NFL Draft

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That would be pay to play…..
First, let's be clear. No player is getting fair value for their NIL. They are all being grossly overpaid for it.

Second, contracts have time frames attached to them. So a contract could extend either through the end of the season or through a bowl game. It could run to November 30 with a right for the payee to extend beyond November 30 at their option.

These rules have been totally evaded and there is absolutely a way to evade them to get money to players who perform in bowl games. Whether it's advisable for teams/alums to go that route is another question.


First, let's be clear. No player is getting fair value for their NIL. They are all being grossly overpaid for it.

Second, contracts have time frames attached to them. So a contract could extend either through the end of the season or through a bowl game. It could run to November 30 with a right for the payee to extend beyond November 30 at their option.

These rules have been totally evaded and there is absolutely a way to evade them to get money to players who perform in bowl games. Whether it's advisable for teams/alums to go that route is another question.
I basically agree with this. For most of these players, their actual NIL has little value. They are being paid because donors want them playing for their team. That’s the whole point of the collective, right? I mean this isn’t the NFL where an endorsement is going to bring in big $$ for anyone.

There is zero doubt every rule in the book is being circumvented or just outright ignored right now. Not by all, but plenty of schools that have made the decision the NCAA can’t punish them if everyone is doing it. And they are right.

As far as the bowl games go, anyone who tries to tie star players hands with a contract (deal) like that will have a hard time getting anyone who want to play for you in the future.


Anyone see how Tommy DV played last night? Not seeing him mentioned in what little information I could find.
Anyone see how Tommy DV played last night? Not seeing him mentioned in what little information I could find.
Didn’t watch game but he was 3 of 7 for 22 yards and a lost fumble on a sack. Fumble didn’t result in a score as Tanner Morgan threw interception next series. Looking at stats and score, doesn’t look like any of the QBs did anything to improve their draft stock.
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First, let's be clear. No player is getting fair value for their NIL. They are all being grossly overpaid for it.
100% disagree. With no limits on anything, no one gets "overpaid" for their value. If one donor/collective/group isn't going to pay it, some other will... if a player is worth it. Right now, the NIL is in the most pure form of free market that it will ever be in. There are almost no regulations whatsoever. "Fair value" is being determined by the people willing to pay it.

It doesn't mean certain people or organizations have to like it.
Saw devito get sacked twice. Both times the left tackle got beat badly. Don't know if it was the same tackle both times
100% disagree. With no limits on anything, no one gets "overpaid" for their value. If one donor/collective/group isn't going to pay it, some other will... if a player is worth it. Right now, the NIL is in the most pure form of free market that it will ever be in. There are almost no regulations whatsoever. "Fair value" is being determined by the people willing to pay it.

It doesn't mean certain people or organizations have to like it.
I worded this wrong. They are absolutely getting their fair market value as players.

As "endorsers" which is what the Name, Image, and Likeness lawsuit was all about, they are getting greatly overpaid.


Cincinnati, OH
People I talk to think he will go higher than that ... These scouts know they missed on Kerby ... They do NOT want to miss again ...

I think it's less to do with Kerby's performance (though maybe a combination of Hobbs - Joseph being successful is giving scouts a double take at Illinois secondary pieces) and more to do with teams trying to replicate the success of recent defensive changes. Talanoa Hufanga was a big difference maker this year for the 49ers defense and they are so few guys out there like him. Sydney is the closest to Hufanga in size/speed/instincts. Even if he's 85% as good as Hufanga, it would provide a lot of schematic flexibility for your defense.


You can tell how often we have been to bowl games by how upset we are about the guys that didn’t play. It’s just how it is and has been for a while now. We are fortunate to finally feel the sting of having players good enough to get us to a bowl game and also be good enough to play in the NFL. Celebrate the new normal folks!

Mr. Tibbs

southeast DuPage
the Senior Bowl is an exhibition , not unlike the ProBowl with regards to real effort during the game itself .
The reason the players are there is to interact with coaches and scouts during the 4-5 days of practice and meetings and interviews during the week of the game .

For guys like Chase & Sid, being there could mean they get selected 1 or even 2 rounds earlier than if they didn’t . That’s huge money


No sitting out the senior bowl would be like sitting out the combine or pro day because you are worried about getting hurt. The senior bowl is one the BEST ways to increase draft stock for guys that aren't a sure fire first round pick already. It would be absolutely insane to sit it out.


Cincinnati, OH
the Senior Bowl is an exhibition , not unlike the ProBowl with regards to real effort during the game itself .
The reason the players are there is to interact with coaches and scouts during the 4-5 days of practice and meetings and interviews during the week of the game .

For guys like Chase & Sid, being there could mean they get selected 1 or even 2 rounds earlier than if they didn’t . That’s huge money

Maybe the answer is bowl games creating a 1-2 day scout exhibition for both competing teams during the 10-day practice window.
I don’t like the opting out either — and respect those that don’t, but I fully understand it and feel no I’ll will towards those that do. I think the changes we’re seeing to the sport — players entering the portal before bowl games and the opt outs — mean fans will have to start thinking of bowl games differently. Unless your team is in the playoffs (or possibly in the top tier bowls), bowl games are essentially now exhibitions and opportunities for player development for the next year. Not saying I like it, but that is becoming the new reality.

So if you know you’re leaving, have a chance to be drafted and a chance to play in play in a showcase “all-star” game, I understand why you would opt out. You eliminate the chance of getting hurt in the bowl game. Yes, you could be hurt in the Senior Bowl or whatever, but the opportunity to better your draft ranking out weighs the risk. It happens, but far fewer players improve their draft ranking because of a bowl game. By all accounts Sydney Brown has “made money” by his performance this week. So has Chase probably, but to a lesser degree. If you know the Browns’ back story, it is especially understandable why they would try to minimize risk and maximize opportunity this close to achieving their goal and obtaining a payday that will greatly impact their family.

Mr. Tibbs

southeast DuPage
when you understand the story of their childhood, and what they have been through being raised by a single mom and then being away from "home" in high school, how can you not appreciate their situation . They both seem to be genuinely really good guys and good citizens.

They have, and will continue to make us proud

Mr. Tibbs

southeast DuPage

NFL Draft experts list the biggest “risers” in the Senior Bowl​

Illinois RB Chase Brown & S Sidney Brown

I polled a bunch of execs, coaches and scouts over the course of the week on the biggest risers based off practices. The same names kept popping up, no matter who I talked to.
The Brown twins from Illinois received a lot of buzz. Running back Chase Brown is the better prospect and will be drafted higher, but safety Sydney Brown looked really good all week long. An AFC exec told me that they will both probably be under drafted and we’ll look back at this class in three years and wonder why they weren’t picked higher. He said he’d absolutely want both of those guys on his team.

Ransom Stoddard

Ordained Dudeist Priest
Bloomington, IL
Maybe the answer is bowl games creating a 1-2 day scout exhibition for both competing teams during the 10-day practice window.
I like the idea on its face, but that creates a whole bunch of events that NFL scouts need to attend, and I think they may focus on the more "marquee" programs, leaving players who wouldn't get the visibility they do with the all-star bowls.
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