Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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Winged Warrior
Wth is all this basketball talk?

Does DGL like cottage cheese? Will TSJr have gray hair by the end of his college career? What am I having for Sunday dinner?

The Real Posters of Illinois Loyalty like their drama with sauces.

I'd vote YES, predicated upon one very large condition --- that Sencire can work on his jump shot and consistently hit 45% from the field, 70% from the FT line, and 32% from three.
Wait a minute. You mean if his offensive game/shooting percentages improve than his production on offense will increase? Well I’ll be damned. //S


South Carolina
Wait a minute. You mean if his offensive game/shooting percentages improve than his production on offense will increase? Well I’ll be damned. //S
RATHER: He'll be on the rare and ever-elusive Kendall Gill improvement curve, with the potential of playing professionally beyond his 3-4 years in Champaign.
Those would be reasonable nos. and a good progression. Would also like to see the 10 ppg that Gill averaged his soph year. He had the same 3.7 as Sencire his frosh year with no 3 pt attempts. Going to be surprised if he isn’t a signifant contributor.
If we get RayJ and TSJ returns, would be really hard for him to get those #s. TSJ and Harmon would be ahead of him at SG.

Of course injuries are always lurking.


Arlington, Virginia
Wth is all this basketball talk?

Does DGL like cottage cheese? Will TSJr have gray hair by the end of his college career? What am I having for Sunday dinner?

The Real Posters of Illinois Loyalty like their drama with sauces.

I'm with you. Pulled up the Board bright and early this morn and was disoriented to find @nichi talking about Glynn Blackwell's and Kendall Gill's development jump from FR-SO.

To repurpose an old chestnut: I went to the Loyalty cheese roundtable thread and a recruiting discussion broke out!

It's a movable feast here and I resent the recruiting grinds introducing serious basketball talk. I showed up for cottage cheese and stayed for cat GIFs.

/s (Do I really need to add that? Apparently ;))
This must be the most repeated false story ever
I wouldn’t say it’s a “false” story, I would categorize it as “mostly true” if I was fact checking.

He went out for his varsity team his sophomore year and didn’t make the cut list - his best friend who was also a sophomore did. While Jordan still made the JV team, Jordan himself would tell the story of being cut and not seeing his name on the list in the locker room of who made the team as a great motivator for him - the fact that his best friend did I’m sure made it worse. If you don’t make a team you can quite or work hard and get better, which is the moral of the story- so in my mind, it’s a perfectly legitimate story of how to respond to a setback that the GOAT in basketball experienced

Is there a way to ignore posters on loyalty who have “limited view” of their profile? A lot of us here have no interest or time sorting through all their irrelevant babble.


Paducah, Ky
Wth is all this basketball talk?

Does DGL like cottage cheese? Will TSJr have gray hair by the end of his college career? What am I having for Sunday dinner?

The Real Posters of Illinois Loyalty like their drama with sauces.


Howdy boys and's time for a Sunday brunch , lunch and dinner today.....woo-hoo.......let's git it on.....

Today's music.............Sade......" Love Deluxe " CD..............................Cherish............No Ordinary Love.....Kiss of Life...........

Branden Burgers / cheese optional
Godzilla cottage cheese droppings / plentiful supply
Santa Clara Bronco Briskett /non competitive P5 choice grade c
Podz potato salad
Mr. Podz daddy doughnuts
Wisconsin HS lower class cheesy poofs
Crabby Conversation Crabcakes


guest chef.................................


yum yum


pru , you have done it any mint julips on hand ??


Anything for you sweetheart................................


Come and get it everyone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I wouldn’t say it’s a “false” story, I would categorize it as “mostly true” if I was fact checking...
If you don’t make a team you can quite or work hard and get better, which is the moral of the story- so in my mind, it’s a perfectly legitimate story of how to respond to a setback that the GOAT in basketball experienced
There is actually a children's book about the subject, authored by MJ's mom and sister, called Salt in His Shoes.
I know it’s been beaten to death, but for those of us who might still be interested, it looks like Podz did quite well at the combine;

“Scouts and executives only had positive feedback throughout the week, and interest appears to be snowballing. Just reading the gym, it sounds like Podziemski will be in play for teams starting in the late teens and early 20s.”

I guess you didn’t read the last 5 pages.
I wouldn’t say it’s a “false” story, I would categorize it as “mostly true” if I was fact checking.

He went out for his varsity team his sophomore year and didn’t make the cut list - his best friend who was also a sophomore did. While Jordan still made the JV team, Jordan himself would tell the story of being cut and not seeing his name on the list in the locker room of who made the team as a great motivator for him - the fact that his best friend did I’m sure made it worse. If you don’t make a team you can quite or work hard and get better, which is the moral of the story- so in my mind, it’s a perfectly legitimate story of how to respond to a setback that the GOAT in basketball experienced

Well, when you start adding classifications to a historical standard like “true or false” that changes the game. If I knew “mostly true” was an option this whole time it could have changed my life.
Is TSJ waiting on finalizing NIL deals or is it a done deal and waiting on the news cycle or is he weighing overseas options?

Currently the best show on TV IMHO. Staring Alan Tudyk

Watch it in order
Tudyk did a good job on that show. I wasn't a fan of the writing in the 2nd season. His Firefly character not carrying its weight was largely due to the writers not knowing what to do with him, not the actors lack of ability.

Hey, look, cottage cheese. (Snatching the piece of pie from in front of you.)
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