Lovie Smith Named Illinois Football Coach

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Also love that Whitman kind of created his own destiny for lack of a better phrase.

I, for one, was getting sick and tired of the defeatist attitude of oh well what can we do, it is not ideal.

Whitman has proven himself to me as a real go getter who is not going to rest to make this better. There was zero reason to wait a year to do the inevitable and just waste time and a whole recruiting class (and really the ground work for the next few).


And I don't agree with any comparisons to Wanny. Wanstedt was always ridiculed and seemed out of his league. Lovie always looks confident and in charge. No comparison.


Lake Forest, IL
Are people really upset with the hire? Have we already forgotten where we come from :D



We just need to increase our talent level. Hopefully his name will bring some quality players to Central Illinois!

URH Snyder 490

Orange Crush '89
Northern Illinois
Enjoy your crow if you're one of the naysayers who thought the problem with Mike Thomas' coaching hires was that Illinois could no longer attract a big name coach.

(raises hand)

I was in that camp. You're right-I'm eating crow and it's DELICIOUS ;)

Joel Goodson

It blows my mind that some are carping about this. The program is in a substantially better place than it was yesterday. Yes, there's a lot more to do, but this is a great, virtually unbelievable start.

I think Lovie's going to put together a very, very strong staff. Key hire: OC, obviously.

Kudos to Whitman for utterly flipping the game.
(raises hand)

I was in that camp. You're right-I'm eating crow and it's DELICIOUS ;)

As with everything, i think the truth's somewhere in the middle. I'm not believing that in 2012 Whitman or a like-minded guy would bring in Kevin Sumlin and Shaka Smart. Absolutely made chicken salad out of chicken *beep* in a very short time, but i think we would have gotten a lot of the same "no's" regardless of AD.

Lovie was a perfect storm that Whitman (skillfully) capitalized on.


As Lovie's sons are part of the equation do you think they can recruit?
Another version of JW name conversion.
We currently have JFW
How about JTHMW= Josh "The Hit Man" Whitman
Took several guys out on his first day on the job and then brings in the Big Fish!:cool:
When do we think the official announcement will be made? I'm hopeful for a presser tomorrow - but have no reason to believe that is actually the case. :chief:
Jeez, I hate to talk about all this like it's a done deal. Can we knock on a lot of wood here?
If it wasn't a done deal they would have squashed the rumor by now or responded to it.
As Lovie's sons are part of the equation do you think they can recruit?

I definitely like the idea of having some younger guys to recruit. I think they could have some really solid recruiting potential.
Jeez, I hate to talk about all this like it's a done deal. Can we knock on a lot of wood here?

I know this is Illinois, but Whitman hit a walk off grand slam. They're just crossing their t's and dotting i's as we speak. IE trying to the state to expedite the hiring process, and finishing out the staff


wonder the logic of not keeping Bellamy?

Joel Goodson

I have no doubt that Smith will assemble a very strong staff. I hope we can create some junior assistant positions for guys like Bellamy.
The Chicago press can spew all they want; JW made a big noise with this hire, and we are IMMEDIATELY a program of national interest, which will only increase when we start playing in the fall.

This is a fantastic turnaround.

Deleted member 346957

When do you guys think this will be official? Tomorrow?


Middletown, IL
When do you guys think this will be official? Tomorrow?

I'm guessing next week. He has to wait until HR gives him the go ahead. Has to wait for that waiver from posting the job. So that could be a week or two before Whitman hears back.

Psycho 86

King Monkey Nut
I listened to 670am in Chicago talk Illini football for 3 hours this morning !! This hire makes Illini football relevant in a very fast way !!
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