Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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That is the point. Green is a defend hard, pass first forward who doesn't look for his own shot. He is usually the 5th option. Whether or not he scored in college doesn't matter. His game evolved based on his team. In the process, he has demonstrated there is a place in the league for such players. They have to be excellent defenders and VERY smart passers - Draymond often knows where the pass is going before he receives it and one touches it. Cohawk has a long way to go on the passing acumen.
Draymond scored nearly 14 pts. per game and pulled down 9 rebounds. 1.3 steals and 3 assist per game. Junior year for a young man who averaged 3 pts and 3 boards as a freshman.


Ozamataz Buckshank
I've had a few tonight. Can an insider tell me out of Shannon, RayJ, and Hawkins how many they expect back next year?
Draymond scored nearly 14 pts. per game and pulled down 9 rebounds. 1.3 steals and 3 assist per game. Junior year for a young man who averaged 3 pts and 3 boards as a freshman.
Did you miss the line of "Whether or not he scored in college doesn't matter." ? Draymond's NBA usage is entirely different from his college usage. In the NBA Draymonds points (< 10/game) are either on open layups, or 3s where the opponents dare him to shoot. On very rare occasions, with a massive mismatch, he may dribble once on the way to the hoop. Am I claiming Cohawk is the next Draymond? Absolutely not. I'm pointing out there is a possible fit in the league for Cohawk without his becoming a shooter.
Podz….a very interesting way of saying Brad wouldn’t guarantee him and starting spot and told him he’d have to earn it.
Same thing Brad said when podz was a HS recruit. Clearly Podz felt his opportunities were better with fresh start.

NIL for incoming freshman can likely give returning players an idea of their relative value to staff (sky VS podz)....and drive transfers out.

Sky was great buzz last year, but in the end a lower value player than podz would have been
Podz did. Two years and one year ago too. BU and staff did because he got an Illini scholarship. It just happened much sooner than anyone thought, Go Podz Go
Podz wasn't a fit for a defense first/intensity driven system - at any point in his development. I have no idea why he was recruited for this system. Neither side is just wasn't a fit.

Along the same lines, I do hope recruiting Certa was more show than actual desire. Certa would have been another horrible fit. Certa fits Shrewsberry's system. It was a good choice. If they really did want Certa, Illinois coaches continue to try and mash a square peg through a round hole.
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