NBA/Pro/International Basketball

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He’s going off right now
Certainly seems like a talented NBA contributor. Crazy to think that the scouting on him just a year prior to Santa Clara was that he was getting burned on the defensive end daily and not going to be an offensive contributor. Either the Illinois scouts/inside info was way off or he had one hell of a legendary off season.
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The Chicago Bulls are a mess. Again. Like most years since The GOAT left town.

In other news, the Chicago Bears are a mess. The Chicago White Sox are a mess. The Chicago Blackhawks have been a mess but are now becoming less of one.

Looks like Chicago has a lot of messes to clean up.

Right now, the Bulls are a terrible mix of players that don’t fit together. Time to book some flights for some guys out of town.

Just give the ball and minutes to Ayo and at least Bulls and Illini fans will have something worth watching.

Joel Goodson

Ayo's going to have ample opportunity for big minutes relatively soon.

Things went way, way south when Ball got hurt (more like got hurt worse...he was damaged goods when AK acquired him). AK should have thrown in the towel during the offseason, if not earlier. Gonna take a long time to dig out of this one.
gareth edwards godzilla GIF
I've watched a few highlights. He's got impressive court awareness. I think this one is going to sting for awhile. (and yes, I understand that many don't really care)

From a pure basketball perspective I love to see guys who catch fire and maximize their talent. Because more guys actually don't.

For Podz... while it would have been fantastic if his game had quickly developed for The Beloved... chances are it wouldn't have had he stayed. He needed new scenery and picked a perfect situation for his game to grow.

It also would have been nice to develop more of the Illini Wisconsin Pipeline had he succeeded in Orange... but maybe one of these days.
Or Podz heard a fair critique of his play at Illinois, heard he wouldn't be getting playing time, and decided to try his hand elsewhere while addressing the criticism and it paid off.

There doesn't need to be a bad guy here
Counterpoint: Brad loves quick footed guys that can defend well in space and switch the screens. He loves that type of guy so much that he frequently doesn't care if said player can actually shoot a basketball. Podz could have helped this team last year by being someone who could actually shoot.
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