Old-age Anon....(OA)



Paducah, Ky
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Top of the morning to my Illini fanatic family.................It's 4:26 am here in beautiful Paducah , Ky.......It's 59 * with a slight drizzle of rain and expecting rain on and off all day today..........I love rainy fall days , especially after a big B1G win by the beloved.....My Blues didn't cum through with a win as they blew a 3-1 lead and turned it into a 7-4 loss...................at home..............This is the first time Chief has had a 3 game losing streak since he took over the reins of the Blues.......
could be a long season for the Blues if this mindset continues , but I have faith in coach Berube and GM Armstrong to right the ship...............

I have a lot of stuff to share with my bro's here , so here goes............................

I had a doctors appt Friday morning with my great family doctor.....She is so caring and I feel so at ease with her ..........I usually have a lot of disdain and apprehension for the medical profession , but she has changed the narrative for me in that regard.......I have lost 12 lbs since I last saw her and my BP was 130/70.......excellent for a 71 yr old , slightly overweight smoker...........She listened to my lungs and heart and said excellent........I told her I had been having some left ear pain and she looked and said there was some redness there and prescribed some amoxicillin for 10 days , twice a day.......
She said i had to give a urine sample for the Tramadol script , as it was federal law.....i asked about my weed usage and she said no problem as I had been upfront and honest about it........whew ........ Truth telling does have it's advantages....it really really does.......................

I called and talked to my mom and dad Saturday morning , with dad always the first call.......

this is where it gets kinda tough ............dad said hello Mayor ( his nickname for me , mayor of Paducah )......he sounded strong and vibrant , but the convo quickly turned into a dark area......I asked him how he was feeling and he broadsided me with this remark......"" I very tired and wish my time here would end .....I am ready to go as i feel so overwhelmed and I can't take care of myself ""...........I sat here in front of my computer stunned and felt like a horse had kicked the wind out of my sails.......he will be 94 this coming end of January 2023 and this is the first time he has come right out and professed his feeling's that way........I didn't know what to say , so we had a pregnant pause in the convo for about 30 seconds....thats a long time to hear nothing from the other end...............then he spoke up and said , Ok mayor , I got to go poop so have a great day and i love you...........At that point in time i started to well up with tears and was glad we ended the call....I told him I loved him and after hanging up i just leaned back in my chair and sighed....My father is NOT the giving up kind of man........I'm still having difficulty processing his intent , even this morning .........

After about a 10 minute break to compose myself i then called mom.........she has a cold , she told me , and wasn't feeling up to par.....she is 92 , but can take care of her daily life functions and rides a stationary bike an hour a day.......But ,I could tell she wasn't feeling good so went on with the call ....told her about my dr. visit and this and that , but I didn't share with her what dad said about his time being up and him ready to go.......it would of done no good to let her know and she would have started her worrying fit as she always does....better left unsaid to her ........

My bestest bud had a doctors appt Thursday with his orthopedic dr and said it went well....he shared with me that his 36 year old son who moved in with my bud was stealing $$ from him and has continued his drunken ways......i feel so sorry for my bud but I didn't offer any advice as i was still upset with my talk with dad.........

I finally got off the phone and NL # 3.......................


had loaded up the pipe and handed it to me as she lit it for me........I would be in some mental peril without her.......She is my soulmate and i can talk to her about anything and everything .....She has my back.....she told me point blank "" I got your back pru "".....I told her she can have my back , my front and all points in between......I let out a laugh , one of those cleansing laughs where you settle back on solid ground and can resume your path of life with my old glass half full attitude ............Time for me to indulge myself in some Durban Zkittlez 420 and listen to some tunes.......NL # 3 just came downstairs with our weekend guest aspiring to be an NL someday .....She is off to a great start with her performance this weekend in the art of oral discussions and deep tissue penetration sessions.....We have another audition with an aspiring candidate next weekend before we make our decision......

tell us what you think of this weekends candidate............................


Impressive huh ???.......She really really is ......................................


Life has such a great sense of humor and conversely a wickedly morbid side.........I choose to look at life with a sense of humor and react accordingly and deal with tasks at hand or chill when things are going groovy...............


WS games, Blues games, Illini BB games, Illini FB games ......it is a wonderful life ...........It really really is ................

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Paducah, Ky
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Hello all.......................It's 2:57 am here in Paducah......It's 60 * now , with a high of 81* and a low tonight of 61 *........Kinda balmy for November 4th......

I am getting back into the pattern of up @ 2 am and taking a nap @ 1-2 pm......Habits are hard to break for anyone , but the older you get the more habits you acquire and they becum ingrained into an orderly way of living our life's on our own accord............NL # 3 ................................


tells me that she gets turned on by my spontaneity and care free attitude towards life .....She showed me earlier tonight how much it turns her on and I am so thankful that I am what I am ......I really really am..............................

We always try to incorporate different thoughts and techniques into our oral discussion presentations and our deep tissue penetrating sessions to maximize the pleasures and feelings along with massive 420 sessions before , during and in the after glow of climatic excursions.....As often as we can, which I am finding that the quality of our tryst's outweigh the statistical quantity numbers......This thought might be skewered by my need to pace myself and think of this in a mature way , not my puberty whirlwind approach to trying to set a landspeed record for climaxes in any 24 hour period.....I will always be honest in my approach to life and share my past to prove the point of finally gaining an understanding of a gentle hug or tender soft kiss carries as much pleasure as a rush to the promised land.........Oh well , it's my life and I love it and what life has brought me as to my NL's and a greater sense of love as it has been given to me freely and I have no reservations about returning love in kind........

There are no new instances to be shared by me this morning.....I just felt like posting some nonsense and get that feeling of how much my luck in life has changed by one dumpster conversation with NL # 1.................................


and the rest is history ..........We have another audition scheduled with an aspiring candidate for inclusion into the NL society and we will put our best skills forward to see if she meets the standard we have for all NL's to share in our utopia of exploration of the levels of becuming free of the boundaries of normal thought by a rigid population of narrow minded bigots intent on ruling all of our movements in life .......NO...............NO............NO . I say .......You will
NOT reign me and my NL's in ............We will decide our own boundaries and thank you very much and back off.........................


Striving to be the best person I can be everyday and provide my NL's with as many pleasures as they desire......Somebodies got to do it !!!!!!!!


Time to take my meds and slap on some Salonpas patches and fire up the pipe , so TA TA.......


If you please your lady first , they will double their efforts to please you .....They really really will......
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and not Nebraska
View attachment 21121

Hello all.......................It's 2:57 am here in Paducah......It's 60 * now , with a high of 81* and a low tonight of 61 *........Kinda balmy for November 4th......

I am getting back into the pattern of up @ 2 am and taking a nap @ 1-2 pm......Habits are hard to break for anyone , but the older you get the more habits you acquire and they becum ingrained into an orderly way of living our life's on our own accord............NL # 3 ................................

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tells me that she gets turned on by my spontaneity and care free attitude towards life .....She showed me earlier tonight how much it turns her on and I am so thankful that I am what I am ......I really really am..............................

We always try to incorporate different thoughts and techniques into our oral discussion presentations and our deep tissue penetrating sessions to maximize the pleasures and feelings along with massive 420 sessions before , during and in the after glow of climatic excursions.....As often as we can, which I am finding that the quality of our tryst's outweigh the statistical quantity numbers......This thought might be skewered by my need to pace myself and think of this in a mature way , not my puberty whirlwind approach to trying to set a landspeed record for climaxes in any 24 hour period.....I will always be honest in my approach to life and share my past to prove the point of finally gaining an understanding of a gentle hug or tender soft kiss carries as much pleasure as a rush to the promised land.........Oh well , it's my life and I love it and what life has brought me as to my NL's and a greater sense of love as it has been given to me freely and I have no reservations about returning love in kind........

There are no new instances to be shared by me this morning.....I just felt like posting some nonsense and get that feeling of how much my luck in life has changed by one dumpster conversation with NL # 1.................................

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and the rest is history ..........We have another audition scheduled with an aspiring candidate for inclusion into the NL society and we will put our best skills forward to see if she meets the standard we have for all NL's to share in our utopia of exploration of the levels of becuming free of the boundaries of normal thought by a rigid population of narrow minded bigots intent on ruling all of our movements in life .......NO...............NO............NO . I say .......You will
NOT reign me and my NL's in ............We will decide our own boundaries and thank you very much and back off.........................

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Striving to be the best person I can be everyday and provide my NL's with as many pleasures as they desire......Somebodies got to do it !!!!!!!!

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Time to take my meds and slap on some Salonpas patches and fire up the pipe , so TA TA.......

View attachment 21126

If you please your lady first , they will double their efforts to please you .....They really really will......
The worst part about growing old is that now i am the same age as old people.
Previously used Salonpas patches. Now am using a $35 Omron pocket pain pro.
TENS Transcataneous Electrical Nerve Stimulator
It really really works


Paducah, Ky
The worst part about growing old is that now i am the same age as old people.
Previously used Salonpas patches. Now am using a $35 Omron pocket pain pro.
TENS Transcataneous Electrical Nerve Stimulator
It really really works
I had a TENS unit years ago after my lumbar laminectomy (2 ruptured disc's) and it helped somewhat but was hijacked by my ex and used to tighten her facial muscles......I got a kick outta getting a buzz and watching her face twitch when she used it.......


Paducah, Ky
Apparently there are some Medicare supplemental plans out there that can "put money back in your social security check every month".

JJ Walker says it's Dyn-o-Mite.
I got on average 5-6 telemarketing calls every day so I had to upgrade my call filter plan with Verizon and now am finally getting relief......


and not Nebraska
I had 17 the other day. Plus emails and snail mail. All said my zipcode didn't qualify.


and not Nebraska
I had a TENS unit years ago after my lumbar laminectomy (2 ruptured disc's) and it helped somewhat but was hijacked by my ex and used to tighten her facial muscles......I got a kick outta getting a buzz and watching her face twitch when she used it.......
That would have made a great GIF to react to some of the comments made here on loyalty.


Paducah, Ky
I had 17 the other day. Plus emails and snail mail. All said my zipcode didn't qualify.
I'm not pumping up Verizon , but the call filter plus feature has greatly diminished my call volume tremendously.......

I can block and report spam identified calls and block voicemails from being left on my voicemail in box........There also is the option to report what category
the calls are from , such as scam , telemarketers , political scams , IRS scams , postal scams, etc etc

I remember 10-15 years ago my parents complaining about their calls all the time and now I know what they went through....

I changed my voicemail greeting to state I was reporting various calls to the "" Do not call "" registry to no avail............Found out that the " bots "
programs are doing a majority of the telemarketing calls now.....


Montgomery County, Maryland
I got on average 5-6 telemarketing calls every day so I had to upgrade my call filter plan with Verizon and now am finally getting relief......
The Lovely Missus and I have gotten into watching Match Game on Buzzr. I think their clientele must be aging Gutter Cleaning enthusiasts who are hyped for checking their Zip code all year round, but especially now during Open Enrollment.


Paducah, Ky
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Morning all.................It's 6 am here in Paducah with a temp of 39 * and we just had 5 straight hours of rain that is ending @ 7 am......I can tell by how my joints hurt all over and a joint will solve this dilemma temporarily with my meds I just took...........Mornings of hot tea and a bowl of oats has helped me lose 14 lbs in the last 6 weeks and I have a lot more energy and NL# 3........................


is oh so happy .......more energy means more intense oral discussion presentations and a more robust round of deep tissue penetration session's........

What a great Illini men's BB team we have .....Another blowout on the cupcake tour with the real season starting Friday night against ucla...........I say bring it on .....we fear no one and are ready to make a serious statement about our desire to win that first Natty this year..........I don't see a clear cut favorite this year and with our presently 9 man rotation , which will grow to 10 when Luke gets cleared for battle..........As a 71 year old hippie , I want to load up a bowl and take that first sweet toke as my Illini claim that Natty....................It sure is fantastic watching the Illini parade one player after another with excellent BB skills that shows very little drop off in talent level and maybe the second 5 is as good as the starting 5..........OK , nuff bout my Illini......

I have been mesmerized by the mid term elections and the results have been an endorsement for disregarding polls as they have been so wrong .....Especially predicting a red tsunami for the election deniers party with no solid evidence other than their misguided ego flatulence.......Stinks just as bad as their FORMER grifter prez does.......I find it so funny that some are exploring if he can run the country from his jail cell..........That's so friggin funny and also it's not funny .....

What ever happen to disagreeing with manners and politeness towards your foe's .....Oh yeah , it's politically correct now to be a lying , grossly infantile and just deny deny deny anything you don't agree with........I am so glad the soul of this nation spoke against tyranny and upheld democracy for our present and future......The plan by the insurrectionists to gain power through elections of secretary's of state in certain states fell short of completion.......

I have been a life long democrat and proud of it .....Democrats are a party of inclusion , not exclusion as the opponents are.......

Keeping control of the Senate was profound , and the narrow loss of the House is not any kind of mandate for future governing ...........Speaker of the House is yet to be determined as Mccarthy is not worthy of that title ................enough of the political carousel and time for a 420.....yes , it is ................

dad is feeling better and has stopped talking about being ready to leave this world ......I still haven't told mom what dad said as she would go ballistic and worry herself to a point of delusion and confusion......She just got over her 2nd round of having Covid and a 10 day isolation , but she sounds upbeat and started riding the stationary bike again for an hour a day........

I haven't talked to my bestest bud in a while and am letting him make the next call as I have been the one doing the calling .....it's his turn now.......

Well , guess I will go back upstairs and see if NL # 3 is in the mood .....lucky me ......I know it and am so glad I am this lucky .....I really really am....................


can we just all get along ??....................Please ????????????????


I forgot to mention my St. Louis Blues and their 3 game winning streak......they just had an 8 game losing streak and their 3 game winning streak has cum against San Jose , Las Vegas and Colorado with the last 2 games on the road......So , LET'S GO BLUES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


We love to watch sports in each others arms rubbing and tweaking each other's body parts as our Blues , Illini and democrats post substantive wins ............We really really do......


Paducah, Ky
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Good morning all........It's 3:42 am Saturday and my meteorlogical arthritis clock tells me we will have rain soon and lo and behold , there is a forecast of rain today , tomorrow and possibly Monday for good ole Paducah..........................I just finished up my bowl of oats and took my meds and finished up a nice bowl of Heady Betty 420 , so I'm good to go and go is what I am going to do with a post full of wit (to some ) and opinions aboot all things that travel my synaptic roads of boredom and frivility leading me to smile at the existence we call life here on Earth....................

Where to start ???.........Well , let's get my stuff out of the way.........I am hurting moreso today than usual caused by the impending rain and also by the exercise I have been doing because of my feeling better and NL # 3's increased sex drive.......................


It's true guys and gals........I am more horney than usual and if you had a man like pru you would understand.....His oral discussion presentations and deep tissue penetration sessions put me on top of the world and I have been wanting it all the time lately.........I can't imagine a life without pru and I want him to want me as much as I want him...........Ladies , go for it ........it won't break and it feels so good to enjoy that post coital glow throughout your body , doesn't it ???............Well , it does for me so try it , you might LOVE it ..........ok , here's pru again.......

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Ain't she just the sweetest woman ????............I'm so lucky to have her with me ......So now you know why I ache in all the RIGHT places , so on to more
tittilating points of interest.........

how aboot them Fighting Illini men's AND women's BB teams..........Truly a spectacle of great players with great teamwork and great coaching staffs....

The men destroyed lindenwood 92-59 and are now 5-1 , and the ladies won 70 - 43 to improve to 6-0 ...........

the Illini FB team travels north to destroy the nu mildcats and hopefully with some help win the B$G West Title.........WHAT A GREAT TIME FOR ILLINI SPORTS.............

My bestest bud told me he took my advice and put all things medical on hold till next April.....I asked him why April and then remembered that's when his Birthday month is ...........He said he has been going to see a stretching therapist and while it hurts badly when she is stretching him he said he feels so much better the next day than before he sees her...........she accepts cash only and he said at $ 30.00 per visit for almost an hour of therapy , it's $$$ well spent........I am going to look online for anything like that here in Paducah...........Sounds interesting and probably worth the risk.........
he said his son is back to stealing pain meds from him and he is aboot ready to kick him out as the son's drinking is getting worse also........my bud's wife called me again a couple weeks ago and is begging me to have sex with her .............Doubt I will ever do that while my bud is alive , but his wife has a brickhouse bod.....36DD with a slim waist and a bootylicious a$$.........she said again she hasn't had sex in over 13 years and her vibro ain't cuttin it ..........
What would you do if you were put in this predicament ?????......honestly , what would and should I do ??.......................

Our new NL # 2 is cumming in town to spend the weekend with us ..........................


AND, a new possible NL # 4 ...................................................


is cumming mid-week to try to win that # 4 distinction.................it's a wonderful world .....it really really is .....................................

Mom & dad are doing great and I will talk to both of them later this morning.......I always call dad first and then call mom to tell her how dad sounded to me...............Dad told me he doesn't want the Cardinals to sign a cubbie catcher to a free agent contract....He hates the cubs more than I do , if that's possible........mom is still riding her stationary bike and now playing a lot of bingo.....she is so competitive that i bet she holler's at the top of her lung's BINGO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!................lol.................

Welp , it's 4:26 on the olde clock and I need another cup of my hot tea , so ta-ta and be ready for a mildcat beat down this afternoon by the Illini.........


I was going to post some political stuff , but decided to wait till the next Old Age Anon post I do........


are you enjoying your life ????....if yes , then I am so happy for you.........If no , then what are you willing to do to start enjoying life again ????

My NL's have taken me back to my adventurous days of living and loving every day and driving around in my 1969 Indy Pace car Camaro SS ragtop and chasing all the skirts in Southern Illinois....................The stories I could tell.....my oh my...........................


well girls , he's my man now and I please him 4-5 times a day , every day and he just loves it .....

yes she does and yes I do..........OOPS , that I do phrase hits way to close to home .............Carry on my wayward Bro's and sis's.....peace out....