Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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Do you read these threads? Lol
reading is for nerds

At some point does the number of scholarships become less important? Why can’t an amount equal to the scholarship plus taxes be added into the NIL payment in addition to the agreed NIL payment, freeing up one of the 13 scholarships.

I was just having this discussion. It seems like scholarships are irrelevant to a certain extent. If you want to pay a guy a million dollars to come fill a walk on spot I'm not aware of anything to stop that. The scholarship money is a small amount for a lot of these guys and could definitely be covered by NIL right? So us running out of scholarships spots shouldn't really matter right? (Other than ticking off other players...but at this point players leave if they start all year anyways so not sure it even matters)
No matter what happens with Coleman, pro or comes back to lead us to a title...I know this:
My family members and I have probably had at least a dozen individual interactions with the dude in different contexts over the past couple of years. Not a ton but enough for a bad day to have happened to anybody. And every single time he's been accessible and unfailingly chill about the star treatment stuff.
I do hope we appreciate these kids who stick around during their entire collegiate careers. It's going to be increasingly rare for awhile.

The Sprouting Divot

Invisible and Bulletproof
Miracle Mile
I’ll be in Culver City next week. I think I’ve found a new lunch spot to check out.

I agree with the Habit Burger recommendation and disagree with the Father's Office suggestion. I find it just as overrated as In-N-Out. Neither are bad, but they don't deserve their reputations.

But this place is better than all of them.

There's also a location in Westchester, closer to LAX.

*Edited because I thought I was replying to an endorsement of the the prior Habit Burger, not Father's Office.
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And now you have two spots for outstanding burgers.

There's also a location in Westchester, closer to LAX.

Just like In-N-Out, don't let anyone talk you into Father's Office before Habit or Humble Potato - the burger isn't terrible, but people make it into more than it is.
Jimmy Fallon Reaction GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

Just kidding, now I wanna go back and try them.
I will say, I've got a low burger to travel ratio. So the 3 times that I've had the Father's Office burger I've come away thinking that they had it down to a science, no luck involved on that day. That's probably what impresses me still. They carry that burger off every damn time.
Maybe I just don't eat enough burgers though and this is like the best point guard in history debate 🤷‍♂️.
It's a Thursday night and who knows.
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I agree with the Habit Burger recommendation and disagree with the Father's Office suggestion. I find it just as overrated as In-N-Out. Neither are bad, but they don't deserve their reputations.

But this place is better than all of them.

There's also a location in Westchester, closer to LAX.

*Edited because I thought I was replying to an endorsement of the the prior Habit Burger, not Father's Office.
You’re wrong about the Office Burger. Obviously not your typical burger, but it is unique and freaking delicious (full disclosure: I’m an old friend of its creator).

There are also some low key great taco places and Indian places in Culver City. If OP is interested, DM me.
I don't think Lieb is good enough to excel in the MVC, but with the current miserable condition of ISU basketball, he'll probably get some minutes.


Tobacco Road
Would the Quebecois like everyone calling them Canadian? Aren’t they kinda touchy about that?
I'm more interested in discussing our staff's recurring determination to have a positionless roster when during BU's tenure the less positionless we've been, the better we've played.

*I* think BU has cracked the code here with a big back-to-the-basket center as an anchor. And I worry that *he* doesn't think that.
Problem is that sure that can win you a B1G championship but it isn't a winning strategy in the tournament. PU this year is yet another example. That game is good for the culmination of a season but in an individual game it doesn't play as well.
JMO - I would love to see lineup of Goode, Rogers, Dainja, Harris and one of new players at PG

TSJ was nice addition last year but flawed game. Cannot create his own jump shot. Drives to hoop but does not elevate in lane and his shot is easily blocked. He has already played 4 years in college so he may not be able to improve further. I think its time to see what the kids can do.
Which of the "new kids" is most likely to get you.........
17.2 pts
4.6 rebounds
3.8 assists
I would argue that developing young players and having patience (ie allowing for some time in the system together) will absolutely still lead to much as it ever did, at least.

The trick is retaining said young players long enough to reap the rewards. Not easy in this climate as I said in my original post.

However, throwing a new mix of transfers and freshman together every summer is also not without its risks. See last year.
I don't disagree. At this stage, it's a choice of experiments. I can see arguments on both sides though. I think we will know more after this year.
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