Illinois Football Recruiting Thread

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I mean it happened to us, so I kinds get where Venables is coming from, but coaches are just gonna have to learn that players making sure they get the best situation they can is just the new normal.
his loss is our gain

there are coaches like that. I get it. I also understand why players want to explore all options.
its a two way street. both coaches and players must understand that.
Why is it acceptable in football to keep going on visits and take in interest but not in basketball (at least publicly)?

I imagine this board if morez Johnson said he wanted to “check out” the IU campus.

Mr. Tibbs

southeast DuPage
Why is it acceptable in football to keep going on visits and take in interest but not in basketball (at least publicly)?

I imagine this board if morez Johnson said he wanted to “check out” the IU campus.
pretty much it’s numbers

basketball rosters have 13 schollies , of which 2-3 used to be the “change “ from year to year

football has 85 and the change from year to year is 20-25ish

one player in basketball is so much more important to the roster than football
I mean it happened to us, so I kinds get where Venables is coming from, but coaches are just gonna have to learn that players making sure they get the best situation they can is just the new normal.
I don’t think coaches have an issue with players making sure they get the best situation they can. They just want that to happen prior to committing. Once you give your word, stick to it with conviction.

I’m not sure how Venables recruits, but in the case of Lovie he always seemed to encourage players to take their time so I could see why he’d be willing to pull an offer if a player schedules a visit after committing. But as I think it was Joel pointed out, these guys continue to recruit committed players. I wonder if Venables has ever hosted a player that has committed elsewhere.
I don’t think coaches have an issue with players making sure they get the best situation they can. They just want that to happen prior to committing. Once you give your word, stick to it with conviction.

I’m not sure how Venables recruits, but in the case of Lovie he always seemed to encourage players to take their time so I could see why he’d be willing to pull an offer if a player schedules a visit after committing. But as I think it was Joel pointed out, these guys continue to recruit committed players. I wonder if Venables has ever hosted a player that has committed elsewhere.
Hard to say, but he probably has. Coaches tend to be the do as I say not as I do types.

Also, Dabo(who Venables has spent a lot of time with) also said he would quit if the players got paid. Still waiting for that to happen.
Anyone know the story behind Jeff? How is he so close to the program and what's his connection?

I'll assume this is a serious post. Jeff used to run the Illinois Rivals site and has great connections in the area. As with most things recruiting, some of his info was spot on, and for others, his sources turned out to be incorrect. When he stopped running the rivals site, he was MIA for a bit, and then showed up on twitter with a flurry a fun behind the scenes posts. Directionally, he has seemed fairly sour on UI athletics since no longer running the site. But, for whatever reason (earned or not), he seems to have completely faith in the new fball staff. Like, they can do pretty much no wrong in hi mind (based on his tweets)

Joel Goodson

I'll assume this is a serious post. Jeff used to run the Illinois Rivals site and has great connections in the area. As with most things recruiting, some of his info was spot on, and for others, his sources turned out to be incorrect. When he stopped running the rivals site, he was MIA for a bit, and then showed up on twitter with a flurry a fun behind the scenes posts. Directionally, he has seemed fairly sour on UI athletics since no longer running the site. But, for whatever reason (earned or not), he seems to have completely faith in the new fball staff. Like, they can do pretty much no wrong in hi mind (based on his tweets)

nice summary. I'd add that he's a huge Guenther fan.
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