Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread (October 2017)

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If this is true, it is a shame that college basketball is that slimy. I have a hard time justifying having a kid take an OV and then pulling his offer less than 24 hours before he commits. I feel you have to stand for what is right and not for winning at all costs. To sell your soul for a recruit or potential recruits is wrong imho. I would never last as a basketball coach recruiting Chicago because I could not compromise my belief system.

Nobody is selling their sole. This is a boss making a decision that he thinks is best for his business. I am sure many on here that are managers, execs or owners have made decisions that they believe were the best for their business that may have been negative for another individual. A decision is made, you move on and hope it was the correct decision.
The funny thing is all the posters who are "sickened" by how the staff handled this will magically cure themselves when we start winning games.

I'm going to choose to believe Chin knows what he's doing. He's been around the Chicago basketball scene for a longggggg time.

Maybe UI did take a punch to the face in this saga but relationships can be resolved and there are plenty of fish in the sea.
I don't understand why people keep suggesting we have a chance at Tim Finke. This is a kid we all reeeeaaallly wanted two years ago, then he had a poor summer, and we moved on. Fine, that's how it works.

But if you're Tim, you've been relegated the backup, backup option, and now this plays out with THT. I'd love to have TF, but I also wouldn't blame him if he ignored BU's phone calls.
I heard THT was going to stick it to MIF by walking on at Illinois. A buddy of mine just texted me and told me tht had been in contact with Luther Head to help cover tuition.
We might never get any [facts].

We might not get any "facts" from any first hands sources made public. But that not really the issue.

Recruits like Okoro and Liddell and other high school coaches will certainly know the facts, even if it is just considered speculation on this board. If those facts are not complementary of our coaching staff, that will be a problem going forward.
venture to say it will be way bigger loss for us than cliff. Initial perception is rarely reality.

we wont know the full impact (if any) for a couple years

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bit dramatic don't you think...
well for sure was more then one hat in that bag, mom even said the other was in the bag still as they left,but really feel bad for the young man, and the crowd sure wasnt there to hear him say ISU, I just have a feeling this will come back to haunt us for many years to come
actually kind of glad... thought we might have been creating a logjam at the combo
If the Irvins asked BU to do this for them, hopefully they are prepared to make good on the favor.

Hope THT has a good career at ISU.
well for sure was more then one hat in that bag, mom even said the other was in the bag still as they left,but really feel bad for the young man, and the crowd sure wasnt there to hear him say ISU, I just have a feeling this will come back to haunt us for many years to come

not at all... there was nothing keeping THT from committing months ago if he really wanted to be an Illini.
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