutter… like they did for Kofi. 😈

I’m kinda curious to know better what you think they’re doing when they flow into the 5-0 look…ya know?
…what the nuts and bolts of that actually are…what the primary options are…and what rules govern how they flow between the 5-0 and the spread.
First Bold: I wanna say BU called that set “side” in the clinic, because that’s what I call it and I call most of the stuff I stole what we he calls it. But yes we saw that one a lot. We also the elevator screen for the HP guy when Hawkins was there.

Bold 2: there’s 2 variations of that. That’s the second cutter read option when the defense is playing the high post tightly. It’s also a call for the for the player who gets pushed through on the dribble entry. So instead of Shannon receiving the pin down screen from dain like he did yesterday, he would back screen for Dain for the lob.

Bold 3: yesterday it was the double pick and pop for Hawkins like I wrote in the first post. This is in the way back machine of my brain so I could be wrong, but I wanna say with Kofi, who would always roll, they would reverse to the slot and sprint him up into a pick and roll while clearing out the other slot. So that might be something we could see with dain.
Varsity Thanks!

Good stuff ! I appreciate it!

* Do you have any PDF’s or anything like that on his 5-O? If not no worries.
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the national

the Front Range
Meh. It was, what, 6 weeks ago we were pushing a top 10 ranking (and playing like we deserved it)? More than anything it's us against us.
After Friday, other programs and a lot of Illini fans thought this team was done. I don’t have a problem with the message. [and there might also be some us against us in there too]


The desert
Feels like maybe the message is to the players more than the fans. If it works its all good I guess.
Doubt it. It's just not really cool to post on Twitter "hey our team fell apart because of internal matters and now we are fighting our way back to relevance."