Illinois Football Recruiting Thread

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For those that care about recruiting rankings in June, we are beating Alabama currently.

A good weekend. Hope this weekend gets even better. The staff knows what they are doing. To pluck a kid out of Lexington, KY is amazing. He had offers from Louisville, and UKY. He plays for a very good football high school team.
Imagine living long enough to have the ability to post on a message board, but not know that yellow starbursts exist.
I'd say they are tied for the worst, but if I had to choose, I'd have to rank orange slightly worse, in my personal opinion.
When starburst did that thing years where they traded out yellows for greens, I was in heaven.

Why they went back I have no idea.
In the normal pack?! Not a specialty pack (sour, tropical, etc.). I don't remember that at all.
This coaching staff is on it!
Jmho, I see Muragin (if they get him) and Ferrell at OLB in this defense. 3 road graders on the front line, with these guys rushing the passer or doing run stop support. Big body kids with athleticism .
This appears to be the most underwhelming of the commits so far (no offense to the kid at all). We are his only P5 (or G5?) offer. Is that a concern?
This appears to be the most underwhelming of the commits so far (no offense to the kid at all). We are his only P5 (or G5?) offer. Is that a concern?
Kid is really athletic with great escape-ability. Throws nice on the run and down field. My concern is getting more zip on his outs. He is in my neck of the woods so I'll be following him this coming season.
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