Michigan State: Mel Tucker fired

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"non consensual phone sex..." so ... don't you hang up? not saying it's not harassing but... he's saying it was consensual and i'm thinking... if it continued to completion, by definition, the way the phone works-
"non consensual phone sex..." so ... don't you hang up? not saying it's not harassing but... he's saying it was consensual and i'm thinking... if it continued to completion, by definition, the way the phone works-

36 minute phone call after midnight. I don't even like Mel Tucker but my gosh lol.
As a lawyer, Mel is going to win a case against MSU if fired.. This story stinks to high heavens.
Mel's a lawyer? or he's going to act as his own counsel in his case against MSU
"non consensual phone sex..." so ... don't you hang up? not saying it's not harassing but... he's saying it was consensual and i'm thinking... if it continued to completion, by definition, the way the phone works-

You can't hold people accountable if you bury your head in the sand.
Farting 4-20 GIF
So he’s fired now? Unbelievable how all these schools try to minimize and cover up until it hits the press. They got the report in December. Set a hearing for October 2023 10 months later. Fumbled around with a suspension and then finally figure out that based on his admissions - consensual phone sex - he cannot continue on as coach regardless.

I don’t want to come off as self righteous but at least we launched Beckman asap.
So he’s fired now? Unbelievable how all these schools try to minimize and cover up until it hits the press. They got the report in December. Set a hearing for October 2023 10 months later. Fumbled around with a suspension and then finally figure out that based on his admissions - consensual phone sex - he cannot continue on as coach regardless.

I don’t want to come off as self righteous but at least we launched Beckman asap.
Beckman also went 12-25 in 3 seasons. Let's not get too self-righteous when him being an @$$ was about reason number 37 to let him go... lol
Anyone else have the thought the MSU or one of their powerful alums pulled off a Wilford Brimley from The Firm operation and set up Tucker to get out of the worse contract in the history of college sports?
It actually would not surprise me one bit, but at the same time, it would have been the EASIEST set up in human history to avoid. Just idiotic and to think it could cost the man over $70M???

That is generational wealth he most likely tossed away (literally and figuratively), he not only cost himself, but his wife, kids, their kids and so on.
A 36 minute late night phone call? Would love to hear the rest of the story. She volunteers to stay on the phone and listen to him bop his baloney? Then decides she was harassed? Somehow doubtful Tucker's version is the whole truth. Incredibly stupid on Tucker's part whatever the rest of the story is but there is no end to the number of people who are so wrapped up in their own ego that they honestly believe they are untouchable. Until they aren't.
Anyone else have the thought the MSU or one of their powerful alums pulled off a Wilford Brimley from The Firm operation and set up Tucker to get out of the worse contract in the history of college sports?
I thought of this pretty much 5 mins after I read the timeline

someone or some group in sports admin didn’t like him. there are ALWAYS people like that . once they got word of the story, they leaked it and the USA TODAY or whoever it was published it and voila

I don’t think it was a “sting” . I just think once word got to some circles in admin , there were people who knew this was a cause for dismissal .

I’m 99% certain that’s the deal here
Anyone else have the thought the MSU or one of their powerful alums pulled off a Wilford Brimley from The Firm operation and set up Tucker to get out of the worse contract in the history of college sports?
diabetes cheesecake GIF

and late night sex calls. They have hotlines for that. Hundreds of beautiful girls are standing by waiting for your call right now, and they like to party all night.
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Anyone else have the thought the MSU or one of their powerful alums pulled off a Wilford Brimley from The Firm operation and set up Tucker to get out of the worse contract in the history of college sports?

Make a good movie. Get going on the script. :)
As a lawyer, Mel is going to win a case against MSU if fired.. This story stinks to high heavens.
then you drag him and his wife thru the press gauntlet. instead, you make an agreement to have him go away.
a % of his contract. if that's a win, so be it. i can see where a lawyer would think that.
So he’s fired now? Unbelievable how all these schools try to minimize and cover up until it hits the press. They got the report in December. Set a hearing for October 2023 10 months later. Fumbled around with a suspension and then finally figure out that based on his admissions - consensual phone sex - he cannot continue on as coach regardless.

I don’t want to come off as self righteous but at least we launched Beckman asap.
careful, there was an extensive investigation by a powerful; Chicago firm that again became public.
Mel will not ever see the sideline with Sparty again
all that gobbeldy gook legal speak issued by his atty was just to make his "public position" a little better so that MSU coughs up mjore money to have him walk away silently

He will never be head coach at a P4 school again. He blew that chance.
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