Illinois 89, Detroit 69 POSTGAME

Was at the game tonight. Thought i had gotten tickets in the 100 level but when we got there, the attendant pointed out that our seats were in the Orange Kruse, 4th row!! Was thrilled about that, and so was my step son. Especially after Leron Black talked to him and took a picture with him. LB is his favorite player and he was upset he wouldn't get to see him play. We were standing by the floor when the players came out to warm up and Leron came walking by and Joey (my step son) started screaming his name and he came over and hugged him and posed for a pic with him. Made Joey's night for sure. As far as the game, I thought the refs were whistle happy. Was pleased overall with our play. Glad to see them control the game from start to finish. Detroit made a couple small runs but we were able to stop the momentum and increase the lead and win. Glad to see us at 4-0. As someone mentioned before it was our 9th game last year before we won our 4th game. Looking forward to the Winthrop game and getting Leron back.
Was at the game tonight. Thought i had gotten tickets in the 100 level but when we got there, the attendant pointed out that our seats were in the Orange Kruse, 4th row!! Was thrilled about that, and so was my step son. Especially after Leron Black talked to him and took a picture with him. LB is his favorite player and he was upset he wouldn't get to see him play. We were standing by the floor when the players came out to warm up and Leron came walking by and Joey (my step son) started screaming his name and he came over and hugged him and posed for a pic with him. Made Joey's night for sure. As far as the game, I thought the refs were whistle happy. Was pleased overall with our play. Glad to see them control the game from start to finish. Detroit made a couple small runs but we were able to stop the momentum and increase the lead and win. Glad to see us at 4-0. As someone mentioned before it was our 9th game last year before we won our 4th game. Looking forward to the Winthrop game and getting Leron back.

Thank you for sharing! LB seems to be a real class act, and I am so happy that he was able to stay with the program.
I'm going to miss LB on the bench (glad he'll be playing of course), as others have mentioned. I bet I've taken nearly a 100 photo's this year of LB, Kip and Fletch (strength coach) reacting after big plays.
Hill looks so much more athletic this year it's not even funny. His first step is so much quicker and he won't have to rely on pump fakes and jab steps as much this year as I expect teams to not fall for that move as much.
A few takeaways:

1. Thorne's inside defense was just awful. I watched him, specifically, on several plays. Hogan schooled him in 2nd half (when MT got most of the minutes at the 5). It was a real beat-down. Hogan looked very good! In contrast, the announcers were complimenting Mav's help defense a few times.

2. TJL got only a few minutes. Disappointing. Tate led in assists, but what stands out to me were his two opportunities to make a shot beyond 3 feet. (A) a terribly missed three pointer, and (B) a 6 footer in the lane that he chose to pass rather than shoot, resulting in a turnover. Tate won't get criticized and he wasn't horrible, but TJL could have contributed just as much IMHO.

3. Tate and Tracy played a lot of minutes together once again. I'm still thinking it's a prelude to the upcoming WVU game.

Hey --- a win is a win. Onward to 5-0 this Monday! Then the real non-conference schedule begins.
What encourages me most about this team are the multiple 3 point shooting options. That can keep you in a lot of games. (Malcolm 12/26 .462; JCL 12/29 .414; AJ 3/7 .429; Finke 5/13 .385 & Tracy 9/11 .818! Yikes!!
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A few takeaways:
2. TJL got only a few minutes. Disappointing. Tate led in assists, but what stands out to me were his two opportunities to make a shot beyond 3 feet. (A) a terribly missed three pointer, and (B) a 6 footer in the lane that he chose to pass rather than shoot, resulting in a turnover. Tate won't get criticized and he wasn't horrible, but TJL could have contributed just as much IMHO.

Tate played well. We need to stop looking at his shots and start looking at other things. What stands out to me were two possessions back to back. Our offense was going nowhere with only a few seconds left to shoot. Tate dribbled to mid-range, faked and drew a foul. Sank two free-throws. On the following defensive end, he stole the ball and made an easy layup. He made these happen.

TJL got 5-6 minutes and I was happy to see how well he played in those minutes.
What encourages me most about this team are the multiple 3 point shooting options. That can keep you in a lot of games. (Malcolm 12/26 .462; JCL 12/29 .414; AJ 3/7 .429; Finke 5/13 .385 & Tracy 9/11 .818! Yikes!!

Yes, we have so many weapons it's awesome!!!

Other takeaways IMO:

Mav's come a long way baby.
Thorn's a beast. (Fletch is too)
Finke is "starting" to get good.
Malcomb will have a fantastic season.
DJ is "Malcomb Lite".
JCL is a gunslinger.
AJ's sweet shot was off last night.
Traci so far is way better than I had hoped.
Tate has kicked it up a notch.
Tejon just needs time.
The donor seats we snagged last night were freaking awesome, but now I'm depressed. ;)
Solid victory!

A few too many possessions where we just chucked up an immediate, long three instead of making couple passes.

We are going to need Black this season - interior defense needs improvement.
For me, the biggest takeaway of this game is still the fact that DJ is just barely scratching the surface of the complete game he is gifted with. Oozes athleticism, smoothness and potential. If he unlocks it all, he can be the Malcolm for us the next two years. Oh, but the short glimpses are so intriguing!

As far as this year goes, keep pushing, keep winning. Could be a special year for Tracy. Sitting out two years was tough, but it lit a fire in that young man. Can't believe how precise his game has looked. Thorne shows rust, but Tracy is nails from the start. Love it.
I'm glad Tate is playing well, but let's wait til we play other high majors before throwing a ton of bouquets his way.

I would be super duper happy to be wrong and he plays solidly in the B1G, but if his defender is sagging off him we're still playing 4 on 5 on offense.

Love to see Abrams taking his jumper to another level.

Excited for the Winthrop game!
Some Obsevations

1)PG-Abrams much better than we expected. Awesome to have a PG who can shoot the 3 and dribble/drive for scores. Tracy moves with purpose, knows where he and others need to be. Tate improved, best game yesterday but his handles still need to be tightened. I think he continues to play over Tejon this year, but Tejon already has better handles and instinctual offensive game.

2)SG/SF-JCL is probably going to shoot around 43% again, but he needs to incorporate his game beyond being pop and shoot guy. Several of his shots were rushed, would like him open it for teammates as well. DJ was highest on the NBA draft boards for last year's team, he has many good physical measurables. DJ game is getting better and better, looks like Hill at times. Hill is awesome, enough said. AJ liked the head fakes and drives towards the basket. He has good measurables at SG, probably just needs one more year of Fletch and will be very solid.

3)Bigs-As many said Thorne is not in peak condition. As big as he is, he just can't run it off coming off a knee injury. I think he is getting more playing time to accomplish it. Mav, is ready to go with the exception of post defense. Thorne and Mav appear they will need PF help. DJ helped a couple of times and it helped. I think against more athletic and bigger centers you are going to see Black and DJ as PF who will help Mav/Thorne. Either way glad to have to solid bigs in Thorne and Mav. Finke, like many said is like DJ. Just scratching the surface of potential.

Overall, thought there was a greater effort to get hands in the faces of 3 pt shooters. Offensive ball movement is as good as it has been in many years. Also offensive resets at the top of the key are more organized leading to better shots with clock winding down. Credit Tracey, Hill, and a more experienced group.

My biggest concerns post and perimeter/3pt defense. Also the slow footedness of the bigs. Watch Purdue and Villanova game, they have quick leapers. I imagine Indiana will have those types of bigs as well. Best answer to this will be playing Black and DJ at PF to match up with quick leapers.
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TA: 65% from the field; 82% 3's; 89% FT FOR 1st 4 games. I'd say he came to play.
If we allow Detroit to score 69, how much will we allow B1G opponents? I was hoping to see more progress on defense because we'll need it very soon.
If we allow Detroit to score 69, how much will we allow B1G opponents? I was hoping to see more progress on defense because we'll need it very soon.
Unlike other Groce teams, we're seeing this one display a concerted effort to speed up the game. That is naturally going to lead to higher scores.

It doesn't invalidate anything about your post, but I don't think we're going to see any games with scores in the 50's and 60's this season. That doesn't appear to be the scheme this year.
A few takeaways:

1. Thorne's inside defense was just awful. I watched him, specifically, on several plays. Hogan schooled him in 2nd half (when MT got most of the minutes at the 5). It was a real beat-down. Hogan looked very good! In contrast, the announcers were complimenting Mav's help defense a few times.

I don't disagree, but he is not built for defending a 6'7 kid with speed. He will become invaluable when we hit the big boys and the refs start swallowing their whistle a little bit with those "fouls" that are just because he is bigger than the competition. He will need all of his strength against B1G competition. But I would also say that his defense around the rim has altered a number of shots against the little competition we've had so far.
Overall GREAT performance!! I liked that we led for most (all?) of the game and never really felt the game was in jeopardy. JT looked really good, and Hill was dazzling as always. A couple of working points, however.....

- There was a period in the 2nd half where we didnt score a bucket for 5+ minutes. We do that in a conference game and it's done.

- Related, our half-court sets sometimes looked a little rough. Maybe Detroit was just on-point defensively, but it seemed we scored much more off fast-breaks and transition buckets than well-run plays.

- Mike Thorne got a lot of playing time, but MAN is he slow... There were 3-4 times he was taken off the dribble that resulted in a score/foul. Let's just hope other teams don't scout to always face-up thorne.

- Big-guy free-throws, man.. . Even finke was suspect.

That all being said... I think the game went really well. But we can always improve!
