Illinois Coaching Staff Carousel



DeForest, Wisconsin
Ya, its pretty brutal.

This is just so typical Illinois Athletics. Ryan Cubit doesn't even deserve the title and now he's one of the highest paid coaches on the staff. That's not even factoring in his DUI last year.

Fire Cubit (both of them), please and thanks. Oh wait, we should probably hire an AD first. It's becoming harder to stay positive.

No matter what - Go Illini!


Lexington, KY
Oh boy. Robert just eviscerated Cubit for taking his discretionary assistant coach funds and dumping nearly all of them into his son Ryan in reward for producing a 100th-something ranked offense. Meanwhile Mike Phair actually takes a pay cut.

I've never held as negative an opinion on Cubit as so many others on here, and this Ryan Cubit OC thing has been under my radar, I admit. But seeing Robert lay it bare like that ... yikes.

To me, this makes it pretty clear that Cubit knows he is gone after this year. He is just making a cash grab to get as much money for his family as he can, rather than trying to use the money strategically to build a winning program.
Oh boy. Robert just eviscerated Cubit for taking his discretionary assistant coach funds and dumping nearly all of them into his son Ryan in reward for producing a 100th-something ranked offense. Meanwhile Mike Phair actually takes a pay cut.

I've never held as negative an opinion on Cubit as so many others on here, and this Ryan Cubit OC thing has been under my radar, I admit. But seeing Robert lay it bare like that ... yikes.

Of course he did, he has to know the cloud on the program right now. He has to know what's being said, he doesn't have the backing of boosters or alumni, so why not hook your son up and you can both cash in on your way out.


Des Moines, Iowa
To me, this makes it pretty clear that Cubit knows he is gone after this year. He is just making a cash grab to get as much money for his family as he can, rather than trying to use the money strategically to build a winning program.

BC always aid it's about the kids, he just didn't specify and say MY KID.
Just add $400,000 to Cubit HC salary, because if his son doesn't work out this year Cubit is gone. So if he feels his son gives him the biggest chance of winning then so be it, but if it fails Cubit will feel the sting of his decision. Might be that HC Cubit want to control the offense and having his son gives him the ability to do this.


That's a winner!!
Felt like he should have gotten more, took it his way via paying the son. Why does the state of Illinois and its University get run like the government of the Congo?

The way the athletic department is run has nothing to do with the rest of the state.
Mike Phair did not take a pay cut, he got a substantial raise, too. The 450k they reference is what Tim Banks made, Phair made 350k last year. Whether or not Ryan Cubit's resume merited him being promoted to OC is certainly a valid question, but 400k is actually a little low for a Power 5 OC.

Jabber Jabber

Champaign, IL
To me, this makes it pretty clear that Cubit knows he is gone after this year. He is just making a cash grab to get as much money for his family as he can, rather than trying to use the money strategically to build a winning program.

I've thought this was a cash grab the second he agreed to that ludicrous 2-year deal. He knew what it would do to recruiting, what it would do to the pool of potential assistant coaches he could hire. The 400% raise for his son is just the cherry on top of the f*** you sundae he served up to the administration and fan base.

Deleted member 29907

If this doesn't scream "Fire Cubit ASAP" to the new AD, then i would be amazed. Clearly the only 'kids' Cubit really cares about are his own.
Ryan got the raise to pay his dad some gas money to get to practice and games since he can't drive right now! That is some good gas money Bill is going to get!
I think it's quite interesting that Banks gets canned and lands a better job than he had here at U of I.
Count me in as a severely embarrassed alumni. This is slimy.

And very upsetting....i dont know why little cubes even got the promotion....if anything hecklinski is prob better at it......and should prob at least be a co offensive coordinator

little cubit showed us nothing last season i guess you gotta look out for your son...smh
I've felt all along that Bill Cubit's real interest in getting the head coaching position was to give his son experience as an offensive coordinator. If it wasn't his son, and he was really interested in making Illinois football better, would Ryan Cubit have even been retained, let alone given a promotion and raise?
I've felt all along that Bill Cubit's real interest in getting the head coaching position was to give his son experience as an offensive coordinator. If it wasn't his son, and he was really interested in making Illinois football better, would Ryan Cubit have even been retained, let alone given a promotion and raise?

Heck no! his son has not proven anything....lunt stayed healthy...but he was outta sync all yr and idk if it was bellamys wrs or lunt.....or little cubes coaching......

whos gonna really show interest in coming to coach here as a head coach tho?!!!