Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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There's a subtle message in that GIF: always aim directly at the base of the fire, or it's not particularly effective. The U of I FD actually taught me that when it staged a "practice using a fire extinguisher" demo on the quad just outside the Union. Nearly 40 years later I vividly remember wielding that thing like a bad a$$ after proper instruction.

Basketball was not involved at any time. Sorry.

[BTW, I detoxed from the Hoops Recruiting thread for several days. Just caught up on yesterday's exchanges. Wow.]

Time for another detox?

Alex Newell Cleanse GIF by NBC


Arlington, Virginia
Time for another detox?

Alex Newell Cleanse GIF by NBC
After reading that thread I believe only a sustained fast combined with a power cleanse, which takes me to the brink of a coma, can restore me. Reading all that over breakfast at my desk this morning was second in unseemly workplace unpleasantness only to having overheard a colleague (whom I didn't respect to begin with) a decade ago on the phone with his daughter:

"Now, Daddy didn't leave Mommy; Mommy left Daddy!"

Can't unhear/unsee any of that.


Paducah, Ky


Well sisters , how is your day going so far ??

Mr. pru , we thank you again for sharing your life with us ......we will pray for all your family and to protect you against any bad vibes coming your way.........oooooommmmmmmmmmmm...........


Thank you Mother Superior.......I try to take life one day at a time and harbor no ill will against my detractors........respect is a two way street and I respect other's opinions even when they single me out........broad shoulders sister , broad shoulders...........

We understand completely , pru.........................We really really do............................

Captain 14

The Last Best Place
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View attachment 26949

Well sisters , how is your day going so far ??

Mr. pru , we thank you again for sharing your life with us ......we will pray for all your family and to protect you against any bad vibes coming your way.........oooooommmmmmmmmmmm...........

View attachment 26950

Thank you Mother Superior.......I try to take life one day at a time and harbor no ill will against my detractors........respect is a two way street and I respect other's opinions even when they single me out........broad shoulders sister , broad shoulders...........
View attachment 26951

We understand completely , pru.........................We really really do............................
One of the great television lines of all time when the bionic woman had gone undercover at a convent where some bad guys were doing bad things. At the show's conclusion Oscar Goldman's limo is pulling up the long winding access road to the convent on top of the hill when the way is blocked by several sisters tending a large flock of sheep. Oscar's window comes down, one of the sisters approaches and Oscar says, "I'm sorry're going to have to get the flock out of here."


Arlington, Virginia
View attachment 26948

View attachment 26949

Well sisters , how is your day going so far ??

Mr. pru , we thank you again for sharing your life with us ......we will pray for all your family and to protect you against any bad vibes coming your way.........oooooommmmmmmmmmmm...........

View attachment 26950

Thank you Mother Superior.......I try to take life one day at a time and harbor no ill will against my detractors........respect is a two way street and I respect other's opinions even when they single me out........broad shoulders sister , broad shoulders...........
View attachment 26951

We understand completely , pru.........................We really really do............................
Better, Brother Pru. I was just about to chastise you for your earlier posting of nuns on the beach: waaay too much calf showing in that photo.


Paducah, Ky
Better, Brother Pru. I was just about to chastise you for your earlier posting of nuns on the beach: waaay too much calf showing in that photo.

Oh my , I have sinned again...................I just can't win for losing .............I really really can't.....................

I will work on it brother.......................................................................................................NOT............I really really won't............


Paducah, Ky
The funniest part of this, is just how current event relevant it actually is.

Seems like toxic culture has permeated every corner of society.........hmm , and I thought I was the only toxic culture engineer....

Who knew ??? , I really really didn't know........

BTW altgeld , I'm a calf man.........I really really am..........................
Illinois kids no longer stay home. ESPN and internet changed everything. We have to recruit nationwide to get talent.
When did they stay home? We had the Peoria pipeline in the late 90s but historically the best Illinois high school kid has not been a locked for us

Since 2000 we have had 5 Mr Basketballs play for Illinois(Mark Smith, Miller, Richmond, Paul, Dee). What has been the most shocking is how disappointing some of those kids did in college.

From 99-97 we got all three (Cook, Frank Williams, Sergio). That set a great foundation for Self.

Weber recruited the Mr Basketballs decently but never got the one you could build a team around and Underwood hasn’t done much better yet but Morez may change that

View attachment 26953

Oh my , I have sinned again...................I just can't win for losing .............I really really can't.....................

I will work on it brother.......................................................................................................NOT............I really really won't............

I miss recruiting news.......

I miss Pru's bikini clad NL's

I miss the days when you could come to Loyalty for U of I sports news and a good laugh....


I miss the days when you could come to Loyalty for U of I sports news and a good laugh....
Exactly, and for entertainment as Dan wrote in his note earlier today. So many posts about "I just want recruiting news, period" when a big part of this is community and fun (over the top sometimes, sure). Just like there are many other sites to see bikinis, there are many other sites devoted to pure recruiting news. I'd hate to see this devolve and lose the fun (while acknowledging that not all find each topic / post fun).

Anyway Dan said it better in his note.


Arlington, Virginia
Exactly, and for entertainment as Dan wrote in his note earlier today. So many posts about "I just want recruiting news, period" when a big part of this is community and fun (over the top sometimes, sure). Just like there are many other sites to see bikinis, there are many other sites devoted to pure recruiting news. I'd hate to see this devolve and lose the fun (while acknowledging that not all find each topic / post fun).

Anyway Dan said it better in his note.
Well said ^^.

And when there's no recruiting news we can be rigidly confined to tedious rehashing of the recruiting status quo (including a lot of rending of garments and gnashing of teeth), or we can freely chat amongst ourselves about various ties that bind (and enjoy some laughs) until there's some --- wait for it --- recruiting news. Community is built not only through discussing what's narrowly going on now but revisiting what has broadly gone on over decades, which unites us as fans and UIUC partisans, and the intergenerational riffing that occurs in the process.

In fact, I argue it's built much more effectively via the latter than the former.

IMO the "Lighten up, Francis" meme is much more appropriately deployed toward the "on-topic grinds" than our brother Pru. Frankly (or Francis-ly), however, I don't want to use it at all. Just lets chill and be excellent to one another.
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Joel Goodson



Arlington, Virginia
As bummed as I was with not landing another point guard in the portal, I’m pretty excited about seeing Ty play 30 mpg. He’s a kid that I’d be willing to give some grace through some struggles these next couple of years.
I'd like to see him play 30 mpg on the baseline, in the paint and on the boards, not out top or on the wing. He was a relative beast as a frosh underneath. Natural instinct about how to position himself, defend and rebound. Substantial upside potential there. A Baby Worm.
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